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Outside Round Silo

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A . ■ d of Rural New ■y obji otion tobuild 'mg silo (ni thoontsideof a barnf Will j yon comparo the oondition of tho ensilage in ontsido silo with thftt oí thcse bnilt insiife the barn?',' HeroiProrepiy : bjectious to building a si] ou tli ontsideof the barn. My j expcrienre teachea me tliat oiroulai .-ilos aro far superior to square ones. ! Therefore I wonld adviso i!io building of two olrcular ones on the outside oí Ihe barn and tlun ereoting a cover over i them; or, in otherwords, I wonld bnild un addition ro the barn, say 14 or lü fcot wide and 80 to 52 feet long. It niay be oovered with incli bain board batteued. Placo the silos insirió of this. Whcn tho winters aro very oo]d, it would be well to fill the corners, during the winter, with straw, whioh oould be ased for bedding lato in tho soaso. "I nm well satisfled tbnt tliig s.vstein s to be prefeirod to the old oue wirh squaro corners, whioh rcquiio suoh heavy timber and so mnoh boarding that tliey sopu rot out, and the silos are never quito as tight as they slionld be. If it ia poseible to arrange these silos so that tho material inay be drawn on the second floor of the bam preparatory to benig out aud elevated into tlio füo, bo nauoh tJio beller. Dnriug the past year I have geen soveral of these silos covercil vitii siMv thoronghJy gaturated with water, and t&e material has como out in .1 vory satisfaetory condition. "Thero is no danger of injuring the teeth or stomaohs of oows hy feeding thom ensilage, even tliongh it is quite acid. l'orty pounds per cow per day are flbout the limit that eau bofed. If tho ensilage is uot of the best, it sliould be fed in the evening, after tho cowh are milked. " Tho dotted line in the cut shows where the old barn boarding might be removed. The triangular ppaco between tho silos at the front wcrald be ampie room for temporarily storing material which was throwu ont of the sflo or for anr othr similar pnrp Whcn tho Bonej Vttm Is Orer. " A Michigan liookeeper, writüig to The American Bee Journal, tells how, when the heavier part of the honey flow ia over, lic bogins to crowd the bees down by removing all the flnished sections from each of tho two supers now on tlie birea and putting all tlie nnflnished ones into one super, with a yiowof gettiug thcm finished and avoid oarrying over too maiiy uufinished sections. Ho prcfcrs not to hivo aiiy and begius rach spring with now sections and new foundations. He finds that tho bees will draw new foundation, ripen tho honey and cap it soonor thau they will these old oombs, and theu its color nucí general appearancc are mach superior to thnt Stored i a tho drawn coaibs. He writes: This crowding the bees down also has a tendeney to cause them to store nbundance iu tho brood dopartment of the Jiivo for their consuinptiou during the coming winter and spriug nionth.s or nntil houoy comes iu again. There are a few beekeepers who extract all the honey, theu f eed sugar sirup for winter stores, but I eaunot indorse this plan. U I fiiul on preparing my colonies for winter, which I do rarely, they are short of supplies, they are fed extracted houey or given full frames of houey that havo been set aside for this purpose. Woolly Flavor In Mutton. . To prevent the woolly flavor iu mutton Homo and Fireside says: Take the pelt off as rapidly as possible and do uot permit tho wool to touch the flesh. Hang up and remove all intemal organs at once and spread the flauks. Wait uutil nearlycool before washiug dowu and out. To apply cold or hot water when the carcasa is warm has a tendeney to close tho pores of the flesh, and animal heat canuot escape readily, henee a "eheepy" flavor to the mutton.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register