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Among Our Neighbors

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AU tb Prte J4( to end yaar I"rbti I'rlntlBg t th Beg;Ut Oee, 30 B. Innn BC Notlee. Our Agent haring secured orders for plctures (ar beyond our bigbeet expectations, we are obllged to ask all to wait patlently for tbeir plctures to be finished. We shall, from week to week, hereafter publigh the namos of all persons whoso piotures are ready for delivery in tbis place In the paper. Watcb this place, just at the head of "Latost County News" and when you see your nam please cali at once for the picture. NoU. All ;those wbo recently subscribed for Thb Register and arranged to have a picture enlarged, but who bave not, as yet, brought ia the picture, ■hould briuii the same, as soon as convenient to Tbz Rkqistxr office, 30 E. Huron-st. Be gure and make no mistake, but brlng it to our office, 30 E. Huron-st., as Boon as convenient. Those who have pictureB being enlarged will plnase cali for tham at tb same place, 30 E Huron-st., instead of 8 E. Huron-st., atdiracUd on th duplicata of the printed order lef t wi ttt thm Ypsilanti Sentinel. The engagement of Miss Lucy Uhl, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Uhl, and Mr. Guy Thompson, a student in Yale, is announced. The marriage wil take place in Germany, nezt Febuary Miss Emma Engle, a popular clerk for J. H. Miller's Sons, was married Thursday morning to George Hays, o[ Br.ooklyn, Rev. R. W VanKirk officia ting. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes will reside in Pittsford. Burglars entered the saloon of Joseph Meyer, in the fifth ward, for theeecond time Tuesday nigh of last week. Aa they entered with a key it ought not to bo dimcult to lócate tliem. This time they were frightened away befora they bad an opportunity to take anything. Invitations are out for the marriage of Marshall O. Straight, formerly of this city and Miss Helen A. Parker, of Grand Rapids. The wedding will take place Tuesday, November 1. They will be "at home"at 61 Williams street, Grand Rapids, after December 1. Manchester Enterprise. A. F. & F. M. Freeman, Frank Conkliu, Fred Zimmerman, N. Scbmid and John Bowler went to Jackson Tuesday evening to hear election returns. Frank Cantriok and son Lee of Adrián carne yesterday to join hia family and Iriends in celebrating the 40th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Towneend'u marriage. Mr. and Mrs. John Townsend, of Eikhart, Ind.,and Mri.Frank Cantriok and son, of Adrián carne her Tuesday af ternoon to visit their parents, Mr. and Mra. H. Townsend, We learn that Lleut. Harry Kies, of Bridgewater and Miss Miratta Fellows, daugbter of C. M. Fellows, of Saline were married to-day. The wedding was a quiet one, cnly relativos of the eontractipg partioa being iuvited Mr, and Kies leave for a short bridal tout'. We are sure the many friends here will join the Enterprise in extending hearty congratulations, UgElSA STAVDAHD. Mri. W, ü. Sumner and Miss Sophia Bohatï spent Saturday at Ann Arbor. M. Hollywood and son, of Jackson, attended the funeral o{ Barney Keelan Wednesday, P, W. Schumacher, of Ann Arbor, was the gust of Mr. and Mrs. J. Schumacher Wednesday. Mrs. Ida Davidaon and son, of Jacknon, pent Sunday with her brother,G. E Monroe. Tbe wedding of Mr. Micbael L. Moon of Leoni and Miss Mary Howo of Wa terloo will be solemnized in St. Mary's church, Chelsea, on Tuesday, Novem ber 10, 1866, at 9 a. in. CHET.SKA HERAMJ. Mrs. Ida Dawson and son, John, o Jackson, spent Sunday with her broth er, Ed. Munroe, and family. Or. E. J. Phelps is moving into tbe Taylor house on Park street formerly occupiod by Or. Ham i Hou. Jas. Hudler and daughter, Mr. A Walker, of Detroit, spent a oouple o days last week with Waterloo frlends Mr. A. E. Cumraer. who has -bee the guest of her son for tbe past two months, returued home last week Saline Observer. The corner drug store wm a nol place Tuesday nirbt, and eager politi cians were there packed in tighter than tooth picks in a box- to get tho elec tion returns. Mr. and Mrs. F. Oorden returnec Monday from Jackson where tbey hav been to visit Mr. Cc grand daughte who had just raturned from a viait t England. This afternoon at three o'clock, at the lome of Mr. and Mrj. C. M. Fellows ccurs the inarriage of tneir daughter, 3. Marltta, to Harry D. Kies. We extend to them our best wishes for a long nd happy life. Billy, tho old pet and family driring orse, formerly driven and owned by A. D. Sumner, deceased, and later kept y Mrs. Sumner, said on election day aat he had no f urtheruse for any of lis worlrls goods and lay down apparntly well and died. The family will miss him. The Ypsilantian. MÍ83 Jennie Moore enlertainod f rienda lection night. Mrs. B. P. D'Ooge was at home to her rienda on Friday and Saturday aftoroon. Mrs. Mary Stnith is makiug aome aleration in her house on Cross St. Miss Alice McGregbr gave a Hallowee'n party Friday evening. The Ladies' Whist Club met Tuesday venina: with Mrs. Fred Coe, and receivd election returns by special messener. Ypsilanti Commercial. Miss Lottie Forsyth celebrated her Oth blrthday last Saturday by glving a party to thirty of her young friends, eceivlng some nice presents. Wm. H Tousey, of Salem, well known n this city, and Miss Dora L. Smith, of he former place, were married on the 28th. Also, the J9tb, Floyd Smith, of lalem, and Helen Pefir, of South Lyon. Thursday, Oct. 28, occurred the mariage of Harry R. Smith, of thia city, ,nd Miss Mary Hernetnam), of New Joston, ceremony by Rer. Dr. Ryan, at he resldence of R. F. Smith, father of he jfroom, 206 Florence itreet. Rov. H. M. Morey left here Tuesday night for Carthage, N. Y., where he will conduct a series of evangelistic meetings. He has an engagement af ter hat for a series in St Lawrence oounty and one later in Pennsylvania.


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Ann Arbor Register