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Scrofula Is a deep-seated blood disease which all the mineral mixtures in the world cannotcure. S.S.S. {guarantced purely vegetable) is a real blood -remedy for blood diseases and has no equal. Mrs. Y. T. Buck, of Delaney, Ark., had Scrofula for twenty-five years and most of the time was under the care of the doctors who could not relieve her. A '■Sfev, specialist said he A=ÊÊ could cure her, but irlja he 'filled her with ;? m arsenic and potash 4 S1 BS which almost ruined ! ' " l her constitution. She A P ? theu took nearly , ÁMig every so-called blood lilb&ïaEww1 medicine and drank rliiir 0 themby the Wholesale, tiÊÈmÊrW they did not reach WjjfrmrXMr trouble. Some %-fi,rillf''' one advised her to try S.S.S. and she very soon found that she had a real blood remedy at last. She says: "After taking one dozen bottles of S.S.S. I am perfectly well, my skin is clear and healthy and I would not be in my former condition for two thousand dollars. Instead of drying upthe poison in my system, like the potash and arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease out through the skin, and I was permaneutly rid of it." A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. never fails to cure Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism Contagious Blood Poison, or any disorder óT the blood. Do notrely upon a simple tonic to cure a deep-seated blood disease, but take a real blood remedy. Our b o o k s free upon k fe fe catión. Swift Specific Co., k k k Atlanta, Ga. J jB UIRIi de CBBWNT ROUTE, Half Ratea Nou 1 h. One way and around trip tickets South at hali rates via. Cincinnati and tho Q. & C. on veatibuled limited trains. Tic'.üets on sale lat, and 3rd, Tuesdays ach month. Ask your ticket agent or write to Passenger Agent. a. (pi Your addreu, with six cents r Mrí?ifaflí n stamPs, mailed to our HeadV. fcjHV quarter, 11 Eliot St., Boston. Zl t 11 til llisi., will bring you a f ulllin ÏFt II of ""P1". & r"1' for eK ,_ C (k 11 I 1 1 measurement, of our justly fa5 I irlllH nious S3 panu; Suiti, tlS.26 O tklllj Overcoau,íl0.26,andup. Cul 'T JVItSj to order. Agent wantedtT!1 % yyÜíTpiüoitlI Rock Ci NEW SHOP 1 1 ave your shoes neatly repaired at the NEW SHOE SHOP! 66 E. JLlberty St., Just off State St. (UI work promptlydone in the most SATIS FACTOKY MANNER. iSTXaundry orders taken. PARRIS S. BANFIELD. Columbia Dressing ! IT IS THE BEST DRESSING IN THE MARKET FOR SHOES. Bright and Lasting Polish ! WILL, NOT INJURE. THt! FINEST STOCK ! ASK YOUR SHOE DEALER FOR IT ! . For Sale by the Chicago Shos Store Opera House BIock. ADIRONDA ak iiMM TRADE MARK m-mmm VJheelersS Nerve r POSITIVELY CURES BEART DISEASE, EPILEPSY, Nervous Proitration, Sleeplessness and all derangements oí the Nervous System. ünexcelled for Restless Babies. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free I rom opiaten. 100 l'ull lze doses, 50c. M. D. Bailey, EeoeivinK Teller.Grand Ear lds, iSlicn, Sarlngs Oank. says he cannot sav too much in íavor oí "Adironda." Wheeler's Hoart and Nerve Cure. For Sale By all DruKglsts. L!Yi_AGENTS JiOO.OOO Sold and in Use ! gZX M.i:: $20.00 on eacb $3.50 invested, fS selling our 25c. novelty. Evcry fan', ly that cooks three meáis a day will bny it. Send 15c. in Btumpa for sample or wnte for particulars to OVAL. KINDLER CO., Bloomflelil, Ind. Mention Reffister'lin answerirg this advertisement. MSill Your Produce at Home VHM TOU CAN Strike a Better Market WK KECKI VE AND SELL BUTTER, E6GS, POULTRY, VEAL, HAY, GRAIN, WOOL, HIDES, POT ATOES, BREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, 03 ANYTHINQ Y0Ü UAT HAVE T0 SHIP. Quick gales at the higliest market price and prompt returns made. wrlte for prlces, tags, shipplag dlrections or auy Information you may want. SUMMER3, MORRISON & CO., Gommiislon Merrints, 174 Sooth Witr Street, Peíoronce, Metropolitan Nut'l Baak.


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