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Another Lieutenant-governor

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The world believes its great men. Their word is aocepted as trutli. their example followed, their advice taken. Knowing this fact, the illustrious Lieut. -Governor of Vermont. Hon. Henry A. Fletcher, of Proctorsville, Vt., whd is the descendant of a long line of Statesmen and Bule, tells the people if they wish to g-et well, if they desire to get back their health and streng-th. to use Dr. Ureeno's Nervura blood and nerve re.nedy because he knovvs from personal experienee, froiu its use in his ora family and among his friends, and from observed time and time again its wonderfuL curative powers, that it wil] surely and certalnly cure, that it will give strength to the weak, nerves to the nervous, natural rofreshing sleep to the slecpless, perfect digestión to the dyspeptie, rieh, red blood to the feeble, freedom from pin to the rheumatic. in fact, sound and vigorous health to al! ' , who use it. Lieut.-dovernor Fleteher's family have been leaders and advisers of th. people and publiely identiüed with the j . history of the United States for more j : than a hundred yeara. Hi.s father was i i both Lieut. -Governor and Goveruor oí ! 1 Vermont and his grandfather was ono í of the framers of the Coustitution of Massachusetts. Certaialy no high er testimonial, no ;?reater proof of a medicines wondrvf ui power to cure eau pc-.sibly be g-iven than is hera bsstowed upon.Dr. Greencs Nervura blooVl and nerve reiacdy by thia most cii.i,:c.'rui ,ho:l sttttoaman and head of the goveniment of the state. Sarely tio one who is il!, worn-out, run-dowu, freak, norrous, dlscouraged umi disKeartenod by repoaled failurea lo bo cured can roquire auy greatcr proof, ;i.iy síi-o:;jr testlaioñy that Dr. (ïrecae's Nei-vura vrill cure, that It wül qertainly restore health and' stlen '■'.; ii ■ tveak and norvous sufferor, ( ,n Lieut.-Govcrnov Fletcher"s powerful worda wherein ha states that ha has personally used it in his fam51y with griatost bone.'ii,, knowa it ; ".,.■ a most wonderfal cnrer of disease, u ■.: eamestly recommends its is. by vhopeoat of heaJth aud need meJiThe great Stateiman says: 'I have hea-d of the good ef'oets of Dr. Greene's Xorvura bloo 1 .1 il nerve remedy and have used it in c.y family. I have h'.arJ cuses ;imoaf , ny neiglibors who huve derived g-reat , benefit frona i's use and ean truly say, ( that as far as my oxperifince and formation go, the results are highly satisfactory. This letter can be published for other.s' g-ood." If you are a suiïerer from weaknes or disease, do not hesitate to take Dr Greenes Nervura and get well after suca a testimonial from so illustriou and diiting-uished a Stateaman. Do you think so eminent a man of such high official position would lend lus name and give his emphatic advice to use Dr. (ïreene'a Nervura unless he knoi" ijositivcly its great valu, its wondrous power to euro? He knows [ lnat his words will be hceded and his advice to use this grand remedy folio ved becauso of his high and ho unhesitatingly tells the people, s-jeakog-.the weieome traith to the sick With the voice and dignity of official uuthority, that Dr. Grecne's Norvura blood aud nerve remedy will cure the v.eak and suffering, will ffive hcalth and st.ron,n-th, renewed lift-, restored energies and the zest and happinegg of living. Remember also that this is no socalled patent medicine, but the prescription and discovery of Dr. Greene of Sá V,-. 3 i h Street, New York, the suceessful specialist in curingnarrous and ühronic, who caa be consulted without cha rfe,personally or by letter.


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Ann Arbor Register