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ON TIME"" to (Irst appllcant in cach locality, agj ?V E? 0. 1. C. ll0gS.P T-wo weighod Sold 1 1 JQ ■ÉAr'' 2806iëaHL DESCRIPTION JFREE. jF L. B. SILVERCO., CleyelandAjP h DR. MATCHETTE'S ► ;: Indian Tobacco Antidote TiO Orl&lnal fi Gnaranteed Hormlcss JTOBACCO JMAZÍZT CÜREM " A Big Box, enough k to cure any ordinary case, costs ONLY 50 CENTS. When you buy a remedy. K buy the best and DÓN'T PAY A n ' LAR for a :iü-day cure wlien you can H eet MATCHETTE'5-tbJ kind that H euros In 72 hours, at any drug store. K for Fifty CENTf3. Wrlteforfree copy h " of Dr. Matchette's Iiealtü Taits. ►DR. MATCHOTT. CO-, Chieaso. Hl P" C f ■?-- "r V v"V' 'Vf'f I'S WHVSellYour Produce at Hou WW WIIIÏN YOU CAN Strike a Better Mar!' WE BECEIVE AND SELL BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY, VEAL, HAY, ORAÍH, WOOL, Hl DES, POT ATO ES, GREEN AND DRIED FRUÍ. , OS ANYTHIN& YOÏÏ MAY HAVE TC S P. Qulck sales at the hlghest market pr;r prompt returns made. Wrlte for prices, taf . pingdirections or any Information you may uut SUMMERS, MORRISON &, CC., Commiision Mercliints, 174 South Water Kt ', Befarence, Metropolitan Nat'l Bank. CHIC AQO Hltbea TRADI MABtS taiTCRCD THESE ARE A High Grade CIsss cf Gcods. ALTHEA TOILET SOAP Is the purest soap on the tnarket. This assertion is based on the testimony of export chemists, and thousands oí testimoniáis recoived in its praise. lts PERFUME is DELICATE and LAS 1 ING. lts medicinal properties are Bucta that ít can be used on ALL [RRITATIONS and INFLAMMATIONS, produeing beneücial results immediately. It is aiways a luxury; oftfin a NECESSITY. For Sale by H. J. Brówn, A. E. Mummery, Ann Arbor. O. W. Rokers, Morford & Hyser, Ypsilanti. ■'Ulula lor Oie Toilet." A book on the correct usu of all toilet artlcles mil 1 Irec to ;iny adehess. ALTHEA TOILET CO., Ypsilanti, Midi. RÑSEY& SEABOLT HO. 6 and 8 WasMngtOB St. Llave aiways on hand a complete Steek of everything in the 6B0GEBT LINE Teas, Coffees and Sugar AU pi-ime articles bought for cash and can sell at low figures. Our frequent 'ar-je invoices of leas ia a sure sign we ve bargains In Quality and Prices. We roast our own coffees every week always fresh and good. Our bakery turns out the very best of Bread, Cakes in-! Crackers. Cali and see ui. A. 5J Your addre, with slx centi J r&Pr&föüt ln stamps, mailed to our Head V c. Vml 3urt1 1' Kltot St., Boston, v v i] jljl Hui., will bring you a f uil lin Í- o) II ' samP'". and rule for ielfc _ k J i I l meaiurement, of our justly fa Í 'ifllll mous 83 pantt Suit, $13.25; O f, f II Ij Overcoati, $10.26, and np. Caí 7" " yji to order. AgentswantedevefT_JyfeNePljmoutli Rock ClËrttXort REVIVÖ' "fk RESTORES VITALITY. Man_ THE QREAT 30th í)ay. rn.3SKrooEi nEsnviaBiD-' pioiluces tho above reinita In 30 days. It a ta powerfully aud quickly. Cures wben all otliers fall Youugmcu will rogaiu their lost raaubood and oíd mea will recover their yoiithfnl viiror by mina KKV1VO. It quickly aud surely restoreB Nervpui ncss. Lost Vitality, Irupottncy. NiKlitly Emlnsloa, Lost Power, FaiUnif Memory, Wastiun Disfames aiul all effects oí sfelf-abuse or sxcoFgand inrtlscretion, wbicb untits one for tiuly. business or luarriauc. 1 c not only cures by EtartioK at the soat ot diseasc. 1) t isagreat nerve tonic and hlond bnllder. 'jrliiiiriK back the pink low to ialo eheekr ind ra ttoring the flre of youth. It wardr olí Inwinnv and Coneumption. Insist ou bavinc BKVlTOt lio other. It can be carried in vest pocket, üy mail. Sül.OO per packazo, or ni lor 5.(l(l. with :i poní tivo written guarontee to i-ore t' refund the money tree. A'kiress ROYAL MEDICINE CO. 53 Iliver St.. CHICAGO VFor salo by Eberbach Urug and Chemical Co., Ann Arbor, Mioh.


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