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Y. W. C. A.

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Ton new ñames wero voted iipon at the Board Mettinx Moaday evpninff. j Tvro UBSUOcessful attempts we re made I to hold the regular quaeterly business meeting of tho Association last raonth, but unforesoen cireumstances i ed. A lively lüsjussion was held as to the advisafoility of holding it during December, but it was finally decided to wail until the regular lime the tirst Monday in Pebruáry. A oirt meeting of the Board and the Entertainment ( 'ommittee, on the eventngöfFriday Dec. lltb, will make arraiiïciiioii's ior the New Vear's Reception. A joint, moeting of tin' Board and tbt' Educalional Oomnaittee wiH plan foï some pleasantjournuys lal tr m tho ycar. The General Secro'jary ha-f mado 4'i calis thia mouth iu th : h t j.vs: of t'.u Associatioti. -ti moro have lieon made tbrougb the tuvitotion Coinmittec. 9S calle bave been raceived at t'i ■ rooms. 35 of theso have been gW wbo va il i employment. Win i thW munth'o 's are patd (and tho orders are atl iti tüu ''reasun ; - liands our amount of ''cash on hand" 'iU lc rery smalt. 1',.;;isj let tho inembersbipduos be paidas prouoptlv ;is pnasibïc. The entertainment by ilio ElooulkiD elísea will i' ■ givcn earty i:i January. It nroniises to be very good indeed.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register