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l'ull ollicial prooeedings of the eouncil in column. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schairer, ofScio, lost their infant ohild last r'ricïay mornThe "Gilt Edge Cornet Band" gives u ball in the olfl armory hall tomorrow nlght. The seeond social party of the A. A. I.. I. takes place tliis evening at the A rmory. Thesoconrï hopgivcn by Arbor Tent, L. O. T. M. occurred in Maecabee hall last evening'. , 'li-.s. W. V. Wadhams, who is at Mr. i lemens for medical t rea traen tj is rapid" j ly improving. The Hhoenix Singing Society will j give its annual concert on New irear's live., Dec. 31. Friday was pension day in this city, ■ anJ all the old soldiers sent in their vouches to Detroit. Kd ward A. Dygert, of Norfolk, Neb., who formerly lived in this city, died at his home last Friday. Mrs. Louise Keyes, of 48 Washtenaw , Ave., slippedon the ice Saturday and j -nstained a bad sprain. The home of Aid. ('. A. Maynard was j mude happy last week Tuesday by the ' advent of a bouncing gii-l. Mr. vuincy Turner has been j ed, temporarily, as superintendent of j the Homoeopatliic hospital. i Yof. ïïm. Bress was in Detroit Tuesday purchasing a stock of cheminals fo" the lii'rn of Hress and Itinscy. The daughtera of the soldiers of the ! pi irolation held a meeting at Mrs, Anuf ;ir.s last Thursday ifternoon. Reserved seats at the F.astern Star Dramatic Entertainment at the Opera House next Alonday iiight are 56e. A shrewd burilar entered the Cook House bar room last Wednesday night ' and stole $20.00 f rom the cash register. Xuxt Sunday afternoon at the Y. M. C. A. meeting, the subject of "The Singlo Tax" wlll be dlscussed by L'aul V. Allbrtght. From Dowapaper reporta, it seems that there were four deaths as the resnit of the various foot bal 1 parnés on Thankfigiviag day ! ( 'ommissioncr of Schools, Mr. W. W. Wedemeyer, is putting in most of Ms tí at present visiting schools in uil parts of the county. A amallfirein the old building just north of the Ilenning Bik. brought out the üre'department last Priday. Hut littlo damage was done. The Lommissioners for the estáte of Morris Riehmond spent the day Tuesday in atterapting to atljust the various c-luims against theestate. The I. O. O. F. lodges in the city are planning' for a dedieation of tlieir new hall in the Henning Block to take place the lirst week in .Tanuary. 'iiptain .lacob Schuh's deputy, Mr. [Jlum, is initiating himself into the duties of the County Clerk's oflice. ready for business after January 1. The teachers in the sewing 30I100I u-e to give a Christmas dinner to the members of the school, Tbere aro nearly 100 pupils. The entertainment given in the V. M. (.'. A. Lyceum course last Thursday nifflit by Perry Millar was a most exellent one and well attended. The store of Dearborn and Co., the I State St. furnishers was elosed Tuesday by two wholcsale dealers who held ihattel mortgageson the stock. Simeón B. Barnaby, of Springboro, I )hio, died at the home of his nephew James B. Saunders, on N. Main street, last Saturday afternoon, agod 79. The Ann Arbor Humane Society has t;iken steps to become an incoporated body. Ifs objects are to be prevent cruelty to both children and animáis. The Ann Arbor Agricultural eompany report a large incrcase in the si.e and number of their orders sincc election, and talk of putting on more hands. -- - - - - A look at the numerou? pre tty display ! windows in almost every business house in the city wiil show that a great deal of ] taste has been developed in this line of late. City Treasurer Manly is now ready to receive taxes at his office in the city building. His hours are 9 to 12 in the forenoon and 1 to 4 in the afternoon. ne of D. F. Schairers sons has reecived a pair of goats from a friend in Chicago. They will make things lively at the corner of Liberty and División streots. The lease of the Arlington Hotel, held by Mr. Geo. M. Hawes, expires the lst of next April. Mr. Hawes has decided to go out the hotel business at that time. