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for infantS and Children. . ..; THIRTY year' obgervation of Cagtoria with the patronage of millions of perron, permit na to gpeah of it withont gpeJng. 7t Is nnTT-stionably the best remedy for Infanta and Children the world has ever knoxra. It ia hannle. Children lifre it. It giveg thent health. It vrill ftr-i '■' -: Hvea. In it Mothera have ■omething which ia atumately afe anil practioaUy perfect a a ohild's medicine. Castoria deatroys 'Worm. Cagtoria nJlays Feverlshnes. Castoria prevent vomitinjc Sonr Cnnl. ' Castoria care Piarrhosa and Wind Collo. Cagtoria relieve Toething Tronple. Cagtoria cure Constipation and Flatnlenoy. Caatoria nentraliae the effect of carhonio acid gau or poitonon air. Cagtoria doe not oontaln morphine, oplnm, or other narcotio property. Catoria ainvüate the food, regnlates the tomach and bowel, giving healthy and natural gleep. Cagtoria i pnt'np in one-siso bottleg only. It 1 not gold In bult. - , - - -, _ . . f Pon't allow aay one to aell yon anything ele on the plea or promjgo that it i " jnt a good " and " will angwer every pnrpoae." See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-R-I-A. Th. fac-rimü sj? " '"'"" ■ignatnre of LLzícU44 PPW Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register