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Frank James' New Job

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It would be odd if Frank James, euse's brother, were to die at tb. ïands of train robbers who followed n hls early footsteps! It may come to pass, too. For now that oft quoted bit of adTlce, "Set a thlef to catch a thief," has ben heeded by the expresa companie who carry fortunes through the outhwestern states In thelr strong boxes, and who lose them sometimes at the hands of desperadoes. Frank James, whose career of crime 1b, perhaps, second to that of hls notorious brother Jesse, Is to accept a position as special exprese messenger, duty belng no other than that of meeting train robbers at thelr own game. Frank James Is no longer young, bul he can atlll ahoot with both hands and shoot straight. But It Is not on that account alone that hls services are in demand. The men who have made hlm au offer have dedded that the reputatlon whlch the man won as a desperado when the band whioh he and hls brother led was the dreaded scourge of eeveral states, wlll prove a better safeguard for thelr bulllon than ven hls ready revolver. Indeed, It ha been satd, and wlth ome foundation, that if Jesse James had heeded hi brother's warning he would nerer have been shot down by Ford, whom ba trusted so tully that le removed hls plstol belt and turned ais back to him only to receive hia deata wound. Frank James had said: "Traat no one when the pric on your head is big nough to make a man rteh." He Is willlng to become a irotclidog and guard bulUon for a Uring provlded the men who wlsh to employ him wlll agree to bis terms. "I'll take the Job," he told them, "and any one who geU the money from the car I'm ridlng In wjll get It over my dead body. But I'v been upportlng my family and llttle more, and if I go under I waat to be sure they will be proyided for. "Now ril teil you wht I'U do. You ign an a#reement by whtch they are to get $20,000 In case I'm killed, and I'm your man. I know enough about somO of them to be ure that they can tul ghoot a little, even lf the business isn't what lt used to be." So the man whose name was once feared throughout several States U bow waiting to see U the expreasmen will play $20,000 agalnst hls stake, which is hls lifa It wlll be atrange indeed, lf the tonner desperado, the bralna of the most bloodthiraty set of outlaws this country haa ever known, atands on the eide of law against men who reard hlm and hls brother as


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