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Tkb Register desires a g-ood correspondent :- at Dexter. Worden, Manchester, Scio, Ypsilanti. Any one wuo would liko to try newspaper work stiould culi at the ottice of The Ann Aubor Registek at anearly day for full particulars. A vote for. the Hepublican county ticket ntxt l'iHsday meunt a saving of thqpsundsof dollars to the tux-payers oftkü cotinty during the coming tico yeavs. Notlee. Our Agent having secured orders for pi.tures iar beyond our highest expectations, we are obüjred to abkiill towait patiently for their piotures to be finished. VVe shall, from week to week, hereafter publish the naines of all persons whose pictures are ready for delivory in this place in the paper. Watch this place, just at the head of 'Xatest County News" and when yo soe your name please oall at once for the picture. Tl lïo I :or. nire :th place toget U . J-li ' iuUug , 3O li lluruu Notlce. All ;those who receptly subscribec or Tiijs BEQISTEB and arrangcd U have a picture enlarged, but who havo not, as yol, brought in the picture, should brinL tho same, as soon as convenient to The Register office, 30 E. Huron-st. Be sure and make no raistake, but bring it to our office, 30 E. Huron-st., as soon as convenient. Those who have pictures bein onlarged will pipase 'cali for them at the same place, 30 E. Huron-st., instead of 8 E. Huron-st., asdirected on the duplícate of theprinted order left witb them. SCIO. Farmers are nearly done witli their applesof whicli tliey have had an immense erop. Rain is much needed for wheat, which has a small top. Mrs. Geo. Schnerle, who has been in quite poor health, lias improved and is quite well. EJIERÏ. Miss Nellie Brokan and Miss Myrtie Ren wiek attended the teachers' association at Doxter Saturday. J. Shannon gave a Stcrioptican entertainu.'-nt at Sutton's school houso Tuesday ev,iiing. Will Treadwell went to Chelsea on his wheel Saturday, returning Sunday. Presidinar eider. Allen, preached Sunday. at the Leiand and Salem church. There has been no trains on the road for over a week but Emery' is still booming. Cap. Chas. Manley and R. Croppen spoke on the silver question last Saturday evening. Rev. Coffen hasrented Mr. Romsdells house ana will soon mlve therein. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsdell are visiting Mrs, Renwick this week. Three carloads of apples have been shtpped from this place this f all. The price paid was ten cents a hundred. l.ltsl 1 {. As for visiting we note Mrs. Scadia isentertainingMrs.Whitmore'forafew fewdays. .Misslda.lohnston and uousin Mr. Campbell, of'An'n Jtrbm, visited relatives here last Friday. Mrs. Wilo(in and tvvo children. of Hanover, visited relatives and f riends here last week, leaving on Tliursday. Mr. Stacy has returned from her visit to Detroit. Mesdarnes Latson, of Howell, spent a few days here last week. Miss Jennie McColl spent a day in Salem. As regards church affaire.- Letters of dismissal from the Congregationai chureh here to the First Congregational church of Arm Arbor, were irranted to the following persons: Mr. ;ind Mrs. Geo. Phelps, thcir daugbters, Margaret and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. Wooster Blodgett and daught'er, Mary Moore. Excellent reports were al8O (iiven of the Jackson Association meeting held at Jackson on the 20tli and 21st inst. In the way of past events - North Webster held a benovelent "Fair" at Mr. A. Valentine's last Saturday eveaing. About $35 were taken in. South Webster held a liPie" social at W. C. Latson's on-Friday evening. A considerable number were present. Mr. Dean and r. Jones, of Ann Arbor and Saiine, repectively, spoke in the church school house Saturday. In the way of attractions.- The Ladies' Home Missionary Society will lmlcl a "tea" at Mrs. Hattie Kenny's, on Thursday afternoon. Invitation cards are out for a Hallowe'en party Saturday evening at the home of Will Scadin and Vid a Pierce.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register