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Tbe Facto Tliat Doctors frequently advise change of air and climate to those suffering from catarrh is proof that catarrh isa local and el i - matic disease. Thersfore, unless you can leave home and business, you should use Ely's Cream Balm. Applied directly to the seat of the disease, it effects instant relief and a satisfactor.v cure after short continuance. No mercury nor injurious drug is contained in the Balm. Children Cryfor Pitcher's Castoria. Anetion Bills prined at The Register Office( 30. K. II 11 ron 8t. (Insipiion % A AND ITS ''CURB To the Editor :- I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider t my duty to send two bottles free to those of your readers who have Consumption.Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCUM, M. C, 183 Pearl St., Hew York. The Editorial and Business Management of _thii Paper (iuarantee this Keneroua Propoaition. THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE! Happy and Fruitful Marriage. Every MAN who would know the GRAND .j TRUTHS.the Plain Facta, Af2rw the Old Secrets and the v)E SiöTV New Disco veries of MediÊa?jCtA 'CH' rience as applied to CnJjJ. W Married Life, who would %t Wfr _ atone for past follies and If jkly avoid future pi tf a lis, FJm& .■■■K 1 should write for our woniSrliv.3?NT''';r('111 liltle' bok, ulli-d 'friyiWTv W How to Attain "" To ERIE MEDICAL CO.. RAN,5?: x iixiiiii A A DR. MATCH ETTE'S H Indian Tobacco Antidote 1 The O ri g-in al Guaranteotl Ilnrmlosa JrOBACCO I1A11IT CURE 2 A Big Box, enoiiEli ►dto cure any ordinary case, costs ONLY J 150 CENTS. When vou buy a remedv " ydbuy the best and DÖN'T PAY A U 1LAR for a 30-dav cure when you can 4get MATCHETTE'S-thi kini that U loures in 72 hours, at any drug storeT ' Jfor Fiftt Cents. Write for free ccpyku Jof Dr. Matchette's Health Talks. j ►OR. MATCHETTB CO., Chicago. III J JpARTERS Ê IVITTLE JPK IVER ttf J I FILLS SICK HEADAGHE Tositively cured by these Iiittle Pilis. Theyalsoreüeve Distress fiom Dyspepsta, Indigestión and Too Hearty Eating A per fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, ! ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regúlate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. small Dose. Small Pr9e.


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