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1 Why Not Drink I MARTIN'S =Nervine=i The New Food Substitute I Cof f ee ? í It is f ar Bnperior to coflee or tea for health, V strengtb. and economy. Eqnals Mucha and s 2 Java for coior and flavor. -AND) Prevente and curee headachi", nervouanees, SÍ jj sleepleesness, dyspepeia, heart dieease, g JÍ conetipation etc., canBed by coffee and tea. í S Savea expense. ltt pttckage 20c; eqaale 2 s two pounds other cofiee. Jjs Royal ■m.j. i Breakfast I j The mnacle building, r""""l brain strengthening, ffi 5 A VVU f11"' nerve invigoratW iy injc properties ex - w í tracted from cholee wheat. 3ft package, ) 15 cents. Sold by grocers. Prepared by w DR. MARTIN HKALTH FOOD CO., O Klkhart, Indiana. (; X(SXsXí)X5 GASOÚÑÉfRACTION ÏNGÉ OPERATED FOR ONE-HALF THE EXPENSE 0F STEAM TR ACT ION. Needs no water hauler, no coal, wood oí straw. No steam, smoke, sparks or ashes. No ppssibility of flre or explosión. Needs no Engineer or Firemnn. Started in 5 minutes. Jnst the thing for the Farm Write for catalogue. Wealso luilclíil sizes of Stationary & Portable Gasolini' EitKines, THE VAN DUZEN GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINE CO., C1INJCHNJMATI. O. Hiirlïa-c Kalt'. Default having been madoin the conditions of a certaln mortgage made by Elizabeth Brokaw to the Aira Arbor Savings Bank dated tho ]2th day of April 189,'i, and recorded in the office of the Register of Dueds for Washtenaw County, Michigan, in Liber 79 of Mortpage 624 on the 1-th day of April 1893, on which mortgag-e there is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the sum of tvvo thonsand, three liundred an d sixty-one dollai's, and twenty cents (2,361.20). (The 3;dd Ann Arbor Savings Bank to oensidcr the vvhole amountof the debtsecured by aaid mortgaffe us now duo as proiiir in said mortgage on account of the non-payment of the interest and BStallments of priucipal) and no proeeedings in law or equity having been instituted to recover the monoy secured by said mortgage or anypart then Now therefore by virtue of the power of sale oontaloed in said tnortgage and the statue in such oase made and provided notice is elven that on Saturdaytiie Uth day January t II Or oí ourt House in the City of Ann Ai-!ichigaii, (that being the place tor holding the Circuit ('ourt for said tv of Washtenaw) there will be sold the ■ premises described in said mortgaj e r so much thereof as raay be necessaiy to pay the amount due on said mortgage with interest from the date of this notice together with the of this foreclosure including an aty fee of thirty dollars provided for in said mortgage. 'J he premisos described In said tnort(?age to be sold lid are the followini: to-wl1 : The west half of the eouth-west quarter of section tweoty-four in the Cownshipof Northfield, washtenawCo. Michigan. Dat(d. Ontober 3rd, ! The Ann Arbor Savincs Bank, Mortgagee. Thompson & Eabbiman, Attorneys for Mortgagcc. 97 :iinn''ry Sale. Inpursuance and by virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, In Chancery, State of Michigan, made and entered on the Sth lay of June 1895, in a certain cause therein pending wherein Capitol Investment Building and Loan Association is eomplainant and McClenahau, racob C. McClenahan and Henry P. Glover are dcfendants notice is hei ■ U-.n that I shall sell at public auction to the highost bidder at the eastentrance to the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw is held) on Wedneakay the fourth day of December 1895, at ten o'clock in the 'forenoon of said day, the following described proporty situated in the City of Ypsilanti, in the County of Washtonaw, and State of Michigan, to-wit: Commenoing at a poi n t seventy-fi ve f eet north of the intersoction of Summit street and Chicago Avenue, thence east eight rods, thence north two hundred feet, thence west eight rods to eaat lineof Summit street, thence south on east line of said street two hundred feet to place of beginning. Dated, October 5th, 1895. O. E. BUTTERFIELD, Circuit Court Commissioner, tenaw County, Mich. CaHILL & OSTRANDER. Solicitors for Complai: ant. 92 mortgage Male Whereas, default has been made in the payment of the mor:ey secured by a mortgage dated lth day of May in the year 1885 cxecuted by Warren Babcock, Mary A. Babcock, Frank Babcock and Effle Babcock, his vvife, of Milan, Washtenaw County, Michigan, to Margaret Kearnoy, of the City of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County and State of Michigan which said mortgage was remorded in the office of the Register of Decds of the County of Washtenaw in Líber 64 of mortyages on page 479 on the L3th day of May A. D. 1895 at 11 :05 o'cioek a. m, of said day. And whereas, the amount claimed to be due on said mortgage is the gum of two thousand one hundred and six and twenty-seven hundredths dollars (12,106.27) of principal and interest and the further sum of twenty-five dollars as tin attorney fee stipalated for