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Mr. Androvv Campbell's plurality I ajaiiist John McDougal was 41. Tho jury cases in the Circuit Court will probably all be disposed of this woek. A eoodly number enjoyed tlie sccond ■ lance given last Thursday night by the A. A. L. Iv '__ Mr. and Mr3. Granger will give a dancing party on Monday evening after Christmaa. James L. Babcock is the heaviest taxpáyer inthis city. IIis taxes amount 101509.38. A bright baby boy was born last V'ednesday night to Mr. and Mrs. C. . (reenman. 1 íailroad men have been thick about the city for several days looking after student business. Kverybody but shoo mon are rogrettin"1 that we did not have a larger snowfall Monday. Arbor Tent, No. 296, K. O. ï. M. vvill give its third hop for this season on the evening of Jan. 7. Praat & Co. will continue to carry on vlieir bakery business at their old stand on E. Liberty -st. Andrew Muehlig secured first prize u pon his doves at the Bird Show at Louisvillo, Ky. last week. A Grand flapids man has opened a shooting gallery in the store room formerly occupied by Tho Timos. The home of E. L. Schleicher was made glad last Friday by the 1 aaoe of a bright littlc girl baby. The case of Edward O'Neil v. s. Dr. Lynfls which was appealed from Justice ibson's court, has been diseontinued. The socond social party of Í. O. O. F. will t ike place in the new lodgo rooms i in ihe rienninr Block on New Year's ove. Some one or more persons are in 'he Inisiness of robbins clothes line. Several complaints have airead v been made. The New Orusado for December, just out, contains an interesting artlcle on liThe Educat:nr inftuence of the Moal I Time." "It is rumoredthat Ooi. U. S. Dean] is grooming himself to ontor the rai'o for the Ann Arbor poatmrtstership. - : Times. The new motor car for service bu tween here and Vpsilanti has been in use for the past weekjand is (rood serrice. A match dropped on the floor of John Burg's shoe store caused a sliht blazc last Friday night. But littïe damae was done. Only 417 house3 nt,he city are connocted with the city towcr s.Vñtcra. Thore shoul 1 bethree timen aa many oonnections. The ladies ou the Nortfa Side will !vo a Cbristmae diooer tho pi'occods of wbih will bc donatcd to the N'orth Side clmrch fand. Fudgc Kinno tcok the i'aie of Miss Comiskio va. the city of Ypsilanti from ■ tbc jury last Thursday a-jd i-omJered a decisión for tho city. Adrián people by aiü of the long dista, se c telephono üáteoed to tho concert Lu the rooma cf the A. . M-usio Co. taShrimTay-rft. The Forty Club meets rt Granger's tomorrow night. Prof. A. A. Stanley has boen pointod a member of the committee on highway improvoment by Chief Consul Hines, of the L. A. vV. Fred. Iluntoon has been commissioned as consul for the League of American Wheehnan for this city for tl 10 next twelvc months. Mrs. Joseph Clark last week roceived a check for $3000 f rom the National Tnsuranoe Co. the amount of the poliey held by the lato Mr. Clark. Wm. Stevonson, of Port Huren, is in the city. He declares that he will sue ' the Corporation for certain suma due him on tho Liberty-st. aewer. Dietorle Bros. are selling out their , entire stock of furniture preparatory to ' going oüt of the businoss and devoting i their whole time to undertaking. Prof Adams will talk to the Y. M. C. A. boys next Sunday afternoon against the single tax idea advocated by Mr. Allbright in his talk last Sunday. A correspondent to The Times calis the attention of the Humane Society to the fad of clipping horses. He claims that it is brutal and should be stopped. James D. Cook, of Chicago, has purchased the hotel business of Mr. GeoB. Shetterly, of the new St. JamesMr. Cook took posession a week ago to. day. James Nelson, aged 68, died last Thursday night at the home of his j in-law, Joseph Sliau-, ."i2 Millar Ave. B'uneral services were held Jb'rMay afternoon. Tho pólice have been instructed to enforce the ordinance against throwing ashes, broken glass and other rubbish in the Street, as weil as riding wheols on the walks. Mr. J. C. Henderson, the new manager of the Ann Arbor Organ Co. reports having closed a contract to supply a Pittsburg firm with 200 Ann Arbor organs a year. - ■ - Betwoen tn and twenty pcople havo been arrested within the past ten days for riding wheels upon the" pavements. Fines from one to three dollars have been assessed. The trustees of the North Side church have purchased the lot just north of Xelson Garlinghouse's lot, on the west side of Broadway. The location is a good one. Mr. A. E. Mummery has swelled the ■ list of donors to the Y. M. C. A. building fund. He gave the society his check for 8100 last week. This makes $2200 now in that fund. The Loyal Temperance Legión will meet Saturday, Dee. 19th at 2 p. m. over Calkins' drug store. As this is the lat meeting before the holidays a large attendance is desired. __ K People koep asking why it is that the lire bell is not i-ung to indieato the uard in which a firo occurs when an alarm is recoived and the departement is callert out. We cannot teil. The Ypsilanti Camp of Modern Woodmen of America visitod the Ann Camp Monday night. After a joint meeting, a banquet was held and a pleasant time enjoycd by all. