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Ladles, Attentiou. At Schumacher & Miller's new di-ugstore, 45 S. Main-st., you will find a f uil line of the latest, freshest and flnest handkerchief perfumes, among which are Palmeras Rob Roy and Lightner's Red Rose. Wo keep in stook Palmer, Lightner and Tarrant's odors. Cali and examine whether you wish to purchaseor not. 41 Schumacher & Miller C. L. Muire, LAWYER, Front Office Over The Farmers and Mechanics Bank, Ann Arbor. Michigan, Rotary Public In Office. ■-" 25 CENÍ ÜÜLUMN. WANTEJD. WfA NTE DCopying on the typewrlter. t T Work neatly and promptly done at !ow rate. Emma Lceffler, Register Office, 30 E. Huron street. oitf ANTKD- Orders for all kinds o Í ladies wraps and dressmaking given prompt nttention. Miss Buell, 87a Juuctlon Ave, Dstroit, Mich. 70 'AJVTED- Sonio önë with capital to builu a 7 room cottage and sell on monthly installments. Can secure small payment down and 8per cent on balance Address G. S. Drawer D. City. 'ANTED. persons to accept, Gratis, in view of future orders; rubber stamp of tliKir own name for marking clothing, books, etc. Write plaiuly and enclose four postage stamps to defray mailing, packin", etc H 1'. Maynard, 16 Arcade, Cincinnati, Ohio. Agents wantod for rubber stamps, rubber type, pads. daters. white letter signs "Bottled Eiectricity." for catarrh and pain, eleetnc belts, etc. Write for agents' terms __ 43 FOR N.U.K. F' OH SAliE- 20 Lots, three houscs and two barns. Will take a farm or other property for part pay. Enquireat KIE. Univ 2?j 013)__ FOK SALK- Red Oak tree tops for sale cheap, as they He. B'. D. Cranson, of Web - ster township, P. O. address Delhi Mills. PO II SAliE- A Franklin Typewrner nearly 7 ?2Sm KeS,ulai Prtce 875 00. Will be sola [orlaS.OOcaah. Cali at 7 Kast Ann-st. and take t look at it. tf F OH SAI.E AT A BAROAIN-A nine room hüuso with a 0x12 rod lot, corner of Fountatn and Summit street, Ann Arbor largebarn, shed and shop; house coutains batli, hot and cold soft water, also city water and anever faillng well of pure spring water. He garden. For prlce and terms apply on tlu; premisos. 23tf ÏMK SAIjE-TIio old building formeriy standiug on corner of E. Liberty and Maynard-sta will be soid for 875. Ènquire at Register Othce. If AKM ron SAB-Ki-Te Bullocï or .verett (. farm. 3 miles west of Salem 6tation and 11 miles from Ann Arbor, containiEg 109 acres house.and barns, stnek and well water in abundanc "imber: school and church within a milelana uaturally tnc best; all seeded down Pricé auil terms rcasonable. Cali on or addres: Andrew B. QilMon.80 Maynard-st., Ann Arboi, Mich. 46tf fOK B AUB-3 miles west oí city on DexI ter road, 0 acres good farm land especial ly suitablo for fruit farm, 10 acres timber. hniiuireof A. S. Lyon on the premises. 2,'itf i-OK RENT. LMU RE!Ñ!T5Un"fTrrñú7hed rooms, lower X' floor, Enquirc at 5:i Washtenaw Ave. TOK R,ENT,-A smïvll summer .cottage on '7 ot.L,es Chenaux islands noar Mackinac. mn rent for the summer and furnish season ]mss for„Kentleman and wife on stoanislii Une. Theftwo mav be had at a raro baSain. For part culara .-ui.lress ü. J. c, Drawer""l"; City, and party will cali. 02 Ï REE- (U-page medical referenco book to any pe-son afflicted with ,my speoial Chronfcor delicate disease peculiar totíieir sexis lll leadlntf physicians and surgoons of rne States, llr. Uaíhaw y Co..- "ODearborn street. Chicago. T KKNT, First class planos M.00 and $6.00 1 per month. 18 South Ingalls w B. J. Conrad . WANTFD-PAITHPUL MEN ORWOMBN 11 iiiu-ci for responslble establUhed house i„ Michigan. Salary ÏThOaiulexi n'.U l(.sitio,i permanent. Keference. Enclose self-addreseed stamped envelone. The NaMonal, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago


Old News
Ann Arbor Register