Pointed Paragraphs
It disgusta us to see others doing the foolish things we do- L. A. W. Bulletin. The true secret of success in life is to know what you can't do well.- Medical Era. The man who rocks the boat ought to be stoned when he gets back on shore. -Boston Globe. A father is proud when his boy gets into his flrst fight, but the mother prays about it. - Atchison Globe. Happily, Grant's memory is immortal. It will live even after his tomb is flnished.- Philadelphia Ledger. Many a life has been epoiled by not knowing the difference between thrift and stinginess. - Milwaukee Journal. A majority of those who talk agamst bosses would not be able to make a i living without one.- Wabash Times, j Human nature is the excuse generally offered by a man who has been ! acting like a nog.- Indianapolis Journal. Whlle It Is pretty hard to say what constitutee a gentleman off hand, H is a pretty safe assertion to say tnat the man who says he Is a gentleman isn't. - Clncinnati Bnquirer. The worst oomplaints about baseball used to be regarding the blackguards in the audience. The worst complaints now are about the blackguards in the
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