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Council Proceedings

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[OFFICIAL.] COUNCIL CHAMBER, Ann Arbor, November 18th, 1895. f Regular session. Caüecl to order by President Hiscock. 'Roll callod. Quorum present. Absent, Aid. Kocli, Prettyman, Cady. Upon motion the Council resolved itselí into a Board of Review to cousider the report of the Board of Public Works relative to thecoustruction of Sidewalks by the City. Aid. Butterfleld jnoved tftat Pres. Charles E. Hiscock act as Chairman of the Board. Adopted After the consideration of the report the following resolution was introduced by Aid. Tuylor. Wheeeas, this day having been ;issigned, for continuance, tor the hearing and determinaüon of the truth of the certittcate of the Board of Public Works relative to the grading, construction and repairing of sidewalks adjacent to private property at the expense of tlie Street Fund for the year ending on the third Monday of October, 1895. and due notice having been given, and all persons having been heard, and due consideration haring been had and it appearing to this Couucil sitting as a Board of Eeview that the said certifícate is in all things true. Therefore Resolved, and this Board of Review do hereby cortify the said certifícate with our dctp.rmination as aforesaid to the Common Council. Adopted as follows: yetó- Aid. Moore,Mavnavd, Allinen.nger. Snyder, Laubenfeayer, Brown, jri,nison, Taylor, S had ford, Coon, utlerfield, Pres. üiscock- 12. Nays- None Ou motion the Board of Review adourned and the Councll reconviened. COMMUNICATIONS. Ann Avbor, Mich,. Nov. 18tli, 1895. 'o the Commoti Council : The Board of Review for determinng the truth of the certifícate cif the Koard of Public Works of the City of Vim Arborof thè construction and reairs of sidewalks do hereby certify ,o the Comtriou t ouncil of said City, hat they have duly considered the crtiiicate of the construction and reair of sidowalks certified by the ?oard of Public Works and af ter such ue consideration of said certiflcate hey have appróVed and do hereby aprove and conflrm of said certifícate, nd of mattere and things therein ontained. The Board of Review, - Charles E. Hiscock, Chalrman. Glen V. Mills. Clerk. Accepted, and leave being granted tlie following resol ution was offered: By Aid. Taylor. liesolved, And it is hereby ordered that the several sums of money paid, laid out, and expended for the grading, construction and reDair of sidewalks n front of and adjacent to private H-operty, in the city of Ann Arbor for he yearending on the third Monday )f October 1895, as set down on and ontaiued in the certifícate of the ame to this Common Council by the Joard of Review, with ten per cent. ,hereof added thereto be and the same are hereby assessed and levied on and against the several lots and parts of ots, in front of or adjacent to which the said sidewalks were respectfully jraded, constructed and repaired, as appears in and by the said certifícate, and the said assessment is hereby duly certifled to the city assessor, and 1 he said city assessor is hereby directed to assess the said severa! subís of money, with ten per cent. thereof added thereto on and against the said several pareéis of land mentioned in the said certifícate, pursuant to the charter and owiinances, in such case made and provided. It is further ordered that the city clerk do certify this order and resolution to the city assessor. Adopted as foüows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Maynard, Allmen dingor, Snyder, Laubengayer, Brown Ferguson. Tayloi-, Shadford, Coon Pres. Hiscock- 12. Nays - None. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition sined by the Ann Arbor T-H. Electric Company asking for the privelge of laying pipes f rom their works to the dam on Washington street was read and referred to the Street Committee. The Clerk laid before the Council the copy of the order of theCommismissionerof Railroads to the M. C. RR. for an electric bell at the Fuller street crossing. Received and placed on file. To the Honorable Gommen Council of Ih City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen:- We have the report o the Special Committee on changüí the name of Toledo Ann Arbor & N M. By. and allow us to say it gives u pleasure to know it meets with you approraL We can assureyou the Directors an Managers of the Ann Arbor feel deep interest in the future prosperit of your city and will do all in their power to further the continuance of the past pleasant relations; believing it to be oue of tlie most promising cities on the line. Thanking you on behalf of the Directors for your kind expressions, we are Yours truly, W. R. Burt, ■ Pres. A. A. R. R. Co. Keceived and placed on flle. Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 15th , 1895. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Ann Arbor, Mich. Dear Sir: - Mr. Henn returned a dayor two ago and reports tbftt he left tlie roller in first class running order. We feel sjre the little things he found out of order, were not due to any trouble with the roller itself. and although we are giad in this instance to put the roller in order, of course wecannot assume the responsibility of keeping such matters in order. A steam road roller is an expensive and more or less oomplicated piece of machinery, and we think it pays any city to see tlmt it is carefully handled and properly iaid up for the winter. Yours very truly, The Pitts Agricultural Works. Received and placed on flle. Pres. Hiscock stated that A. J. Sawyer Manager of the Grand Opera House had extended an invitation to tlie meinbers of the Council to attend the production of Trilby. Aid. Maynard moved that the invitation be accepted with thanks. Adopted. On motion the Council adjourned until Wednesday at 7 o'clock p. m. Adopteü.


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