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Geo. Scctt, Architect and Superintendent OFFïCE 38 Fountain St. MAIL OUDER: PROIPrLY ATfESDED Tfl Tor THIRTY-FIVE YEARS have maintained their superiority ior Quality of Metal, Workmanship, Uniformity, Durability Sample cara, 12 PENS, different numbers, ior all styles of writing, sent on receipt of 4. CENT6 in postage stamps. SPENCERIAN PEN CO., , 450 Broome St., New York. gl r";rsr R E V I V CT ■ fíh RESTOHES VITALITY. % Made a ist:; Veil Man löUi uy. of Me# THE OHEAT 3oth foay. produces the abui i . .; -. ■füiiy and fitii" I Rjeti wl!1 recover their by ueing KKTI VO. 1 ■ ! raii Bioas, lxíKt lyywer, ! all 1 iV ' whiefa ua&ta ,. ge.' it Tiot orAy cue . n at nerVe loi . e back bbi : . .'. )■ n ■';(.■ :■. -.'-, . . storing tbe üre f yit3 . ; vivOi uo uther. Et can bc 1 ■ . 81.00 live wriitea ? ■ c" refund tbe mon . C ROYAL HEOIC1HL CO., 03 Eítsr SL. CHICAGO, El1 For mi Ir at Anu Arbor, 7livl:M toy If You Are öoing Any where South This Winter You should write and get correct Information in regard to the facüiües offered bythe Louisville & Nashville R. R. TMIS CN BC OBTAINCO OP IlCISOI SïlTH, dít. Pass. Aet., Cinciiuiaii.Q. C. P. ATMORE, Gen'l Pass. Aet., Lonisnile, Ky. HOMES IN THE SOUTH Can be secured on most liberal terms and at low rates. Write for County Map of the South to either of the above named gentlemen, or to P. SID JONES, Pass. Agent, In charge of Immigration, BIRMINCHAM, ALA. L I ifPHEElER iliUï SEWING MACHINES POPULAR? BECAUSE LADIES BUY thesvi LIKE them AND TELL ffiga ladjes have used our machines twenty to thirty years in theirfamtly work are still using the original machines we furnished them a generation nes have run more 'ty years without repairs, othe.r .han needies. With proper care they ir out, and seldoni need i We have built sewing machines for more tnan förty years and tantly improved them. We bui! on honór, and they are recognized re as the most accurately fitfc d ünelv finished sewing machines in the world. Our latest, tiie "No, o " is the uit of our lonS , Peütipn wiih the leading machines vvorld, n received the Grand Prize at the l'ans Exposition of [889 ottier machines receivin mentary medals of gold, sil ver . lhe Grand l'nze was what all sought lor and our machine was awarded it. Send for our illustrated catalogue We want dealers in all unoccupiecl temtory WHEELER ft WILSON MFG. ÖÓ. t85 4 187 WAtlASH AVE.. CHitAGO. GEORGE R. KELLY SELLS WOOD. B USÓTE SS CAïiD S. p E. WILLIAMS. . Attorney at Law, IHUaa, T d for out.--: is. All Sfiven prompt afctention. DÈNTIST! 11 fonua at modern detuïstry. Oron ai d Bridge wort a specialty. SttüsfacüOD (U. OF M. GRADÚATE.) 26 South Main St.. - - - Ann Arbor WM. W. NIC 'HOL S, Dental Parlo is ! OVEB S AVINO S BANK OPPOSITU COLUÏT HOUSE 8QTJABE. ARTHUR J KITSOK, Contractor and Bu Ider ! Est-mates furnisheii ou all kinds of Arohitec ture. Kesideuce and Shop, al Gudaes-ave. Choice Meats -AT- dor. 1Vliliiion-s(., and Firth-avc. Our aim is to pleRe our customers by aTwavs baud'iug the ery Choicest Mfatf tbatthe maiket afioriis. J. J. FERQUSON, Jobber and Builder. Elimines Given on Sluit Ni Bepairing, Bébviildiug and Jobbing a Speckaty. ALL ORDERR PS i ATTENDED TO SBOPr AND KESIDENCE, 16 W. Summït St., Ann Arijer, Wel. Oii and Gasolina Brought to Your Door Without bothe; f Dg toerder evtry time jou are out. Drop a Postal Card, Or UI upon me at S. W. Corecr of E. Waph'uje ton and S Flfth-are. and Utw yenr order audl wili teep you suppüed at Iow eet rales. 31. GOODALK. JOHN BAUA1GARDNER, Dealer In American and1 Iroported QRANITES ! ani all kinfis of BUILDING STONE! Cemetery Work X SPKO!.4LTÏ Corner of Detroit and Catherine ïtg. ANK AKBOR. itlOB. iTFfTshayingTarloí MI BATH MOO.1IS. Ladïes' Arfistic Hair Dressing find Eatii Rooms UP STA1RS. 30 S. State St., Next to Sheehan's. MR. A: MISS. J. H. TltOJ NO W 'SK 1 H In Mi Hard f D h" man w canfc cïV J no secure nioney A -a V euoUKli to buy one f of our SÜ2.25 ImAn portcd Clay Worst ed ('ataway Coat ƒ U and Vest. Made to " youroider. I Pants from 83 up 1 The PLYMOÜTH i ROCK CO., Suceessors to öie Plymouth Rock Ji 'III Pants Co., 'N!LilJ Aun A rbr,lli. li . NG , JOHN ItV I0IIS, Agent RiNSEYirSEABÖLT NO. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have always on band a complete: Stock of everything in the GROCERYXÏNE Teas, Coffees and Sugar All primo articles bonght for oash and can solí at low Qgurea Our frequent large invoioea of Teas is a sure sign we ivo bargains in Quality and Prlces. We roast own very week always f reeb and goud. Üur baker) turns out, the voi-y beritof Bread, CakoV 1 all anü see us. HASÏCÏNS' Feed and Boarding Stable. O W. ANX STREET. ■" let. ■ „uble ral ptaal care taken to keep boarders in good COME AND SEE VS


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