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Flashes Of Fun

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Howso - "I can do my best work wíien it is hot." Oumso- "Wliat a great future you have before you!" - Life. Jiulge - "What is the charge against this prisoner?" Policeman- "He stole a whoel. your honor." Judgo- "What make?" - Philadelphia Nortli American. "Holló, gloves," said Jack to Tonimie and Sammie. "Whatcher cali us gloves for?" nskea Tommie. "Because you are a pair of kids," said Jack. - Harper's Bazar. "Sawyer, I've cured my wife's inicmnia." "IIow did you do it?" "Had the raaid get up and ring the rising bell in the middle of the night." - Chicago Reeord. She - "Do you suppose his wife really supports him?" He- "I judge so. lío told me he didn't know what real haypiness meant until after he got married."- Puck. "I teil you, these littlo vacaticn trips do a fellow an immense amoimt of good." "So they do; I feel braceil up enougu to bluff every creditor I have." - Chicago Record. Winks- "Do you believe in hypnotism?" Binks- "Of course I do. Don't yaH see this uecktie that thé clerk Induced my wife to buy the other daj '.'" - Somerville Journal. Miss Daisy Medders (coyly)- "Do you love me, Jason?" Jason Huckleberry-"Course I love you! Do you s'pose I'd have been actin' the fooi over ycu all this time if I didn't?"- Truth. "I teil you," cried the author, "I'n going to rise in this world." The editor eyed him doubtfully for five seconds, and then asked: "Balloon, 01 elevator?"- Atlanta Constitución. "Doesn't it strike you that the temperature of this room is rather high?" "There isn't any doubt about it," replied the frugal young man. "Every ton of coal costs ?8."- Washington Star. Bacon - "Did yon know there were over 735,013,559,600 different whist hands in a pack of cards?" Egbert- "Yes; my wife tells me about each ona nearly every time we play."- Yonkers Statesman. "Bilker, you ought to be ashamed to wear such good clothes when you owë lie so much lüoney." "No; you ought to be proud to lend money to a man wio wears such good clothes."- Chicago Record. Senator Whiskers- "I invited 320 people to my silver wedding, and only twenty carne." Senator Tawker- "Well that ought to have pleased you.


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