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Among Our Neighbors

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PEXTKR LEADEk. - i aley. of Milan, is at kOrae for the spring varal ion. Frank Sharpey Jr., of Vas Sunday at Miy Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Austin ififtyesterday for theip ne.v borne at Clarkston, Hiich. Miss Nellle Copeland, of the Ovld snhools, is spendiny vacation week at home. Mr. and Mm. El mor BpijT9tock are entertaiuing a littlo dautrhter bom Monday, March, 30th. Wm. Vetter, of Lansing. who will bo reiaembered asa Dexter boy, is visitiag; frieads liere for a Fow da;, s. Miss BVaoMacö and Miss Laura f. yon represent mur Jiocal Y. (,}'. S. C. 10. at the reat state meetinj; at Ionfa. Wednesday, Tliursday and friJay of tUU woclv. (leo YanNst and Mra. Julia A. Talladay, of Aubuin, New York, and Mr. aad Mrs. Orren Vanltiper, of Fo.vlerrille wei'e heru Monday to attend the fuaeral of Mrs. (.'. S. Grpgary. Maxchrsteu Kxtrrhrise. JacoVj Braun is in TocunjBeh clerking far theeastern bankrnpt puroiMMtaff association. Mrs. Chas. .Vog-cl, of Toledo, eamo here Saturday to visit relatives, returniag Tuesday. Wra. Siikworth and datigiiter Aureli, of IJrooklyn, visited relatives in town the Qrst of the week. Paul Schoettle, of Ottawa Lake,came liome to attend confirmation and returned Monday mornin. Mis Kdith Kapp cam? over from V,silanti last Thursday to visit her paronta. returnini Monday. Misses Mapjiio and Minnie Bauer, of !nawee .lunction, visited at J. J. Btúeël'a from Saturday until ïuesday. The Missos Farrell ;pent the first of thó week with thelr fcieöds, Misses Paímer and Thompson, at Holloway. YP3ILANTI SENTI.N'Kf.. Dr. F. K. Owen is thcproud possessor of a new Smalley bjcycle, a present f rom a patent over whora the physician has sputit many weary honrs. The marriage of Goorge Kuster and Miss Annie Cronic took place at tho M. K. parsonage Wodnesday. The newly marriod couple wiil resida in Anti Arbor. Mrs. Florence S. Babbitt made a ,rallant run for Dupartment President of the W. 11. C. at Saglnaw, defeated by a few votes. At an inspiration rally of the teach-, ers of Calhoun county to be held al Battle Créele, commoncing April 2. closinu: A pril 4, Dr. Boon and Mis Burton, of the Normal, will assist. Mrs. Florence S. Babbitt, Mrs. Malvina Coquillard, and a nutnber of other members of W. R. C, are in attondanofi upon the state eocampment at Saginaw tUis week. Capt. Kii-k ahould apply for a pen'lon. During the second nitfhtof "The Volunteer," ho waf? wounded, havinar a i front tooth broken off by an neeidental j blow from a musket barrel. MUe Lillie R. Bell, dauhter of W. K, Bell, of this city, died Wcdnesday evoning at the home of her bister in Ann Arbor, of consumption, aged 21! years. The remains were brought to Ypsilanti for burial. Chelska Stavdard. Mrs. G. A. Robertson. of Battle Cí-eek, has been visiting f.-iends at this place. Miss Pearle Davis has returned to her ! home here after spending some time in j Detroit. ML?a Anna Bacon, of Vpsilanti, was a guest of her parftnts at this place Sunday. Mrs. IÍ. M. Wilkinson anu Mrs. Mary A. Van Tyne aru spending ft few days in Saginaw. Mr. and Trs. Huirh MoOall and Mrs. K. Beachwerein Ann.Arbor Monday. ('luts. Tarbell was the niest of his dauííhtei-, Mrs. Win. Jiiman, tho lirst of the week. Mr, and lr.s. Wm. (irant and children, of .ra;kson, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs John Wallace. OHEr.cJKA. HeBALiD. Miss 'i'lia Poster loTt fór Jackson last j Monday to accept a position with her I aunt, Miss Libbie Poster. Rush ( reen ia oarrying lïis left arm in aslin, the result of g'ottini,11 it caught in the raachinery at the mili. Last Monday belog otto Steinbach's 21st birthday, about a dozen of his frionds tendered him a surprise in the evening. Mr. Uudson, an oíd pioneer of North Lake, died March 29 aged 82 3 ears. Tho funeral was held Wodnesday from the North Lake church. Mps. Ida Palmer, orps president, and Vir.s. Thomas Wilkinson, delégate from 1 iif V. H. C, are attending theencampment at Sagioaw this week. Saline Observer. Eugtene Fowler and family, of Clinton have boen spending a few days with relatives here. Melvern Sanford left last week for Dakota to prove up his claim taken several years ags. Covenant meeting at the Raptist olmroh Satarday aftcrnoon, 2 o'elock. A good attendance hoped for. Geo. Theurer Sr., and family are today moving into their new home, the Frank Cammet place. Mrs. Almira J. Pattorson, widow of the late Dr. Patterson, of Ypsilanti diod at her homo Sunday the 22. llev, T. Í. Leith and wife. and three of the smaller childron leave to-day for Toronto, Canada., to attend the wedding of Airs. L"s sister.


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