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n n. wiLUAins, Attorney at UWi Mllan, Mioli. Moncy loancd for outside parties.All legal business given prompt attention. WM. W. NIC HOL 8, Dental Païlors! OVEJl 8AVJXÜS BANK OPPO SITE C'OUliT HOUSE SQUARE. W. S. MOORE, DENTiST! W.-.rii ie in all orm' of modem dentistry. Cr.v n a I Bridge wort & specialty. Sallsfaction 1 - -i! :■ ed, (ü. op M. Gradúate.) 26 Soüín an St., - - - Anc Arbor ! JOHN BAUMGARDNER, I Dealer in American and Imported j GRANITES! Had all kimls of BUILDING STONE! Cemetery Work X ÍPKCIAIrW Corner of Iietroit a"il Catheruic lis. ANN AUBOR, MIOH. ARTHUR } idTSONf Contractor and Buüder! Estimatee furuis: i-. I kin K of .".rchHeo ture. Residence i : ■! i-ave. Choice Meats Oor Waslligton-t., and Filtli-aT. Our alia is to please our customere by alwyl h indliug the very Choicest Meats that the marke aftoids. ! PJAVORITE SWEEPER, 'Beats any BROOM op Earth. sa rus va r.PETs, sa ves time, sayes MONBT. A lionanza for Agents. ■ v i:nlv .■: ■ ■.■nitli'iiiiituüin make froni$5.00 i uerday sel Uní these sweepers. For '■ particular arldrcss. A. V. Hai,kbich. I , ;i Oblo A ve., .-'t. l,i. ;;s. Slo. te-l Pïati TÏDsr8vln . - OSi.c W. H. BUTLER, . :;. Ilurou-Ht., ANN AKI1ÍII1, 31 Uit I i'c-fi'iru n i TntiêurerlSat. Saring Loan ' Associaiin, MONKV TO LOAN. LOUIS ROHDE, -DEALER IN - COAL, WOQD, LIME, -AND - Cements, Laad Planter, Drain Tiles, Sewer Pipes -CASH I'AID POR- Hl DES, IKON, BONES. Vnrds Near .luu Arbor Hailroad, XV ■ luroii Street. Office. 3G K. Huroii-st Let the Dogs Do the Barking ! Vou won'tfliave to, f you'll go to MUMIVIERY'S DRUG STORB And get a 3-oubco Package of Sibloy and Holmwood's QUICK RELIËF COUGH ROPSL nie.y onlj cost 5c a Paokage. RINSEY & SEABOLT 10. 6 and 8 Washington St. Have always on hand a complete Stock of everything in the GROCERY LINE Teas, Coffees and Sugar All prime articles bought for cash and can seü at low figures. Our frequent large invoices of Teas is a sure sign we ive bargains in Quality and Prices. We roast our own coffees every week always fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the verj best of Bread, Cakea and Crackers. Cali and see us. Jacob Dinqman, No. 68 E. Washlugton St. Voes all Kinds of : ; .- . DBA YING. Moves Ilousuliold Goods, Dellvcrs Prelcnt r-ii','s" ll"d naref""Jr' mú at modoiTi... Pi be rlsht In style j our Joh mitins to tbs ItfuwiiT Otli -, :() K. U' yuSt.


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Ann Arbor Register