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Real Estate Transfers

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Edwin V. Wallaoe and wifo to Daniel F. Reevea aud John V . Gates, Salem $10üO Lucy Palmer to Máry A. Palmer York 1000 Orsborn Case anci ivifo to Electa Sanf ord, York 20 John Kasishke ana vvito to Chas. Kanska Aan Arbor 1 C H Merritt and wife to Ü C Griffen, Ypsilanti D U (riffen to C Li Merritt and wiie, Ypsilaiiti Clara C King te Almira A Hul Chelsea 1 Gottlob and Emauuel Lulok and wife to Fred. wolf u,ad Wiie Ann Arbor 1 AlfredK. Beal und wiie Lo Wm. atoeking, Dexter 2500 The United States oí America to Chas. Reig-nley ut al, Aunata. . Philip Bach byexocutrix to John Koen, Ann Aruor 150 Geo. H. Rüodes aud wife to Earl Ware, Ann Arbor 20 A. H. Travér and J alia L. to Earl Ware and vife, Ann Arbor 150 Mary E. Tubbs nee Evans to Job. A. .ïiarshal:, Aap Aróor 4800 A. K. Pewrson and wifa tu J. (. Sciineider, Ann Arbor 1300 Henry J. Manu and wife to David Laubengayor aii.i wife, Ann Arbor 0000 Chas. 11. Long ana wiie to VV. i!. Canman, Ypsiia,nti 75