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Of Value To Women

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Interesfing Information that Should be Carefully Read by the Fair Sex. It Treats of the Dangers of Procrastination. Points out the Way to Relief from Various Hls. The Story of a Mother and Daughter. From the Chronicle, Chicago, Illinoi. A story remarkable in many respecta is told by Mrs. George Argile which contains much information whicli will be appreciated by thousands of women who are suffering asf she did, and they will tind relief from all their trouble, so easily, so qniekly, and so permancntly that they will wonder how the possibility carne about. Mr. George Argile left his native home in Yorksbire, England, eight years ago to embrace the greater opportunities this country offered. He was fortúnate in immediately securing a responsible position on his arrival in Chicago with the Chicago and Kook Island Railroad Company. taithful to his duties he reoelved reeognition by promotions and to-day is in sole charge of the tram tracks of this great railway system. The position is known in railroad circles as foreman of the teams tliat load and unload freight. After one year and a half in the employ of thisroad he sentfor his wife and children, who arrived safcly here and in good health. Aftcr some two years residence here Mrs. Argile commeneed to feel badly. Like thousands of other vennen she had womb trouble of' over twenty years standing. At first tliis trouble, in Chicago, was not sufficiéntly acule to interfere materially with her household duties, but in course of montlis it developed to sueh a degree that it proved exceedmgly painful to her to atteud to the many little duiirs required to keep a house neat and tidy. This condition continvied to grow worse and worse till she was torced to recognize tliat if she did uot get skillful medicul nid, slic wauld irrow into a confirraed in Valid. During this period a neighbor whom she had known for quite a whïïe told her that siie was using Dr. liams' Pink Pilis for Palé People with excellent results, and she believed that they would rid her of aU her troubles without the aid of any physician. Having ionfidence in lier neighbor's words she commenced to take the.pills some six months ago and found that after taking the fust box she feit an improvement, not gre&t, but sufücient to realize that if this better feeling continued she would be on the right road. With the seeond box, she knew that she was getting better, as she gained both flesh and strength, feit a buoyancy of spirit she had not experienced in years, and the pains from which she had suffered so much were quickly erowing less. To-day it has been five montlis since she began taking the pills. She is relieved of all her pains, has regained her strength, so that she is abie to work all day, and ït is only when she everexerts herseíf that she has any indieation of pains, which would also happen to a perfectly well ■woman. This is the story of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People have done for her, and of course she is well satisfied with the benefits she has received. But this does not end by any means what she has still further to teil, and what is nore she speaks with the same knowledge she has of her own case, the case of her little daughter Emily who is löyearsold. She says in regard to her '"about three years ago Emily inthesummer '.nonths when diphtheria was prevalent, was taken down with it. She was very ill und had a serióos time of it for weeks. Sevsral times I doubted whether she would pull througli but thanks to her strong constitution shegot better and after many weeks was about again. I noticed, however, that somethinj waa left in her throat which seemed to effec her. Then, too, she did not regain her olc Hvely spirits. She was lauguid in her move menta, she complained of being tired an( fiuthtr more it became perceptible that she vas growing nervous. Her condition dnrng the following year ai'ter lier siekness did notimprove, in fact, I thought ttwasallttle vorse. The seeoud year, ] knowit was; )ut probably being Wlth her eonstantly dia ïot fully realize tliat shc was decidedly gcting ju a very bad way. It was ouly in the forepart of last year hat 1 becanie seriously alarmed, as her lan;uidness, her constant tiredness inereased ind she becamc so nervous and so fretful hat if any person spoke to her, it would make her cry. Her appetite got poorer with every month and I did really wonder how he little thing could live on what she ate. 3er complexion became sallow and assumed agreenish hue, and she becanie what I called skíu and bones ' - very thin indeed. This was her eondition some four months ago. [t was at this time that I had taken a few of he pills, and commeneing to get faith in hem I made Eniily take thom. I say, immediately she feit better, perhaps that is not Ïuite true, but certainly after the third week could see an improved eondition in her, and this improvement continued up to the second inontn, slowly but surely. Then the mprovement of the child became marked, ler appetite returned and grew better with :very day, she commenced to fatten up, she Decame more cheerful and lively and her nervousness at times left her altogether. " Iu the last two weeks lier complexion bas regained the perfect color of health her cheeks are ileshy and plump and shc is as lively as a cricket. Her appetite - well the less said about that the better, she is eating all the time, and all the time is hungry. When she now comes home from school, instead of listlessly crawling into the house to lic down to rest, she is romping all over the house and crigs ' Mother you doji't know how good it-ffièls to be full of Hfe, how glad I am tliat I don't feel tired any more.' She has completely thrown off her nervousness, and all those symptoms which for three long years made me fear very niueh that she had not long to live. "All this I know to be due to Dr Villiams' Pink Pills because she has taken nothing else, and I am indeed thankful that Providence brought the thought to me of gi vingthem a trial, know what a bad condition I was in before I took them, and I saw the condition my daughter Emily was in. Today both of us look and are well. I can do the work in my house every day as I did formerly without any trouble and Emily is one of the liveliest, mostcheerful and plump girls in our ueighborhood, and that is saymg a good deal as the children around us are noted for splendid health and excellent girits. We live at 4760 Wentworth Ave. " The above is a correct statement of the facts concerning my caso and that of my daughter Emily. (Signed.) Emily Argilh." Sworn and subscribed to before ine thi fourth day of Fcbruary 1896. DAiï. GREENE, _ __,„ Notary Public. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eontain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitug' dance, sciatiea, neuralgia, rheumatism, neryous headache, the after effect of la grippe, palpitation of tlie heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness either in male or female. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes fr $2.50- (tney are never sold n bulk or by th 100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicina Company. Schenectady, N. Y.


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