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Next Monday Night

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Um.lti.v t'amiibeü'g well known uomfidv-Liiiinnt. '_'Fate" will be roduced ai the Grand Opopa House aexl Mondj ni'hl, by a conapauy of well k'own Ann Arbor amatuers, for the benefit of the [ local Chapter Order of the Bastero Star. There is probably no play in the A mercan repertoire better known than '■Fate". For ten years it has been a stock piece with th better companies. ' Likc many of the Carapbell playa it was a succes8 on tho night oí its iirst performanoo which occured ten yeara ago witta l''amiy Davenport ia the leading part. The piay tella a tiinple homo story of ttie pfreatcst lieart intereöt and tells it so naturally that the scènes and climaxe-s havo oever been changed f rom those in original the draft. The storj of Fate Bthatof a.youngmarried couple wliosc home is broken by the scheming of an adventuress who ei tera the sueno as an old school mate ol the wife. An unforegeen yet natura! eircumstanoe thi'ows the husband and the uoman into a Rampromisiag pojition in ihe wife's eye, and u geparattou i mutuallj agreed upon. Thia was tiie avowotl ob ject of tho adventuress. a-i by it she hopeil to daw the husband to herself. ■ For :i yeara husband and wife l Dot see each other. and tbep meet in what was once their home. now owned by the adventui#es3. JSxplanations ure made and the cúrtala falls npoii a seene of new lound lovo and happinesd. It is safe to sny bbal theatre göèrs oí this city will witneaa au intereating performance m-xt Monday niht. Tho cast which will produce lFate" is componed of tbe following well known amateurs: Harry Grantly Karl E. Hai-riman. Unole Burdelte Walter Boynton. Jamee Cordon Frank Hearney. Mr. Jessup lames Simtnond?. 88LSSS'l l-neWa,e, BUnohe Sterling. . .Miss Nors O'Brien. I Fl?i'fnce (irantly . . Mrs. L. (reenwood. I Saliy H. Swift-Showerman, ; Máry Arnold "Ncüic Mingay. Tho sale of seats will bo open tomorrow ut the l'nited States Exiiress Office 0:1 W. Hurón Stivct. Admission 2."c. SJc and 50c.


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