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■i WOIIFOL ESCAPE. Relatcd by a Keeper of the Michigan Stat Prison at Jackson i FVom (lie Jackson Citizen.') Mr. A. E. Wing resides at. 612 N. Jackson Streef, Jackson, Mich. Ho is a keeper in iho Michigan State Prison, aman of sterhng integrity, and whose word is beyond dispute. He tells the following storvof a wondqrf ui eacajDe, aud the incidenu connected wjfti the dangerous positiou in which he ivas placed. He says, inoiiths ago my attention was attracted by :i swelling of ray groins, which begau to I mercase m size to such an extent that I : was nKritned. It spread dowirmy lerS to ! my fect, and I was bloated from iny waist I ; down, so ,;adly that I conld not pull my pants, over my legs, and I had to open my i shcirs fnlly two inches before I could get I them cm. Even my face beeame puffed i up; and my wholesystem seemed aflected 1 could hardlydrag myself upstairs i. ' unlock my men. J consulted a physiciau I one of 1he best. in the city. He said thé swelling was caused by an irritation of the kidneys, and I commenced treatment witli liim. But I seemed to bc getting worse I was strongly urged by a friend to try Doan'g Kidnoy Pilis, and I rinally consenfod. After the first wceklcomtfienced lo sec a change, and feit mach better. flus was encouraging, and I continucd their u-e. Itook five boxesinaJl, withtlie happy result that I was completely cared I have ncver heard of any mediciné whteh liad such a pronounced and radical effect and yet not affect the system generally .-ind leáve it in such a good condition I feel better now than I ever did. After the effect was once cstablished the swellin"gwdually disappeared until it was entirelv gone. I regard Doan's Kidney Pilis as a most wonderful agent in the curint; of anv forra of kidney disorder. f-'or sale by all dealers - priee, 50 centa pw box. Mailed by Poster-Milburn Cc l.iilralo. IS. Y., sole asrents for the (7 s' lienieinber the name, Doan's, and take no ouiel'.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register