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Eiu]re State Express On Xlic Statfe. The New York Evening Telegram of October lüth, contains the following: "Whenyou throw the picture of an express train on a screen in suob a realistie way that persons who see it scramble to get out of its way and faint (rom fright, it's about time to stop. 'That's what the biograph, the new form of the vitascope (now on exhibition at Koster Bial's Music Hall overy week day) does. "At first you seem to be looking straight away down a railroad track. Suddenly the Empire State Express looms in sight 'way off in the distance, and comes steaming towardsyou - right dead at you at full speed. "It makes even an unimaginative person kind of shiver and vvish ho could get off to one side, but women -it scares them to death. "Two ladies who were in a box last night screamed and fainted." Tho picture of this, the fastest train in the world, is the most startling display ever thrown on a screen, and can only be excelled by a view of the train itseif. A party of New York Central officials who were present were delighted with the exhibition and the opportunity it affords for in a most convincing way "Araerica's Greatest Railroad" and its world famous train. (45) C. L. McGuire, LAWYER, Front Office Over The Farmers and Mechanics Bank, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Notary Public In OfficeUR 25 CENÍ COLUMN. WANTED. WXNÏ'ED-Copying on the typewriter. Work neatly and promptly done at !ow rato. Emma Loeffler, liegister Office, 30 E. Hurón street. 04tf ANTEO-Ordurs (or all kinds o f ladies wraps and dressmaking given prompt attention. Miss Buell, k7;j Junctlon Ave. Dtttroit, Mich. 7(5 AIÏTED-Somi! önê with capital to build a 7 room cottage and sell on monthly installments. Can secure small payment down and 8ner cent on balance. Addrcss G. S. Urawer D. City. WANXED. persons to accept, Gratis, in view of future orders; rubber stamp ei thir own name for marking clothing, books etc. Write plainly and endose four postas stampsto defray mailing, packing, etc. H P. Maynard, 1B Arcade, Cincinnatl, Ohio Agents wanted for rubber stamps, ruble type, pads. dators. white letter signs "Bottled Electricity," for catarrh and pain electric belts, etc. Writc for agents' term (3 WANTKI- Young lady agent t canvass ;miong tlie best pcoplein Ann Arbor and viclnity, for Engraved Visiting Cards. 2to S3 per day casily made. Addrese at once, The Clarion. Keed City, Mlcli. 42 FOR SALE. I1OK SAtE- 20Lots, three liouses and two barns. Will take a farm or other property for part pay. Enquireat 8BE. Dniv. Ave: (43) FOK SAIiffl- Bed Oak tree topa for sale cheap, astheylie. ff.D. Cranson. of Webster townshlp. P. O. address Delhi Mills. 44 CMUt A Franklin Typewnter nearly new. Regular price $75.00. Will be sold for SJ5.0O cash. Cali at 79 East Ann-st. and t ake a ook at it. tf ÏIOR SALE AT A UAK(iAM-A iiine room liouse witli a 6x12 rod lot, corner of Fountain and Hummit street, Ann Arbor, lareebarn, Bhed and shop: house contain hatli. hot and cold soft water, also city wa ter and a ncver (aüing well of pure sprin water. Fi'ie garden. Por price and tem apply on the prcinises. 23tf flOlt SAL.E- ïlie old building formerT standiui; on corner of E. Libertv and Mav nard-sts will be soid for 175. fenquire a Register Office. FAKJI 1-OK NAí.KÍfne BullooK or i.vere" farm, 3 miles west of Salem station and 1 miles from Ann Arbor, coutainicK 109 acre house.and barus, steek aurt well water in abuni. anc 4mber: school and chtirch within a mil lana naturally the best; all seeded down Pric and terms reasonable. Cali on or Andre K. aioii.80 Mayuard-st.. Ann Arbor, MIch. 45 on 3 miles westTöf "city onDex ter road, 0 acres good farm land espec ally suitable for fruit farm. 10 acres timbe EiHiiireof A. B. Lyon on tlie premisc. 2T)tf l'B KEIVX. ÏOtt RENT- 5 ünfurnlshed rooms, lowe lioor, Enquirc at 5: Washtenaw Ave. fi11 RENT- A sraall sumnaercottage o l onoof-LesChenauxislaiidsnearMackinac ill rent for the summer and furnish seaso pass Ion. gentleman and wife on steamshi line. llielwo may be liad at a rare liargair or particulars ftddress B. J. c, Urawer "li City, und party will cali. 02tf "ü BBE- 64-page medical reference book t JJ any person afflicted witli any spocia chromcor delicate disease peculiar tothei „ Vis the leading physicians an surgeonsof tn:States, Dr. Hathawa Co..- ïOnearhorn stroet. Ohlcairo K rpo RUNT, F irst claes pianos S4.00 and $5.00 I X per ïnonth. i Bouth [ngalls ' ia B. J. Oonrad. WANTFD-PAITHFÜLMEN OBWI ) M I io travel for responslblc establlshi house ni Michigan. Salary 1780 and expense 1 sition permanent. Keference Enclos self-addregeed atamped euvelope. The Ni tional. Star rnsuranco BldR., Ohlcaffo


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