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"now Willing To Live."

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The Well-Known New York Merchant, David Kirsch, Finds Health in Paine's Celery Compound. Witli the return of cool weather hosts men and women who i-elied on their summcr vacation to make them strong and vvell came home still tired, with poor appetites and depressed by the thought of months oE hard work ahoad. Their overwrought ñervos anti bodies today demaud something more than a mere rest. Their blood needs to be swept of its impurities and the entfre norvoua organi.ation reinforeed and built up by a genuino invigorator before good appetite will wait on both. The weather o[ iovember, with debilitating surriner past, and the . severity of winter not yet ari-iveii. is the very best time for recruiting the strength and getting rid of disease. Contrast the healt hy, well nourished appearance of persons who have taken Paine's eelery compound with their forme rbloodless. nervoless, drowsy condition ! Men and wo men getting along in years find a remarkable increase in [ vigor and a brighter, more cheerful state of _nind from tho uso of this great remedy. Don'tmope along and silbmit to indigestión, liver disorder, eontinual headaches or rheumatism. Paine's eelery compound will make you strong and keep you so. lts uourishing, healthmaking virtues have been so carefully considered, and so exactly fittcd to the needs of the tired, exhausted body, that its vvork does not have to be done after it. lts cures heart palpitation and heart weakness, feeds the nervous organism so sleep becomes natural and refreshing, promotes an increased appetite, and furnished the nervous force to euable the body to convert the food into the solid flesh and blood. Of all the means that medical skilA has ever discovercd for recruiting tho exhausted cncrgy of the tvorn-out system, Paine's celery componnd is far in udvance. Tbe pallid face, tho pinehed features, the growing thinness and the nerveless movements that teil the story of badly impoverished nervesana brain - all those forebadings of approaching diseasc disappear with the profound nourishing that Paine's celery compound alwajs' provides throughout the body, oven to the minutest nen'o lilasnents and blood capillaries. David Hirsch, the well-known Broadway merchant, New York City, writes as follows to the Wells, Riehardson & Co.: "I am advocating Paine's celery eotn.pound among my mUny friends, because it has done me so much good in a very short spacc of „iaie. I have been suflering (or ycars f rom indigestión and its consequent ills, sleeplessness inoluded. I had lost about 30 pounds in woight, and was getting weaker and more nervous every day. I was unable to stand exertions of any kind, and I used convoyances for every short distanoe. "After taking two bottles oí Paino's celery compound I feel in every respect better, stronger, more cheerful and willing to live. I will certainly never forget the effeets of Paiue's ceiery compound upon my system, and I wish to state that I am now past 68 years of age. I have travelled most all over the world, and now I feel I can keep on doing it and also enjoy it." Paine "s celery compound has done as much for thousands of othors. yl L '


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