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. ;. Burchfield will be paincd to learn that their little daughter, Winnie is seriously ill with consumption. They now reside at Texas City, Texas. Dr. V. v. Vaughan will discuss ; "Sanitary Science in a College Course of Study" at the 40th annual meeting of the State Teachers Association to be held at Lansing during the holidays. Some people forget that there is au ordinance against killing fox squirrels withtn the city limits. Complaiut was made Tuesday against a young :nan by the name of Goodale for violatiD this ordinance. The following have been chosen members of thecommitteo on arrangements by the I. O. O. F. lodges to arrange for the dedication exercises of the now hall in January. Mrs. Cozzins and Mrs. Clark, I. of R. ; H. P. Danforth and R. E. Staebler, Waehtenaw Lodgo; J C Fisber and W. r. Jai-obus. Otswninfeo LoQjrf. Sheriff Judson and ('ommissioner Wederacyer calledupon Gov. elect. Pingree Tuesday - Xo polilies. Mr. John Mom-e, the clruggist, was taken very sick Saturday and is still confined to the house. A street car bats been put on the Packard-et. route. CitizenB alonp the lino are pleased as a consequonco. I. Tronken, a dental student. ■ from Rochester, Mich.. died ir pneumonía yesterday. The rematns were taken to his home at once. Androvv Campoell, our nex) stato senator and A. J. Sawyer, representative eleet, conferroíl uiii: the Itegents yesterday npon University affairs. The Supremo Court luis sustained the decisión of the Circuit Court bere in the case of Anu J. Walkor againsl the Corporation for damaues for an injnry in 18ii3becauso of defectivo sido valk. Asa Allen was the lucky man in the chanco for the pig at Mr. Spathelf's last night. Thrce hundred numbers werc sold at five conts cach. To the fió tbus obtained for the chprch fur.d Mr. Spathelf added $10. A fair sized audienco attendca the performance of "Fato" Monday night. Considcring the very short time taken in preparatiou the rendition was exceptionally good. The receipts notted the O. E. S. a small sum. At 10 a. m. lastThursday, at Monroe. Miss Kittie M. Meadc, of Northfield, and Miss Jefsie Hooy. of Dexter, took the white veil in St. Mary's convent. Several Ann Arbor peoplo went down to wilness the ceremony. Wadhams, Ryan and líenle won their case in the Circuit Court against the Western Insurance Co. Thoy had sued the company for 8400 for damago by fire in their store last year. Thoy secured a verdict for their f uil claim. Since Mr. J. V. Sheehan has ))ecome interested in tho book business in Detroit. Mr. Thomas A. Slater ha taken charge of the Ann Arbor store. Mr. Slater is entirely comuetenl to carry on the business Ur? bere Mr. Sheehan. Several of the girls who are clerke in the down town stores bring tbeir afternoon lunch to tho Y. '. v'. A. : thus saving lonir walksand baving a i quiet place to rost. Hhers are invited todo the same, whether mèinbcrs of ! the association ornot. Kobert Phillips resigned hia positiou as cashier of tho Stato Savings Bank last week. He closed his work thóre Saturday night and went to Chic Mr. Booth. the president of the bank, ' wil] actas cashier temporarily until i new man is appointed. i-'ive newspapers in Ann Arbor hav ing changed proprietora sinoe Pebru: ary, 1895, the date of his last directory, [Glen V. Mills finds it lncumbent upon ; himsclf to issue anotber directory, ; Mr. Mills has íllways been considérate. ! consistent and ■- Times. Jack, the 14 year oíd son of Jack I.oney, the hackman met wïth a serious accident Monday. He was shootin? eparrows when tho cap on his gun ::- ploded and a small pieco entered his t eye. Dr. Carrow removed tlie pieco of : cap. It is hoped that tho eye may bc ! fiaved. The management of tho amateur dramatic entertainment at the Opera House last Monday night was no exj ception to at loast one feature that is I characteristicof such affairs- that is to , ask the loca! papers for five or ten dollars work of write-ups and then forget to send around a twenly-five or iifty cení ticket.


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