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The Register desires a rood correspondent at Dexter, Worden, Manchester, Scio, Vpsilanti. Adv one wlio would like to try newspaper work sliould cali at tho office of The An Arbor Register at anearly day fo full particular. 'EST PITTPIELD. Mrs. ( ,'. E. Sperry and son, Earl, an Miss Ida G. Spauldin? left Tuesday fo a three or four weeks' visit wlth the former's párente at Naahville, Micb. The Pittsfield town treasurer will be at the town hou.3e every Friday in Dee exceptie 25th but will be thore thé daybefore(the24th) to receive taxes. Mrs. Mary Lawson left last Tuesday an extended visit with her sister in Canada. SA1.EM 'JTOW i. Mr. and Mts. David Wateis are visiting relativea at Adrián. Mr, Fred. Jarvis, of Hambuiv, visited lus brother, Wilber Jarvis, the latter part of last week. TÜe CJnlon Concert will ba field at L.apüam church riext Sundav afteriiüon. The Ladies' Aid Society will ire a lnanksgiving supper at the home of "'■ a" Mrs. Tl. c. Packard, Thursday nig-ht. , soio. WiJlard FBster, au old resident of . this town, died Thursday, Nov. 19th aged over eighty years. Funeral was neld f rom the residence Satimlav morning and the remaina taken to Detroit for interment. He leaves a wife luit no children. A son, Dr. Poster, of Detroit, having some years i ago Mr. Foster had been in poor healtli for some years, md passed quietly away wliile siting in lus chair I Frank Riley and family are movinoin the house fprmeriy o'ccupied by Mm. Biley'a father, Jonas Marsh. Farmers have finished gathering apples and are nmv husHnff corn Rather late in the.season . Thepeople in this vicinity request the city sportsmen (?) to confine themselves to city sparrows, and let ! country sparrows alone. They can at least keep out of the doorrards and kitchen doors. SALExTI VILL1GE. Nafrhaii Calvary and hls familyhaye moved intu the Prederiok hoim fichan [lag opened a harness shop I and wil Uso accommodate theimblc by keeping a first-class botel. BusseyanWheeler have „pened a KS!0."".111?1111?15 There was a Union Tcniperanc-e meeting held at the CoaregationS chur-cb Sunday ovening fastf and a vory elcxment address waa dlfvered The aunual TUanltsg-h-irigf sci.v(.e was held at the Baptist chuwh "The sermón was preaehed bv Rev Ooffin gational church served dynwwa ïheB.Y.P.u.w. sooleíybeMa soeial h.n!le Ií'ir"lers' Önb wiil meel at the home of Mr. and Wrs. Chas, cold ren on Wednesday next. WILLIS. tjÍSííS Alben is vcry sick wlth There Is great exoiteruent in this place over tho Post Office. There are seyeral candidatos in the iielü with PeItttionsalready. R.F. Walters. C.D Dickerson , K. A. Clay, F. W. Snod?l-ass; the present incumben t and E. A. Darl' Mrs Ed. Lohr and Mrs. Albert Draper vmted with Mrs. Henry Hammond ono day last week. „..T.h?ure x" a .bi .? on in Wh ittaker over me .rost Office. Thèro are thi-ee that the best man will win. Reu ben Sauford, of Sumpter, has bought a lot in this place and is preparmg to build a house Hght away Chas Ford, of Bellville. has boug-ht I a11ctoand ei'ected a grist mili in this iS.WaS a" EP'0l'tft Loag-uo social at the residenceof Mr. nm, r..= I Heury Champion in the Island district last l riday evenin-. Mr. and :lvs Henry Walters and i non?fCe H: Gleeriman has opened a SThouse01' JUSt CaSt f thö Is!and at tho home of Mr. Robort Kin on down in Sumpter last Saturday night


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