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IN ACCIDENT. Mr. Quinta üniumel, of 118 Michi, ,.i Ave., Detroit, tells a War Story of iiis own Experience, ami the Resnlt. (From Detroit News.) Our representativo ealled at 113 Miciii fan Avenue, the residence t' .Mr. Quintas [ummel. Mr. Hummel is ;i veteran ;f theliite war, and reccived, in the campaign, j in injury which has givc. !irn muoli p.-ifai ! ;:.i'! euffering gince. Hó belongcd lo r Michigan cavalry regiment and Iiis horse ning frightencu onc day rcarcd up, throwing him baekward. In falling ■truck ais spine on a sharp stouc, iüflicting a deep cut over flve Inches long. Tbc ir jury affected llic kidneys. About two ago t!ie left kidney atarted to bl . and has boen doing so over since. Mr. Bummel, in a few pointed sentences, gave our representative the following account : ■"The accident of my 'wardays' loft bad shape; pain in my back and spinc rendered me almost useless, and I ( ompelled to giye up work entirely. [ could not turn over in bed without assistaöce. I liiivp spent bundreds of dollars in various waya trying to find relief. Physihave tokl me my spine was honeycqmbed for 13 inches. I had given up in d&pair, ncver lioping for relief, when n frlend 1;11 me about Doan's Kidney Pilis, and tlicy have done me a world of good. The pains have disappcared from my back, and the Meeding of my kidney has almost entirely stopped. I know I can rever bc entirely cured, as I would have to be 'a new mat),' but Doan's Kidney Pilis have donn more to makc me feel like 'a new man ' than all the other things I have tried during past years. I have not had any recurrence of the pain or bleeding sinco taking them." Doau's Kidney Pilis for sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, by mail, from Foster-Milburn Co., Búllalo, N. Y., solo agenta for the United States. Remembe the name, Boan'e, and take no other.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register