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Nw York - Cattlc Sneep Lamba lies Best grades.... ti J 4 83 Í3 35 4 6. $4 30 Lowcr gradi-s .:; ij ■ 4 10 00 a 5Ü 4 00 Cbieaso- Best grades .... 4 2614 9) 3 50 4 53 3 75 Lower grade 2 :.'i 4 iM) 1 50 3 00 3 40 Baftalo- Best grades.... 4 2T : 4 50 ;! 25 4 31 3 85 Lower grades.. 2j 4 0 J 1 ü0 3 00 350 DetroltBest grades....:', 51 4 00 3 35 3 M 3 70 Lower grade. 2 00 J.3 j 133 2 50 345 Clucinimti - Uest gradcs....3 7"ii4 00 3 2") 3 8") 3 7J Lower grades. .8 00 3 6J 2 00 2 50 3 43 Clevel iild - Best grades. ...3 7534 00 ?, 00 3 8" 3 75 Lower grades 2 00 i3 50 2 00 3 00 3 30 Plttsburg- Best grades.... 4 2514 50 3 50 4 03 3 80 Lower grades .2 25 3 75 1 I] 3 00 3 00 UB A IN, ETC. Wbeat, Corn, Oats No. i red No. 2 mix No. 2 white New .n-b (!fl-í.r 3B 'S3' SWtKM 'IJetroil ,H ..((i, i, „ 2-'1.2.S4 ! Toledo IH üteiij 211 SO'Ï 2)' 29 Ciiit'iiiiiitti -, r :); il:;; gg , u Cleveland 6J oti29 asü'í I3M323K F(t]ur({ ni (i ai'í as):i 32 .i-ji; Detroit- Hay. No. 1 timothy, il4 0 per ton. Potatoes, 18 c per bu. Live Poultrv. chickens. 7 7iio per lb; ducks. 7'4: turkcys. 8c. etnctly tresh, le perdoz. Butter, fresh lairy, Mtl8e per ib. cTeamery, 22:Wc. KB V LEW OF TBAUK. The condition ot general trade oontinuea irrpgular and without material oüange. 'l'here is a distlm-t falhnE off in demand for iron and with perhapa the heavlest reaotloo in ui Quotatlons in those Unes reponed in any reek slnoe the late boom in tbose metáis reaohed its climax. Central and western cities continue to feil liieinifavorableinflucnceof unieasonably mild weatber, which is true as well pi eines at the northwest. Then there is the long hst of decreases in quotalions lor mercnandlse, wheat. corn, oat.s, pork. lard and ftmong iood produots: cotton and print cloth3 as weU as varioosgrades of iron steel rapper, lead, and weaCer quotations for tiu The includes an unexpected luiprovcuifiit in wooien goods, inereased orders for roaaufacturers, and higher prices for sevsral qualitteu o: tioods. VVIicat perploxes the oidest fnhatntant ihcre is'.y ltt:e reoson to toexpeet a yield (han lasl year'8, but western receiuts bu, agatnsi !.ij.k;:i lost year do ot wheat Probably it is true Lnal the attempt to induce farmers to keen i.'ir wheat ín ,!uly hus ended as usual 5 ! rioes In November iw declined so far that for ine tirsl time In many months, Atlantic r.xporta ago. Corn is soarcelv the supplywlll largelv sxceeo a i home and [oreiga demands. lt .-XM.-cti.,! thtM-e will be 10,000 Mople ru;iity vvhe the word is g-iven 66 .iitcr hie Noz Perces reservation, many of whoin have been waitirjg for rears tor this opportnnity. Thereserration will furnlsh homes for over


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