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Among Our Neighbors

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Ante tlic i -rojiife .viiugc to nonil yoiir Prub&t Prlniing to the Register Office, 30 Bé Hurón . frútice Our Agont haviug securt'd orders í';- piet uros iieyond our higtiest oxpe tations, vire artí obtied to gskall towalt patidntlj Ujv tlioir plctupes to be ed. We shail, f rom weck to week, hereafter ptibliah the naiue3 of all persons whose ])ictures aro ready íoi' dolivery in this placo i ti tho paper. Wateh this place, just at the head of ''Lntest Cov.nty j and when you see your name i please cali at oue lor the oiüturo. (JlELSE STANDARD. Win. TifaUvc-il .f ,nn Arbor wa-i thekruestof Mr. and Mrs. N. tí. fcVeer. J Miases Man 1 Gilí lam ar.l Kiti Haaror wera Am: Arb)r vis'uow Mor-I day. vlias ffell C ■innors of Dexter was the g íesi of Mrs. E. Líook i lat week. MÍS3 Jesí-ie Merrill of Ann Arbobeen spending some time bep Ch i.k v HEit.vrD. Mr. Edward Süliuraacher, oí Aun Ar boi. so i of Mr. and Mrs. Jaco') ! maüher, oí ti is village, vvas married to Miss Liüie líettliug. of Freedom, Ndv. 4. 1896. Mr. and Mrs. John McKone, of Lyndon, visited their daurb.ter Mary, who is a student at St. Joseph's Academy, Adrián, lastwoek. Thej were delightful 'y enturtained by Dr. Keilly and the hospitable Sisters of St. Doiiiniu. John Merrinane, of (írass Lake, has accepted the position of nig-ht operator at this station. Mies Barbara Dolí, of Detroit, hasi-eturnod home after a brief visit with her friends in Lyndon. Dexter Leader. Miss Anna Doane is aoing some posteraduatc work in our school. The Progressive Pedro Club will be entertained at the residence of John Pratt next Tuesaay evenin?. It is reported that tho young ladies will give anotber leap year party at the Opera House some time before Jan. Ist. Messrs. Geo. Walsh, Chas. Walsh, Irving Johnson, Cyral Trainor and Misses Claudia Staley and Alma Stanton entereci our hierh school this week. A very pleasant and proíitable initial meeting of tho Reading and Uterary Club was held at the hom3 of Mrs. Seper Thursday evening:. The YpsiLiANTian. Mr. C. Ros?, the wealthy color ed man, who died this week at his home on Prospect St. left by will his entire fortune oí $5,000 to his wife. Mi-3. Sarah E. Carr of Ann Ai-bor, died of consumption last Sunday. agp.d 79 yoars. The interment was in Ypsilanti. Mrs. McEloheran has returned from Albion. Miss Mary Ayton, of Memphis spent Sunday with Edith Newcomer. Ainawoi'th, Batchelder and Co. have packed 6000 barrels of apples this f al). Tney ship to Texas, LouisaDa, Mississippi, Virginia and other States in the South, besides sen?ing some to Indiana and Minnesota. Sa une Observes. In the regalar list of marriage licenses we flnd the name of John Moody and Bei-tha Hale, both of Saline tovvnship. Mi-s. R. G. Barnes and Mrs. H.'Smith, of Ypsilanti, visited Mrs. Chas. Hogers the fore part of the week. A pteasant birthday gathering for .Mrs. Margret Gillen was held at the home of her daughter. Mrs. A, 1!. VanDuzer, last Sunday. Mrs. 'G. is (8 yoarsof ae and enjoying good health. There were prp.sent of her ohildren, Mr. and Mrí. VanDuzer and Mr. and Mrs. John Gillen, of this place, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gillen, of Tecuraseh, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gillen, of Clinlon. Manchester Enterprise. Conductor Newhall, of the Ypsilanti. passenger train, has b3en taking a vacation, and Gus. Roo;, conductor of tho way freight, has hud charge of his train. Mrs. Geo, Bower and childrcn and Miss Amanda Grossman, of Jackson. carne Viere Ihis morning to attend the Grossman - Stabler wedding. Miss Gr033man was bridesmaid. Mrs. Greoraan, of Troy, N. Y., who has been visiting friends here for some time, left tlüs afternoon for Philadelphia, vvhere shc will visit Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Drake before returning home. F. E. Orttenburger, of Detroit, was in town yesterday on business. He repoi'ts his family as well and business fair. He was aecompanied home by Miss Ellenore LohD. YP3ILANTI SENIINEL. Mr. ;m,l Mrs. F. A. Cutlcr, of Detroit, and Mrs. C. M. Han-is. ofThree Rivors, spent Monday with Ypsilauti friends. Prof. Daniel Putnam will represent the Normal at the WilHts memorial exeroisss at the Agricultural College tomorraw. Mrs. M. T. Woodrufl was callod tu Ovid Friday, by the illness of lier fathcr. Her sttiy there wil] bc indefinite. Georgo J; Preston, merchant tailor, w$ll occupy 1 lio vacant store in tho Ojjera House block, after December 1. Yp.jilanti Commercial. ' Joseph HemmgtOD, who has been laid np tbe past month wlth a badly Bp 'ained anklp, isnow able to bo ibout with tho aid of crutches. 'V. B. ('iarke at tended the weddiofr of kis huella, marrieel to Alfred M. Eumphrey at Saline, Wednesda. m,rht of' last week. V. A. Deuress umi wife, who I been stopping at Mi'8 CJilbert'á. .'o" AduMi.s street. l'eft yesterday for tlitiir borne ia Sho Diego, Cal. David !'. Uhl of Grand Rapids, sou of Ambussador Uhl, pussed through this city, Sunday evening, en routo to Berlin, Uermany, to visit iiis paronts. Roberl !■:. Kcllo_'ü wh.)se barna wero burned i oiootli ugo, two miles west of the city, receives $1,121.90 from the Washtenaw Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co.


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Ann Arbor Register