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Among Our Neighbors

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HELSEA HERALD. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Hogers, of Stockbi'idgo, ealled ou triends We day. Mrs. Gus Warren left fr Chicago last week, where shé is fllling an eng tgemeat at üqg of the museums. ' Married, X.v. 13, 1895, at the residente of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. V (rand Rapids, Mr. Ja mea s. Allyn to Mrs. Snak: ( athcart, bot!i of this plao . It. D , tlifi four-year-old son of .1 H. Runciman, came very nea" i hu' drowned last Kriday morning hy f Lnto a eisterü which eontained seveual feet of water. Manchester Knterprise. There has been a good deal of money spent tor itnproveinenta in this vilag this soaso'i. and our cit'.zens are not done y et. Work on the city hotel continúes anü Landlord Reichert hopes to soon have the placo iu condilion to accommodatie the traveling public in good shapo. John F. Spafar.l went to Chicago last week and bought 450 large Montana sheep and brought tbein here Saturday night on the special train. He will feed them for market. This is not the only town that is in troubie on account of the uns'atisfactory manner in which the electric lights are run. Chelsea has twice been in darkness on account of the breaking of the engine in the electrio light plant. Chelsea Standard. Miss Xellie Hall entertained a few friends at her home on South street on i'Viday ovening. Mrs. Henry died at her house on Main street, Tuesday mc.i-ning, alter for a timo vvith eonsumption. Her husband and one child survivc her. The fundyal was held Thurstlay at hei1 late home. Austin Yocu:n, well known to Standard readers, has entertHi the morcantile business at Manchester, havlng, with a frie.nd, opened a dry goods store. Í!". Yooum's many friends here will wish him buccess in his venture. People r-e anxiously waiting fov news fi-om Bob Ing-ersoll, as to whether he has Krcoepted ttie Christian religión op not. ÍX is said that a nunaber of i years ago ho made the declaration fchat if Kentueky ever wenat repubíican he vvould chanae his relifiious views. The time has now arrived for Bob to step out and ,prove hinwelf a man of his word. Saline Observer. ErneKt Rhodes in Ann Arbor Monday night to tfike his Royal Arch degree ia masonry. E. A. Hauser, for the town of Saline was lastSaturday-summoned by Clifford Shaw to appear in the Circuit Gourt, December 3d next, to answer to a $19,000 claim for damages, which he (Clifford) received last winter. Who-aaid that J. M. Gross was not in luck? In the corn prizes oSered by Lindenschmidt & Apfel at fair time, Mr.Gposs comes infor the suitof clothes marked first prize. There were in all 172 entries. J. Blaess, of Lodi, :takes the second and the third is clairaed by Wm.Bolgos, of Ann Arbor. The first prize is a $15 suit of clothes. S. T.. Fairbank this morning receiverd a letter from his brothei--in-law, -S. At. Miller, who is wit') the sawmill boys in the north woods, saying that he had killed a deer, and that he had expressed ! it to Mr. Fairbank with instruetions j how to eat it. Mow watch S. T. for a fewdays and see.if lie doos not gotsome of the shy pianks o? the deer family and give & header to some of his friends. Dextee Leadeíi. Henry Al. Wood and Miss Or.ra M. Plaoeway, both of -ünadilia, wei"e married Nov. 7th. John Springmacn, of Lodi, who was badly shot at the battle of Gettysburg, has had his pension restored tkrougü V. K. Child's agency. The pension was withdrawn last -December thi-ough a misunderstandiny of his record. Poor sidewalks come high. Pauline Oesterle, by her next friend, Tuesday, brought suit in the circuit court against the village of Chelsea for $10,0üü damages. Last winter the plaintiff was severeïy injured by a defectivo sidewalk. The villaje fathers reíused to uettle. Miss Olga Jedeie eeïebrated her 18th birthd&y anniversary in a very appropriate and enjoyable, manner last day evening, by eritertainlng at her home about ü f tv of hér friends of Dextot1 auii vicinity. including the Benior clasa of the Hih SjIiooI, oí which she is a ibember. G-ueats were also present trom Ann Arbor and Chelsea. Vocal and instrumental inusic, llsjht 1 9 and various oiher aaiusei furnlshcd a very pleasant cvening entertainment, highly appreciated by all. M ir--. J edele was the re ipient uf soveral beautiful ■ ata. Ypsilanti Senttixi:l. Mra. !M. T. returns today trom u sboit v'sit with her parents at If Smith's jokes in the last Monroe Democrat wcre as poor as the, print, t ie Senlinol is sni the paper was illc-gibla. James Titomasvkilled in the explosión at Detroit Wednesday last, was a brother-in-law of Charles Brown and Mra. C. M. Warber of this eity. The students of the Uleary Business Collegre are to have a gymnasium, the old Presbyterian ohuroh building1 on Pie 'son streef, haring been socured for their me. A sliéht blazeatthe residenee of Herbert Slauson, Thursday evening, was the eause of a fire alarm. It was extingwshed before the ñre department arrived at the scène. The fillingo in of atrench near the new training school building was the canse of a break in a six-inch water main yesterday. and before the pumps could be st.opped and the tower supply shut off, considerable damage was done. A section of the foundation wail was injured so it must be re+aid, and dirt was washed upon the motor track for a b.ock.


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