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IOPFICÍ ' I Aun Amor. November 2ïrd, -v.'i. SpBuial Sesaion, Cal led to order by Peca. tlisjock. Kollcalled. Quorum present. Cali for Special Session. To t.lie Honorable Charles E Híé Actinjr Mayor of the City of Anu Aii or. sr: - Yon are hereby respéctiully reque-ted by t:i un [eratgndd ;n mi bor.-í of the l.'ommon Council oil oí said City, to cali a special mejting of said Common Council to meet at the Council Chamber in the Ci Aun Arboron Monday tin: 23rd day of November A. !) 1898 at th faour of past seven o'olock . va. lo tnke aei o i id roference to the furthcr emplayi í i í -ii t of Mr. Kunki'. algo i i réíerence 10 thc further eraployment of Mr. Groves by said city, alan iu re to 'the further eruployment of tlic iáidc Walk Inspector by said City, also in refcrenc3 to the further employment of the bookkeepïr of the Street Comsioner by said City. also in ï'efereDoe to the turther employment by said City of any person or persons whatsoever whose BCrtice can now be dispensed witii. And also to consider the report of the Fiaafacd Committee. John Koeh, ArMiur Brown, II. .1. Bnrke, e. H. Ca:ly. '. A. Maynard, M. Grossman, ). A. Dell, H. P. Üaniorlh. F-nimett Cdon. G. C. Rhodes, Jacob Laubenjajer, ( ''.-■u '. M ills. City Clcrk. Piense cali u speuial meeting in cji'tkuicé ivith ai. .'!■.'■ fwjuestt. Chas. IC. Hisco Auting Mawir, BEPOR I'S OF STANDING COMMIT l'IXAM'K. Tn the Common Council. Vour Committee on Plnanco rüspeut.. report that tbey have bad til ■ folwj bilis uuder eouslderati-xi atd u reeommcnil their allowaucc and I .i ■ ■v.u'i'.t; i :- !.: ordi ['e dl' ( ."% G tijv l ii i iospsjetfuUv submittod, i. I lady, Ilarrison rionic, Emmett Coou. ( 'oinmittee on Piuanee. CUKTINOEXT 1TN1I. Uoo h Moore inspector s i;, iii rtaynard 15 uu I ! .'-1 UilT ■' I , v, il aatlerclerk J Uien Minor " .aartiu Olark gttte keeper .) Thomas Taylor ' ■ ï o5] Joini Kelner Inspector Alíchae] Grossmaa inspector John horli reglstration ■ :n Arnold Jr. Inspector u 00 Uurman Hut zei clerk lif : clerk : llunn Bate keeper .". i-i-t ti uaktogate keeper ■' i ; flsche' Inspector. ,..: .i a Hi-il Inspector is'ou .1 Luubengayer i.-, dij larli cterk O J riayüer crark b oj ■ Kmmett Winegar gatekeepor : .; John te keepor Oü A.rtiiur Krown inspector l. 00 i 11 .1 liurke Inspector ..'.' ].; oo ! Herman Knipt inspector V einsburg rental ,t!i vracrd ! Pond clerk li :i 1 iii McAllaster cierk Freüerlcli Schmld Trestee renta W&rd 1 .") Oü Mirhacl Seery pite keeper ■ w Sld W. Millard rental 20 ward Hem i Masten gate keeper ■ ík) Christian Schumacner rento] M Bfl Hoyli.' ! nspector u ,i Shadford (j U Uhodes '.'." 15 tio John Boylan clerk e, mi John Shadford ii 00 ; .1 Bandall gatekeeper ■■ 110 sul Bangs " '■} lr, Ernesi Kberbach Lnspectoi i;, gn U Homer Cady .. " -, m II I' Jianfortli .. !;■. ;irt Srtjttrjerk 0 00 i ni H Morton clerk t (10 i JohnThomuson gatekeeper Lawrence Ourtis ., 2 Oi ' .1 KitFon Inspector 15 00 Bmmett Opon is u( Ilarrison Soulc .1 W Bennett reiflstration '■ BNorriscierl! ' ; , Wm ui?! ,■,„, i L'hauncey SmiHi gatekéeper...' ! CO Sam Grecory ;tate keeper 2 CO : H Losclier labor ! B 16 ikSatherhind labor lusu V (■' & E Dietei-le renta lol chairs :' 00 'i t: l'rettymau Dieals n 00 1' (Jlaser mesis t James Itote! meals lu 50 ■ i ■■■:!:, ].", 40 Il -.i";-i'-:' ■:■.■. il-. 12 00 TÓtill. SEWEK TM). District No. 5. Jolin !voi: -il :ií labor j 50 Charles Herring " ö uo 1 tl ,;■(! Sliuun ■ E Gibson assignedto Peter Hein. -t ;'i Peter Hetn labor 1 n Wolll labor Jack Beek labor ;, oí) L'lrlch Schaibte labor ' : ;v Krank Robylenskl ■ ' Si'y!,aid.l;ilü' ;ir ;i AU!. Cady mpved that the Bule 21 oï I the Huies of the Commori Council bo usponded tor this session and the rcpoi-t of tlio Finam:e Committee approved. Ad ipced a3 followa : Was- Aid. .Maynai-d, Moore, Koch, , GroBsman, Laübengayor, Uell, Burka Bi'owu, Shadforth, iïbodes. ( !oon,S 1 Cady, Danforth. Pres. HiscoukXays- None. Aid. Browii moved that the Board of j Public Works bo insti-ucted to diep j with tho services of Mr. Punku afti. this week. Aid. Moore moved as an amsndment that the secviees of Mr. Funke !;e dia pensed with when the work o-i Dolroit street ia cpmpletod. Lost as follows : I Veas- AM. Mooiv, Dell, Shadford Rhodes, Coa,-!, Soultj- 6. ' I Naya -Aid. Ma.yuai-d, Koeh, Grossman. Laubengayer, Rurko, Lirowii, t.aüv. Dunforth, Fres. HísdooIc-U. Whereupon tho original voto :i., ' adüpted as follows: Ud. Mafon], Koch,■ Laubeiiayer, Bucke, ;, ■ tioule, Cadv. Danforth ,.,s' Uióuock -II. Nays-Ald. Moore, Dell, Shadford LÍDixi RESOLUTION. t By Aid. Dell. Ueaolved, Tina the President of the Couiicii appointa cümmitteo of thi-co '" confer with the Board of Public Works in regard i Mr. Uroves thev to report at the next regular sossion. ' Aiiojited as follü.1..-: Veas Aid. Maynard, Mooro. Koch Í Grwsuifn, Láub&ntrayer, Dell, Burke! fehadfortl, lui.i,:,,;,. t ,„,,,, Soule, c.uiv' Danfurth, Pros, iliscouk- 14. Xays-AW. Brown- J, Pres. Iliscuck uppoiuted ,id. Dell, Koel) :„ii, Shadfow3 as sucli commlttes! On motioii the Council adjourned.


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