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold their regular monthly business meeting Monday, December 14th, at 4 p. m. in the rooms of the Associatiou. The Register acknowledges i ceipt of au invitation to atteud a joint debate between the Clenadisand Arena literary socicties of the High School tomorrow night. ♦ Alexander llatti, who went to Italy ■ on a visit recently carne near being made to serve time in the Italian army, hc had becomo in American citizen. The Michigan Central and N. V. í tral r&ilroads are making arrangement for a fast frieght service betwecn X. V. City and Chicago. A 60 hour sehedule Is what is proposed . Mr. Sipley, Supt. of Poor, reports that during November he expended $]67."8. Of this the third ward ] ed the largcst amount. $5403, and the' seventh-ard nothing-, The frce Saturday concerté bísiníf v;iven under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Music Co. are becotnios doservedly popular. The attendaoce has been far botter than was hcped. The Detroit Free Freea is soon to issuea special '-Peninsular State Edition." Representatives of that paper have been in the city looking up mat' ters of interest for that issue. The different Masonic lodges of the city are arianging to give the poor of the city a Christmas benefit. Uetween one and two hundred baskets of provlsions will be sent to needy families. Altbough Detroit sti-eet was ba,d enough the ftrst of the week, it was a fincly paved boulovard as comparad with the swampy conilition of all tlie otber leading thoroughfare.-, in the eity. Hou. H. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of l'ni'.iate elect, is familiarizing himself I with the duties as Judge to be assuraed on the first of January. He has already (jone far enough to learn that he lias ' no snap job. Helen II. Perkins, a sister of Mre. EHza M. Speechly, died at the home of Mre. Speechly, 24 Traver-st., last Saturdáy, Deceased was GO years old. Funeral services were held at the house ! Monday at li o'elock. Numerous complaints have been made by residents on and adjacent to ! Packard-st. about the street car ! vice. Sincc the clectrie car makes the ! : run to Vpsilanti, the street car service j is practically glven up. City Clerk, Olen V. Mills has started a movement looking towards the sale of ■ sewer bonds, of which there are $10800 i worth soon to bo put upon the market, I to Ann A rbor people. , It is a ?ood idea , as there ie lots of money lying idle in J thiscity which should beinvested right ! here et home. A cali for bids on these i bonde raay be soon in anotber oolnmn. The tirst issue of Ihe High School Urecze will bo ont Friday. From advance sheets tl i is pnblication proinises to be one of rauch merit. Tliis issue of Tjie REGISTEE and that of last week were unavoidably delayeti in pnblieation. We wish to assure our readers that wc do not intend to allow unything of the kind to occur again. Mrs. A. Ë. Jennings, of Detroit, formerly of this city, has become a very suceossful china painter. Mr. lïlako has a few samples of her work on exhibition it his art store in the Washington Hik. The samples are for sale. The Council failed to settle at its meeting last Monday night what should bo done in the case of a special sewer inspector during the winter months. A number of the Aldermen are lirmly convineed that oue engineer is enough. The School of Music will appreeiate it, if all who can do so will mail to frienda away from here, copies of the last issue of Better Times, uhich contains a write up of the Schoo!. Copies roady wrapped may bo had at Bach and Butlers. II. P. i'rost who recently removed his grocery store to E. Libertyst. was unable to pay otf a chattel mortgage held by a Detroit wholesale house and so the latter took charge of the stock Tuesiay and have advertised the same for sale. l'eople who exuect to sond away Christmas presents should bear in raind that by registering the same, thcy will go in letter packages and bo transported much more safelv. A special delivery stamp in addition will insure thelr immediate delivery upon reaching their destination. Mr. (Juincy Turner is mentioned as a prominent candidate for the appointment as superintendent of the hospitals. the position recently made vacant by the death of Mr. Clark. It is also rumored that Mr. H. G. Prettyman is an active candidate for the place. Kither Of these gentlemen would make a firstclass superintendent. Therc are also several candidates for the place. A very pleasant informal reeeption was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Maynard on Monday night in honor of the Oth anniv-ersary of their marriage. A largo number of oid fi'iends and acquaintances called to pay their respecte. It is indeed rare that u husband and wife both live to such a ri[e oíd ae. The Register congratu lates both these honored old people apon their long and happy life. The Michigan Central shovved itself willing to defer to the fentiment of Ann Arbor raerchants against eheap excurïlotJS to Detroit. Last, week tlie road pan a low rate excursión from Jacksonto Detroit on account of the Pure Food Show. All the stations ■ twecn Jackson and Detroit wero taken I in save Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti, past which the special sped without even i deigning to stop to tako water for the entine.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register