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EYERYBODY HAS THEIR DAYS. NOfl COMES THE CANDY DAYS Deiuauds upon us these mxi few weeks will be excessive. Some who do notbuy of us at any other time will want the '-Most Excellent Brand" to '-tone un" with now. We Want to Supply All. To 1 he churches we ad èarly attention to their ne We want them to be served. Lei us know as soon as possiblc we will protect you and gun tee the prices and good ever you may want in Candies, Oranges, Popcorn, and Christmas Boxes. Anything in the line of C;; you will find at HANGSTERFER'S 4tü and ïïash. 26 S. State. Mortgajje Salo. Whereas, default has been made in tlie payment of the money secured by a cei mortgage executed by Alexander W. ilamilton añil May Hale llamilton, his wlfe of tiie City oí Aun Arbor, County of Washti - naw and State of Michigan, to Mrs II I Genunz (now deceased) of in the r-iat( mortgagee. to tbe payment of i he sum of one tJbousand and fifty dollars and interest thercon, dati fourtecnth day of Augusí onethoiisand eiitht hundred and ninety-three, and rccorded on the elghteenth day of Angu-t A. l i 2:23o'c!ock p.m. in thc office of Míe Ri nf Deeds for the County of Washtenaw State of Michigan, in Líber Etgl mOrteageson page five hundred and six and whlchsaid mortgage was dulyassigned by Addie B. Genung tlie Administratrix o Mrs. II. L. Genung, deee.ised. to slecned Mrs. Julia H. Scoville Uv deed of a meni dated thc thirtieth day of ücti rhicb asslgnmeni ivas dúly recorded n office of the said Register of Deeds on fenty-seventh day of November A. 1). i'elock p.m in LilH'r seventy of mortgages oh page four hundree and nlnety-nlne, and. Wheieas, the ai clalmed tobe due on said mortgase, a dateof this notice, is the sum of twelre lmndredanctaeventeen dollars of principa] and Interest, and also thc fnrthersum i ti ve dollars as an attorney fee, sti)n for tu said mortgage, and asprovided by law, and nosult or proceedings at law haring Instituled to recover the debí s. c by said morí _;:_'■ , orany part thereof, v, I by thc power of sale contained in gage has become operativa Now. Thereíore, notici ! ■ i: by vlrtuo of the power of saie contaim said mortgage. and In pursuance of the tute in such caso made and provided, I on Saturday the twenty-seventh day ol ruary A. I). Il7a1 ten o'clockin the fon of thai i 'isc siiid mortgage, bj llng at public auction to thc highest bi (the sale to take place al the Easl froii! of the Court House in the elty of Aun ! Ín said County, said Court House beinf place for holding the Circuit Court foi County of Washtenawi ího prerr.ises de ed Ín said mortgage, or so much there shall be necessary, to satisfy aun due no said mirtgage, aud legal costs charges of said sale, and the attorney feí a lio ve set forth, that is to say ; all i hose tain pieces or pairéis of land sitúan and !eIng in the City of Ar.n Arbor in the county of Washtenaw and Stato of Michiían, ana d"seriled as follows, to wit: Being a one thlrd interes! in the lots number iwi i Twenry (20) Inclusive in Block six (li): lots one 1) tnsfxteen (16) inclusive except lot tiv in Block Se ven (7) ; lots one (1) to Twelve. (12) inclusive excebt lot Hi i8i in Block (8) lois one (1) two (:.', (t). and Five (5) in Block : loteone (I)toTwenty-threi siveí xcepl lotsflve(5)andTwenty(20)inl Eleven (Ú), all Ín liamilton, Rose aun SheeIkmTs Addition to the City of Aun ArOor, 31 ate of Uichlgan J)ate the secondday of U icember A. D. Mus. Julia B. Scovu.i.k. .isa P. Kino, Assigneeof Mortgage. Attorney for said assignee. ("7


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Ann Arbor Register