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This is decidedly wintry. Tho Board of Regcnts nieots' today. City Treasurer Manly is ubout ready for the December taxes. Thsre is to be a.Tapanese Bazar openei here goon'. Chimes will bo put in the towcrof the ne.v Iialhlchom churebu Aid. C. A Maynard is erecting a ncw barn in tho place of the one recontly damaged by lire. Frederiek Nellis and Miss Nelüe Flinn wero married last Thursday tiight. On ïuesday evening, Nov. 20, Col. H. S. Dean will lospect Weleh Post, G. A. H. Gaorge Stevens, of Fiint, Mich., has decided to remove to this city with his family. Rev. and Mrs. Henry Tatlock will give a reception in Harria Hall tomorrow evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Adams entertained about twenty of their friends last Friday night. Prof. P. W. Kelsey will lecturo tomorrow night at the Presbyterian church on Pompeii. Wadhams, Kyan & Keule have a telephone in thoir new store. Cali J34 when you want that store. Mr. Herman Pipp and Miss Kittie Irwin vvere married last ïhursday evening at St. Thomas chureh. Mrs. Jacob Hoffstetter has recoived I $2000, the amount of her late husband.s loauranoe. from the A. O. U. W. Cari Huoholz, of Northfleld, diod from Bright'B disease last Wed oesdtty] Deceased was nearly seventy years old. Sixth ward eitizens are not sati.s'.iiil witl the eondit.ion in which tlie sewer contractor is leaving the streets in that ward. Since the death of Mrs. ]5Uhs Mr. 1 Calvin LSliss has decided to resido witli his daughter. Mrs. AH-ah Hill, of Detroit. John R. Miner was employed to examine Ihe books of the city clerk of Vpsilauti and determine the amount of the shortage. An adjourned meeting of tho counoil was held last night. The official report of the proceedings will appear in ji )xt week's issuo. Goethe Commandery will give a social in its rooms this evening. It is reported that a new Michigan Central time card may go into effect next Sunday. Yesterday the boys sold enough tickets to secure a special train to Chicago to seo the foot ball game. Railroad Commissioner Billings has ordered that the Michigan Central shall put in an electrio alarm bcll at the Fuilor-st. Crossing-. All college womsn are invited to attcnd a meeting to discnss gymnasium .next Suturday at 2:30 p. m. in Tappan Hal] lecture room. Draymau Miller svvore out a complaint last Saturday against Mrs. Shermerhorn of N. Fourth-ave. for stoninghis house and abusing his wife. I. F. Schuhhas rented one ofthe neiv stores on E. Washington-st., No. 23,and willoccupy the sainj as soon as it can be completed which will be about Jan, 1The funeral services of the late James Clements, whose death we chronicled last week, were held at the residence on Friday. Itev. Henry Tatlock offieiated. The Register will be issued on Wedncsday of next week on account of Thanksgiviog. If you have anything for publication next week, bring it in early. The resignation as a member of the Board of Edueation handed in soma time ago by Mr. Leonard Gruntr was not accepted by the board at its last meeting. Mrs. Rboda M. Snow, wife of 3xaldjrman Wm. G. Snow has began proC30 lings to secure a divorce, complainligtbat hor husband is a habitual drunkard. Mr. Frank C. Smith, of Ypèüanti, and Miss Minnie Davis, of this city, assisted by Miss Lillie Volland, will give átalattheChupchofChriBttomoirow night. It is a eaee of Spring in the lap of winter. It happenéd at the home of E. C. Spring, of S. Fifth ave Tuesday mornfhg whea an heir cama to bless tlieir home. VV. F. Bird, of this city, will read a paper on "The Ne-lected and Dejected Kaspberry" at thfi meeting of the State Horticultural Society to be held at Adriao, Deo. 3-5. The reinainTof John McNally who died oí typhoid fever at Terra Haute Ind., last Friday, were brought herè Saturday. Funeral services were held in St. Thomas eiiurch Monday morning. From the amountof hard work which the ladies of St. Andrew's church are doingin preparation for their Festival of Days to be hold Dec. 6, 7, 9 and 10 the undertaking will be a complete success. Cornelia, the niño months old daiurh ter of Dr. and M,s. J. M. Morton, died last, Sunday noon. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. at th house. Burial was in Hm Cemetei'y. The board of directoof the Y M '■ A. will makethomember8 of that asMVuUHHMhankfulaweek from next by giving thom a 8ttppér at their room.. An interesting program has peen prepares!. 