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To the Delicate aud Malarious. The most ioeredulous are convinced of the virtues of Aunt Rachael's Malaiial Peruvian Bark Bitters upon a trial of thera. Their base ia Speers Port Wine, with herbs and roots so favorab y snown to the Medical Profession anu ;he community at large as the best cure for Malaria. They are all that can be desired by the most feeble victhns of Malaria. Physician' prescribe ihem. Free Attendant Service, Grand Central Station, New York. The system of uniformed attendants, established by the New York Central, at Grand Central Station, New York City, last spring1, has grown as popular with the traveling public as the Empire State KxpresB. It supplies a long feit want, and is espeoially appreciated by strangers and ladies traveling alone. The corps of red-capped attendants has recently been greatly increased, and they are now found in every part of GraDd Central Station ; at the entrances to the Waiting Rooms, ready to assist you from your carriage, and show you to the train ; and at the platforms of all arriving trains, prepared to curry your luggage, summon a carriage, or direct you to the elevated or surface line of 'railway that radíate fromGrand Central Station to all parts of the city. This service is absolutely free. No tips are necessary. The attendants are active and intelligent; polite and well posted ; thev speak several languages, and are walking encyclopedias. (10) The Résister Offire is the plaee to set Bme Job Prinlins, 3O E. Huron St. Probate Order. At a session of the Probate Court for the cou:ity of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday the 17th day of March in he year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-six. Present, J Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte oí William Geer, deceased. On reading and tiling the petition, duly verified, of Berjamin D. Geer,praying that a certaln instrument now on tile in this Court, puporting to be the last will and testament of saiil deceased may be admitted to probate and that administration of said estáte may be grantod to him elf, the executor in said will named, or to some other suitoble person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Friday, the lOth day of April next, at 1 0 o'elock in the forenoon bc assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the devisses, legatêes and heirs-atlawof said dueeased, and all other persons iuterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any thore be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be graüted; And it is further ordered, that said give notice to the persons interested in said este, of the pendency of said petiüon,and the hearing thereof, by causintr a eopy of this order to be published in the ann A kbor Register a newspaper printed and circulato.d in said County, ' three sucoessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. WlLI.ARD BAKHITT. Judge of Probate. (A true oopy.) WM. G. Doty, Probato Resistor. 111) Los Ángeles, Cal. in 84 Houw via the Qüeen and Crescent and Southern Pacific (Su neet Limited.) Leaves rincinnati every Wednesday and Sun d 'y 8:30 a. in., arrive Los Angeles, Saturday and Wednesday 7:45 p. m., San Francisco. Sunduy and Thursday noon. Additional f ast Schodules daily. Oniy one cliange Cincinnati to the Pacific C'oaKt. I W.C. Rinearson, G. P. A.. Cincinnati, I o. (99tf )


Old News
Ann Arbor Register