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New Map of Washtcnaw r.wnir. ■ A newanil complete map of We naw County has ju?t been publlshed The work was proparod by Melzar V . ■ n, i i Marshn iowa, and 'li;is. 17. Spencer, of Ann Arbor. (dr. Dicksno s n formei1 etudenl in tlie i niversity uno has since been engaged inmnp ptfbl lening Itj Iowa'. Mr. Speii■Hi' if mr. of i I niversUj U'hiU' es he w:i as sistnm i iiL'imM r i '■ i lio I 'i!y of Ann Arber. lic lias sf!iil -ome i ruc tis a tant I'. S. Engineor on Kiiivrnincm work at Sanlto Ste Mario. The preparation of thU map mms Kun somc moatbs ago and every pari of the county was vlsited by the compilers, tho supervisors in each township] in the work. No wiu spared to make the map comph to and reliable. t shows all incorporated lowns, villages, and post-offiecs, ratlroada, streets, and highways, schools, i clmrehcs, cemeteries, and streaim; as wellas tlio locationof every farm ín the county, The owners name is on i farm, also the numberof i lm :.- tion of residence. The principal bicycle roads through the county are ! cd f rom one town to the other. The map is gotten out in an onlirely new form for county maps. T t. is printed on thin tongh paper and folaed within flexible covei'3 of convenient sizo for 'he pocket. It tbua tukfs j]i . room. It is aucom}anied by n list ol nou itj otliuer?. census tables, dirootory ol re.-i i dent farmers who own t'i ■ land thy ; eupy, together with thcir post-offlee ■■; ■ dressoB. The population of tho county both foioijrp und nath ■ li.rn yivrni ; flinj; l ■ Altogcthnr this map and directory ts i M'ry creditabie issueami we bespeat tor t a largo salo throughout the 01 tv. The prico is only 75 cents. Read the combined prlce of The Register and the raap on the fir'st page of this' paper. l()tf. i'iKNÜI-Kl TilXOS. C. E. Sperry. Treasurer of I'ittsfield : wili receive taxes at tho followinjf I places: Ann Arbor at rouuty Treasiirer's office, Dec. 26th and Jan. 2nd; Vpsilantl, a) Al ban v Johnson's Store, ! Dec. 30th: t-allne at S. TT. Maher&Co'a. Store. Oec. 29. "Hot Ro] Xn-. Whilney's achievement havo all been along practical linea. Üe has made no false pretenúong SVhatover be has glven lo theater-goers has been the best of its kind. without the usual boastintí nr trumpet blowing. In plain word 8 hiá prod uut lona satisfiea the heart and the imajination and to say t hal Mr. Whitney is a clever man won ld be to say B'hat every one already kaowa, while thesucceasof "Rob Roy,'' during its two years' ruti at tho Herald Square theater, Xew York, would justify Mr. Whitney in sendinj a number of compatiies out iin the same opera , yet ho prefers to tour the country with the. original, and not miblead tbc public by imposing upon them with an inferior company, or a lot of imitators, as so often indulgcd n by the average man ager. MADAME, RABAUT CO., OPPERS CHRISTMAS GOODS ! REAL AND IMITATION LACES. Ducliessc i ,ai Point Laces Thread Laces Point-DeGene Laces Oriental Laces, 7c. 9c and a yd. Maltese Laces 5c, 7c and 10c a yd. Plorontine Laces 17c and :0c a yd. Redora Laces, 25e to 33c a yd. i liant lly Lacex, 15c and 25c a yd. i-are Han.dkereh.ief8, 25c and up. Lace Pichus, $1.00 to$2.00. AJfto fulllincof Christmas Novelties. Dolls at 25e, 35c and 50c. We Carry the Largest Line of Any House in the City. 176 WOODWARD AVENUE, DETROIT, - MICHIGAN. C. L. McGuire, LAWYER, Praal Offlcc Over The Farmers and Mechanica Bank, Aun Ai-hoi-, Michigan, Notary l'nlilic in OfBce. PUR 25 CENÍ CULUMN. W.1NTED, W ANTE D-Copy Ing on tbe typewrlter. Wotk neatly and promptly dono :it !ow rate. Emma Lceffler, ttettister Offlci , II uien gtreet. nu f ANi'HH-UrtlcisforMll kinds of hulii wrsps and dressmnking itlvon promni attent,lon Mih-, Buell, 9T.i Junctlon Vvc Detroit, Mlch. ' ;,; " WANTPD-FAITHFÜL MEN )R WOMKN TO travol for responsiblc establishcd house in MtchtKan. Balary?T80aiid expenses Posltion permanent. Keference. Endoso self-addrosccd stampoO euvelppo. Tbr illoiiül. Sl;tr Insiiram-c l!l(i.. Chli W.i % i íiiirr.Tñ7'7Tr;TT.T.;n-1I.OUfí,1 , ,- win! i-r. Good fced and ;;iVk1 atti AddrCfi K I Wji.kKI(.S:i1d;ii. Ml.-h. 47 FOK SA1.E. F OH NAiTiTaT A BAKUAIN-A niuö roorn !i uso with a 8x13 rod Jot, corner of Fountatu and Bummll street, Ann Arbor lareebarn, Bhod and shopj house contalns batb. hot and cold soft water, siso riiy ! ter a never taillag weilof pure sprtjiir . water. garden Por prlco and terms apply on tin A ;,.% .,:- Tm Uu , i , I iHrm, H rniie west ol Salem Matiuti ■ ujIi iri.-ii Ann fimiai i, g m üoum' Mint b'ims, -t' ok aiii wcli ivninr In tl aiic ■-.- i'j.T: ,■...,,; ,.i.,i ehurch witl lauo nsl rally tnv Iwet: all Keided and erin ■.. ■■. , . . Sl r, s i Uyu rd i . viin Ir'nii. L'! S A1.E -3 milos wost ol city on 1 ter road rarm land e ally eultable fpr fntlt farm, lvcre timber. I Bnqalreof A. 8 Lyon on tFe premises. 2.-tf


Old News
Ann Arbor Register