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Among Our Neighbors

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Nottce. .n' Agent h orders for ptcture8 fai" boyond our highest i tdtions, wc are obli;red to aak all tovvalfc patiently for tbeir piotures to be üni.-he I. We shall, f rom week to weck, hereafter publish the names of all persons whosc pie tures aro ready for delivery i.i ttiis place in the paper. Wateh this place, justat the head of ' 'Lates tCounty News" aad when you sce your name please culi at once for the picture. CHEJ.HrcA EiEBALD. Herman Vogel, of Detroit, spent 8unday hare vvith his brother, Edward .1 jhti Cale villaje clerk, was in Pinckncy Mouday, on business. Toe Tillio and Paula Girbach Htte:idod üio Khrep Si.iva wedding at Gr.iss Lake Dcc. 2. Mi'í. Wm. r'oater, of Plainlield, who cuna here a sViurt tima ajo and had au oparatioa performed for oanoer, is slowly recovei'ing. 'I he iire at the mili 'ast Saturday so f.'ljrhteued Mr. Hutch, the proprietor, tuit he had to ba takon hoaze, wherv ha - ill remaliiü rjulte 111. MANOHBSÏEK i'.S L'ERPKISE. Mrs. tioward House ot tJlinton and Ms. Jamos Owen of Toledo visitod ut 1!. IC. Bargerd last weok. .Mr.-, iolü-y ( ' ;iü ! I ;,'.■ youn c'.) i lrn wère frain Brooklyn tu s i il': S,:i:d.iy at -iu-i. lielly'e. Mlrs. Smitli "of ToIeJo, -.vho hus boen visiting iiur daiiiTiitur, Mrs. Berger, for the );ist two weeks, rat a roed home yeste rday moniinjf. John Gappa met with au accident ast Thursday nijjlit and ca lied Dr. Conklin to dress his wounds. He elther feil down or thu sidewalk flew up and hit him on the he.ul. Chblsea Standaku. Boro on Thursday, December 3rd, Í8:W, to lisv. and Mrs. W. H Wiükeiof Emporia, Kansas, a son. The marriage of Miss Katherine Codd of Detroit to Mr. Rdga.r S. Sexton, is an- nounced to take place Tuesday evening, December 15. Archiê Clark cf Yp3ilanti was the guest of his pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. D. Clark, over Sunday. Jas. Gorman. H. Lighthall and G. H. Kempf attended the memorial exercises of the Elks at Anu Arbor Sunday. Saline Qbserver. Arlhur Ilarnpton, of Detroit, visiunl J. H. Barr and famiiy the last of the wenk. Mrs. N. G. Nichoson has ono to To ledo to visit her son Loste r and familj Mr. and Mrs. C E. Bassettof Detroit h;ive b;;en spundlng u few days at thei old homes here. T. T. Mansíield has been quite sic! with rbeumatic dilficulties th past week. Miss Vesta Snauble of Macon, ha been avendlng a few days with he cmsin Bessie Curven. Ypsilaxti Commercial. Mrs. VValter Winohell. botter known hore as Ada Townsond, died of consuinptionatlouia, Dec. 3. Herparents, Mr. and Mrs. James II. Townsend, and sister, Graoe, Iivh on Bell street, in this city. Miss Kittie Arabltl has aceepted a position to tekch Latin aad Gre'eiv in the Dacatur schools tor the remaiader of the yéar. Df. Batwell was the victiin of a burglar, last Monday night, the thief entering tli_ house with akeietOQ keys and taking 865 from his pocket. D. Pastorino, of thii city, has purchased the stock and good will of Tony Schiappat-assee's fruit and canjy store at Ann Arbor, anJ will ï-craove" there with his fatnily. V'P3ILA!Srr[ SüNTTINEL. Georfíe M. Woodford of Bostoü, an old Ypsilanti boy, has been the gueai of his father-in-law, I). A. Wise, duriny the past week. Tiie Detroit Tribune and the Evonlng Newá both publish(íd a group of poiti'aiti of the memburs of MichiiranV coming son:itf, but left out the member from this district. Why?- Ann Ar o. Courier. Becuuso Mr. Campbell dii n t furnisii a photo, We understand 11 3 liever was "took." A pleasant progressivo pedro pvt.y was entercatned by Mr. and irs. Sam Flotohejf L''i-iJ;iy evening-. A bout 3. guo-ts w,v.! preseót. The aoe priif n ■ ■ won Ijv M:-.s. Mlnnie Gridley and Vortimur B (Jrane, wlnle Mis, Kv. B'lutcttCr and Miss Li'la Jto'veil (thi li.ttui' li to pU.y a t4'üiitleman'r h.i:)d) secured the bjoby trophfes. tl. ' Dkx i'KR LeaüSR. Diea at hts homo one mile south oi tiis vHluire. SiUinUy. ) c. 5. 1896, o) c ui iestion of thé lunsfé, Benjimlu .J. Phöipe, aed (9 years. I he fuñera vvaj held iondny aftei-noon in tho M !;. church, Rev. Mr. Potter conductln. t ie service. The utermont took plau iii ffjjfröat i.:vn i'emotery. On last FrMay evenirig, Dec. 4 , I i nietT.v part; of Arm Arboryounj; peoI plc surprlfted Herman Benz oí Webster and aided in the eelebration of hi.s birthday a.iniversai'y. A (jood timo íh '■ rtcd. Invitatiopa have been issuod for the suconci Le&p year dancing party u be :.!. I ( 'In b, ín the i ■■■■■- ter Opera House, Xhureday evenipg. Dec. 31, L898. The pluto will endeavor to maleo i h is party, t posaible, euipass I tfie iucoes of last pring and there is I no doubt but that tiicy will: The Yi'. ü.antian. Mrí. Tina Andrews Bailan] and sou Harold, of Georgia, Vermont. havs beBD visitint: her unole, Mr. Alvaïi Worden, a:, 20 Con presa Street, east. Mis.s West, of Detroit, was the guest o.' Miss Fannie Kief over Sunday, ana spokc at the Y. W. C A. rooms öunday ifternoon toa crowded house.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register