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is a disease which afflictB over 75 per cent, of the American people. It is a dangerous discase because it not only poisons the blood but causes heayiness oppression.and dulls the intellect. Then follow chronlc headache, lasa of appetite, bIow digestión, nervousness, bad breath, dingy complexion and Iow spirits. It will eventually brio'g on liver and kidney disease in some incurable form. But sufferers from this dreaded malady are peedily Warner's SAFE Cure and Warner's SAFE P:!!s. I-eading physicians the world ever, have acknowledged this fact, and t'-.ousa.-.ds of people through. out the land liovo ttstificd to it. SAFE Cure puts a stop to backaches, headaches, constipation, loss of appetite, dyspepsia, tired feelings and sleeolessness. It builds up the exhaustëd system. It is a nu re cure for liver and kidney complaint in any form, and the otily remedy that has ever beon able to cure Bright's disease. y If you are feeling the need of such a remedy, you cannot do better than try this hing of remedies, the great AMAAfAtAtAWtAtAfr Sollil sili.Milid 'lialfis Betwleeu ini'lnuati. Toledo and Detroit, Past time excellent equipement. The Schbdttle. D.00 am 9.15 pm Lv Clnti Ar 6,45 im (.00 pm 3.SS anp3.55am Ar Toledo Lvll.6ptn 11.35 am 8 45 pm 8.15 am ArDetroil Lv 9.40 pm 91S am Through coaches and Wagner Parlor Cara on Day Trains. Through coaches and Wagner sleeping cars on night trains. As good as our New York Line ! As good as our Chicago Line ! As Lood as our St. Louis Line! Buy your tickets through via ''Big Four." Por f uil information callonoraddress E. J. McCormick, O. It. inrlin. 32 Pass TrafBc Mgr. Uvn'l l'ass. & Tlck. Agent pRANOSE lURANOLA? & Received First Award at the 0 I ATLANTA EXPOSITION. Tbs will not be a surprise to those who 5 T are acquainted with the merits of these V C and otner uuique and uncqualed food A products of the Battle Creek Sauitarium I enllh Food Co. # l'hey have beeu denionstrated to be the i only scieutifically prepared health foods. 5 Y lliey are recoiiimeuded by the most W 0 euiincnt phjsicians, and ought to be m 1 used in evcry faniily. ■- Granóse is crjsp, delicious, aprietizirg, W 0 and dig-ests quicker than any other ccm 1 leal prepara tïon. One pound "of Granóla 5 more than eqi-.als three pounds of best V ', & Iicf in nutriënt value. Both are thorm ' oug-hly cooked and reidy for use in one j For sale by leadins; dealers. m m Manufacturcd solely by the ) BATTLE CREEK i Sanitarium Health Food Go. t p Battle Creek, Mich. m For Bale by Stimson, .tiie siruei Belladonna i% Plo&tcr jñf Cures N Lumbago lm by fouching u ; ; . the SPOT JH ■"■i-fnin;iMmj Tnnin Baoadway and lltft St. U't LfyjllW Oppoáito Crraco Oburcb EUROPEAN PLAN. ROOMS $1.00 PEÏTDAY and UPWARDS. In a modest and uaobtrustire way there are fow bet4er conducted hotels ir. the mei"l)'Hs than the 8t. Denis Thegreal popularity tt has acqulred can rcadlly be traced to its ïmiiiuo looation, il;, s'.iin' llke atmosphere, tbe peculiar i loace of lts cuisine and srvi.-c, mul lts very '!'■ prlcos WILLI 1.11 TATLOB & SON.


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