'ïvu-ov Soulo went North last weeK to huat deer. He reports that '■'■;■' are plenty bt that thev have Wken to !],.. swamps and that he was not anxious enough for them to "wade' into the marshes. There La trbl7oTsm7rt in the l'ornell Law School between the sen orsandthefacultyandanumberofthe" eniörchtóghwe written here inquir mgastotermsof admission and 1 nt. mgthatthewhole senior class mïï come to Ann Arbor to gradúate , spnng. Itis IDOre than ]ike Jrtl nothing wilUome of a„y Sllch ove eorse H. K -111117;,! Ypsilanti ia having a lively text-book war in the public schools. Some of the board and the principal want to change the geography used, but somo of the others don't. Just how it vvill tínally bj docided is a question. The Houston Klectric Light Co. of this city has assumed the flve-year contract for lighting Ann Arbor recently made with a Detroit firm. We are glad to see the Ann Arbor company continue to light the city. The Michigan Central railroad has bsen awarded the contract for earrying the fast mail from Bulfalo to Detroit. This will give us New York mail sev. eral hours earlier than Michigan peoplehave received it heretofore. The Teacher's Association of Washtenaw County will meet in Manchester next Saturday. A good program has been arraaf ed. County School Commissioner Wedemeyer urges upon all teachers in the county to attend. There is to be a hallelujah wedding at the Salvation Army Hall, Fourth avenue, Monday evening, Nov. 25th, conducted by Staff Capt. Gifford, of Detroit. Mr. S. E. Davies and Miss Jessie Lyle, both of Detroit, will be united in marriage. Admission, 25c. Yesterday's Free Press contained the report that Omar b Neff, a student in the law department of the U. of M.. had been arrested hereandtaken toGoshen, Ind., last Tuesday, on a charge of forgery. It is claimed that he secured $1000 upon forged paper. The council convened as usual Monday night, but before it got down to business, it received an invitation from Mr. Sawyerto attend the "Trilby1" entertainment, which invitation was promptly accepted after a few sinall inatters of business were attended to. The street car peoplo have dispensed with oonductors on all the curs. Now let them dispense with the fooi notion they have of requiring evei-y oar to run clear down to the barn on every trip, so that they can make a little better time, and the poople vvill be better satislïed. The Charitable Union desiros donations of poultry and meats, groceries, fruits.cannedgoods and money, in order that the poor of the city may bo provided with Thanksgiving dinners. Vegetables sufficient have already been donated. Contribntions should be sent on Tuesday, Nov. 26th to Mrs J. R. Miner. 42 Liberty street. The next lecture before the Unity Club will be given next Monday evening by Ex-Congressman Allen upon "The Greatest American." Captain Ailen's vvell known reputation as an or"_ tor should assure him a large audience. His subject the "Greatest American" is a capital one and lus discussion of it will be of interest to all. As The Register predicted some time ago would be the case, the Board of Education is now confronted with the questicn of room in thu schooi buildings due to the enforcoment of tin truant law. A new building will certainly have to beereoted in the seventh ward1, while several of those mw in the other wards will need to bo enlarged. The me(Jics claim that they won a ffreatvictoryover Santanelli's byponotic claims. They gave oue of liis subjects aheui-ty dinner and then allo wed him to be put to sleep and sat by his bedside for eiffht hours to see that he ate nothing else. A Btomach pump wathen applled, but the food was all digested notwithstanding the claims o. Santanelli to the contrary. Rt. Rev. Bisliop Gaylor, bishop coadjutor of Tennessee, has baen asked and has consented to deüver the lectures bafore the Hobart Guild this year. There will be four lectures in the course. The first one will be deliverjd Sunday evening, Dec. 8. Two more will be deliv red in Hcirris Hall during the week and the foifcth Sunday evening- Doe. 15. Tiie Board of Education have authorized the employment of an assistant janitor to look after the steam heating apparatus turing certain hours of the day when Mr. Mummery, the regular jan:t )r is engagel ia other work about.thc High Sohooi building. The explosión in the Journal building in Detroit has warned the board that it. is not safe to leave the boilers without an attendant. Tuesday morning The Register ah'. handed tickets to the Coocal Union series of concerts. The REGISTER fas already given considerable spaee to advertising this series and expecfci to give more. What has already been given is worth $25.00 if it is worth a cent. The tickets receivod were in eonsideration of this advertising, and yot they were stamped "Complimentary!" We wonder how some poople are constituted. Vernor Povvell, a farmer from York brought a beef to Ann Arbor last Saturday and sold the same for $33. He then proceeded to load upon Ann Arbor budge and slept off the effects in a room over Polhemus' saloon. Whon he waked up his cash was gone. He notified Marshall Peterson who arrested Pred Cullom and two women. ( 'ollum and one of the women were soon discharged and the other bound over to the circuit couet for keeping a disordorly house.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register