in said mortgage, and which is the whole amount claimed to o, due and unpaid on said mortgage and no snit op proceediog haviug been instituted at law or in equi ty to recover the debtnow remaining secured by said mort yay e or any pai tthere of,whereby the power of sale contained In said mortgage has beeome operatiye. Now f ore, notiee is bereby given.that by virtue of the said power of, sale, and in pursuance of the staxute in such case made and proVided, the ortgage wi; e ir foreolosi d by a sale of .said prejnises thereia dese.ribed at public auction, to the highest bidder, at tiie west front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw, (that being the place of holding the Circuit C'ourt for said County) on the 23 day of November A.D. 1895 at lOo'clock in the forenoon of that day; which said premises are described in said mortirage as follows, towit: All that certain piece or parcol of land sitúate and being in the township of York, in County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan. Commencingat the syuth-west corner of lot one (1) of Edwards plat in tho Viüage of Milan and running south sixty-one and one-half degrees east along the south line of said lot and on the north line of Front street sixty-six feet, thenee north twenty-nine and one-half degreee east parallel with west line of said lot onehundred feet,thence south stxty and one half degrees east parallel with south line until it comes within forty-four feet of the east line, thence north-easterly to the north-east corner; thenee north-westerly along the north line to the north-west corner: thence south . -nine and one-half degrees west along the west line of said lot and on the east line of Tolan street to the place of ning. da 8th day of the August A. K 1895. .Makgaret Kearney, 91 Mortgag Tlie luconsmrable Cliieuifo & Alton In tl nf America at :::il it is highly probable that throughouttheentire world, the oflicial ; [or the safety and welfare of its e and maintained by the Alton Railroad cannot be sürpassed if indeed it can be equalled. (ver ita completely rock-ballasted, tadway between Chicago ana dcago and St. Louis and 3t. Louis 'ind Kansas City, eighteen magnüicently appointed express trains ■n on uniformiy fast time every day. Uut in Bpite of t his heavy pasaeni he official records show that iVdin Di mber4, 1879 to December 4, years, there wasno passenger, who was in place as a passenger, killed on Chicago & Alton trains. Moreover there was not u passenger seriously injurcd, tothe extent of losing a limb, an eye or a member of any kind duricg that time. During the entire period of the World's ' 'olumbian Kxposition in Chicago, wlKn it was not an uncommon thing tofind the usual (Sassenger ti afilie of the road increased two, three and four-fold. and special excursión traina were very many, there was not an accident of any kind - a most remarkable record. Besidt's being Amerioa's most popular railroad, the Chicago v Alton is the Pioneer Uining.t ar Line, thé Pioneer Pulían Sleeping Car Line and tho PioiliningC'hair Car Line. Be sure that your ticket reads over the Chicago & Alton ltailroad, when ita matchleea and direct lines can form the whole, or even a part of your journey James Chaklton, (ienerai Passenger and Ticket Agent. 02 Chicago, 111. Prob ie Order. State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw. SS. At a Bession of the Probate Court for Washtenaw, holden at Probate Ofttce in the City of Ann . on Tuesday, the 29th day of ( Violier, in the year one-thousand eighthundrt'il and niJaety-five. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, .ludge of i 'róbate. Int i, jtate of Myro On reading and Sling the petltion, duly veiilieii. of Walter I!. ('adv. praying that administration of said estáte inav be granted to C. Homer Cady or ■ other Buitabie person. Thereupon it isordered, that Monday, ith day o( November next, at ten o'clot'k in the forenoon. be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs-at-law, .of said deceaeed, and all other persone interested in tate, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Albur, and show cause, i f any there be, In the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and uring thereof, by causing a copy of this Order to be published in The Ann Akbok Register, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. Willard Babbitt, [ A true copy] .ludge of Probate. Wm. (t. DOTY, Probate Kegister. 91 UANTED SALESMËnI:; f ïo6OOD1ÜEN1ii cach County totak uiders fora Cholee Une oí MitMCKV STOCK or 1CIÍ1 !'OTATfll. Stock and Seed (fuaranted. We can elva yim Steaay Ëmployment with Good Vay. It ill cora you notliiiiK to fjive it u trial. Stat when writlng which you prefer to Bell. Addross The Hawks Nursery Co. Rochester, N. Y. nniU A R veakness easily cnred by brlllAallr Miles' Nerve Plaste. All drugglsts euarantee Dr. Miles' Fint lnisostODH03arie. 'Odb OMït a. dose " t


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