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..:iv ! i v ii ii in the ICast purctawjing. ffiKXlS. ('jii! lv I'. Allen was in the city Monciav. Iv-Uvarjr Dn tl' y was In Detrelt hViclay (in Imsines-. D. A. Tinker was in Jackson lastSaturdaj on business. Ketent Barbour. of Detroit, was in the city last Priday. Dr. W. S liOomis is v isi tinar Dl". Bourns in Atlanta, Ga. Judge W. 1). Harriman did business in Detroit last Saturday. Mrs. IT. .1. Robcrston is b:u;k from an extended visit at Toledo. Pros. Atty. üandall did letral business in Dundee last Thursday. Miss Kannie Coolej is down from Landing íor a lwo week's vlait. Mi-s .nnie Nellis, (it W. Libei-ty-st., I has been quite ill for sorae da.. I . P. Goodinjr, of Stony Creek,has removed to this city with his family. Dr. V. B. Smith recently returned Irora :i business trip toOttumwa, Ta. Mr. Dr. Geo. McKean, of ( ranger, O., s visltitig Mr. an3 Mrs. .John Moore. Iliiviy Donuelly has gone to Chicago whcro he takes a position in a Wholesale rocoi'y. M i -H Mary Trueblood, 'of Saginaw, visited Mrs. .lames B. Angelí the ürst of the weck. Miss Louise (Jaunt, of Chicago, is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Ö. i', Schairei-. Mrs. S. K Johnson, of Packard st., han jíone to Homer, Ñ, Y.. wliei-e sho [ will fepend the winter. Mr. L. H. Clemont, nowof Wheeling1, W. Va., e.xpects to be in Ann Arbor soou alter tlie holidays. Mr. and Mi-. M. E. SU], of Detroit, visiled Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Williams the latter part of last week. l'iof. Geo. T. Winston, of tho L'niversity of Texas, speut a few days hrre last week visiting the Universitv. Miss Clara Fuioer bas been obliged to give up her school at Delhi Milis on account of the illncss of lier mothcr. (liarles Donnelly, who has been lroin home lor six years, is speriding a few days with his parents on N. Ingalls-st. Register of Probate, Doty, will open a law office the lstof January. Ho will Lvo especial attention to Probate Law. II. 1!. Ames has been chosen to represent the U. of M. at the Washineton's Hirthday eolebration in Chicago in February. Hon. II. Wirt Newklrk bas handed in his resignation as eashier of the Dextcr Savings Bank to take etfect Saturday. He will not remove to this city until spring although he will bo here every day to attend to the duty of l'i-obate Judge.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register