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Miss Kuio Connor ontertaincfd a nurnber of the colleg-c girJs Friday afteriioou at her home, 71 Gcddos Ave. The Spphoniore medies havo been having examlnations in all thoir lecture courses excepting in Phyalology. The game between '98 and the Jacksou .High School which yaa played on Thanksgiving day rcsullcd in a viclory for the formar. Score H to 0. Mi. I). Slysteen '95 medie and also gradúate b.e Jit departement, who located at So. Holland, SU., was married on eveningof Nov. 23rd to Miss Fannie Stebbln. thé thankegiving games the following aro of interest: Wisconsin G: Minnesota 0; l'ennsylvania 18; Cornell 10; Brown 24: ( ;arlisle Indiana 12; l 'liicago Athlétic Association 12: Boston Athletio Association 6. Au elVort is being made by the eycling club whieh was recently organized amoog citizene ;incl students, to procure cortaln sidewaik privileges for wheelraen. Dr. Carrow is president of the club iin'l several prominent members of the faculty bclong to it. Mr. Van Zandt a former .student of tho I in the En jfinooring dep't who entered with the elass of 'M, whilo bunting a short time aso neai1 hishome ia Texas, receiveel an injury f rom a Hun shot which made -it necessBry to ampútate onc of his arma. 1):-. Vaughan is revising his lecture notes in Physiologieal chcmlstry and i !n y will appear in book form by the begicning of ne.xt semester. The notes will be up to date, complete and systematically drranged making a book of about thi-co huodred pages. The final game in the series for the class charnpionahip is sclieduled for Saturday. It now seems doubtful whether ornotit will bo played as objection is made to giving the pennant to the All Freshmen on the ground that they do not represent a class. Tlie Athletic Association received $2970 as its share in the proceeds of the thanksgiving games. The deficit was $3,391, so tho association is still $421 in debt. There are still subscriptions enougb. uneolleuted to leave Uio associatioi) square when thov are paid up. As a rcsult of Prof. Trueblood's recent visit to Chicago, Ferd W. Peck has given the northern oratorical league an annual testimonial of $150 to be given as prizes at the contest of the league. Tho uext contest will bo held at Ann Arbor, May 7th, and Mr. Peck will preside. Tu o LYhtís Industrial Union hclci its first meeting for iho college year last Saturda.y eveniny. A very enjoyable timo was had. University studeñts who hiivo ;tt any timo attended too Ferris industrial School ai-e cordially invited tojoin. Address, Mr. G. W. Luán, 96 E. Washington. G. (ï. Crozier spontNov. 2Sthand29tli in Erie, Monroo Co. Mich., where he gave tln-ec Missionary addresses bofore the people of tho Presbyterian Church. He received a very enthusiastic receptioa and it is believed that his visit vvill rosult in a real awakcning of Missionary zeal the pcoplo there. A novel affair in tho way of a :'carpet dance" took place at the home of Mrs Biuntat 13 Wilhard, Friday evening Xov. 20th. l'ourtec.n couplea were present to regale themselves á uring the course of tho erening from an elegant lunchcon. An interesting feature which rendered the occasion somewhat unique was the use of hand-painted pro ;; rams.


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