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w. c. Té . For God, and Bonte and Natlve I.uiu!. Edited by Mrs. A. E. Van Valkenburg, i'ress Superintendent The local W. C. T. U. meot this after" noon, at three o clock in the Y. W. O A. rooms over the post-office. Thanks. giving occasions this special meetingheld one week earlier than usual. The meeting last Thursday was largely attended, and arrangemeuts wert made to take up several new Unes of work, and to enlarge the usefulriess of sotne alroady organized. A Lookout i'ommittee consiting of Mrs. Wetmore, Mrs. Worden, Mrs. Snauble and Mrs. Clark was appoiuted to secure names of those in the city having been merabers, of unions in othor places, witli a veiw o calling u'pon all such aud personally inviting them to take "up the v'ork here. Also to solicit new members. Truly the laborers are few compared with the sizë of the field. The Loja! Temperence Leaion will meet every Satuarday nfternoon hereafter. at two o'clock, in the rooms over Calkin's drug store fo merly bccupied by the Good Templara. A cordial invitation is iiveu to every boy and girl in the city to be present at these Loya! Temperance Legión meetings. Miss Anna Kichards with her rare ability, and experience in temperance work will make a Leader that the chüdren vvill delight to follow. EXTEACTS FBOM RESOL.UTIONS PASSed By The National W. V. T. U. Resolved, That we reatïirm our belief in the pledge as an expression of dufinite eominittal to the cause of total al [ stinence, and as an educator of public sentiment. Resolved, That we reafïirm our former utturancea i-egarding the sanctity of the Sabbath, and pledge oursel ves anew to keep H holy, as ihe Lord hath commanded, and to do all in our power to secure for all people rest and the opportunlty to worship God in His sanctuary upon the day whioh He has biest anu sauctified Resolved, That we rejoice in the ad vanee made by varioua religieus denoiw. inatio;is in their use of the unfermented u-ine at the sacramental tab'.e. Resolved, That we rejoice that by the acts of' state and national legislatures universal scientific temperance education is made a madatory study for all pupila In the public schools in forty-one states and in all the territories.including fully 16,000,000 children of school age in our land, and we urge upon all school boards, teachers ani eduoational author ities the faithful eüforcement of these iawt. Resolved, That we earnestly request educators of all schools throughout the country to dovote at least ten minutes of each week in the school year to the teaching of kindness to the lower anllnals; and also that they will refraiu from all deinoustrations on the bodies of animáis in giving lessons in physoloy, as we believe such demon - stration to have a demoralizing ten dency. Resolved, That we belíeve thenewapaper is a powerful agency for the preventton of crime and Impurity; thereÍOP, wo Kejoice in the position taken by the Editorial Association of several of our states, and of the National. Resolved, That in view of the fact that the use of narcotica is increasing with alarming rapidity in our country, we wish to voice our earnest warning against the use of chloral, bromides and other insiduous remedies, whieh often Liad directly to the formation of the opium habit. Resolved, That we hereby affirm our adhoronce to the single moral standard for both men and women, we rejoicè in the incroase of White Cross and White Shield societies, which workfor a hig-her, nobler mauhood and worninnhood. Resolved, That we greatly rejoioe in the continued usefulness of the young peop'.e'a societies of the church, and for the strong position taken by them in favor of tempjrance and good citizenship. Resolvcd,Tmi this oonvention authorize a ietter of appreciation to Bishop Vincent for his kind invitation for a White-ribbon Day at Chautauqua, which we most gratefully accept, an-3 inasmuch as all the leading Chautauqua, and many other sumtner assemblies have given us the warmest welcome, and accorded us large place in their programs, we bereby recognize their appreciative courtesy.


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