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English Governesses

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, Sontetlmes Wal ter Besaut gets indig1 naat and he bas a right to, says the New York Commercial Advertlser. Whn he speaks of the poor he knows whareof he apeaks. It was through hls great novel, "AU Sorte and Conditlons of Mn," fchat the People's Palace in Xondon was built and he enjoya exyosing the rogues amoug the begging letterwriters and "poor widows with iajaginary ohiUlren," as much as he likes to Btir up the rich and oarele3s. He says (and it throws some light on the wagea of Englieh women in comparlBon with American women in the same posltlone): "A letter comes to ine from S The writer refera to the case of the governesa on L25 a year being sent away to keep berself for a two aaoatha" holiday." He proposes that art ion hould bo taken In the matter; he suggests that a cominlttee should be formed to take up the case; that money nhould he asked for; that a holiday house should be built in some quiet and ' bealthy place which should receive the ladlea for liitle or nothing. He draws up a schema complete. One would not wllUngly tirow cold water on any scheme likcly to benefit e. class not only deserving hut aleo helpless. At the same time I would suggest that a better plan would be to awaken attentlon to the subject and to make people understand the downright cruelty and wickedness of the thing. I do not believe that those who do it reallze the meaning of it. The evil is done by want of thought in this as in so many instances. K it is done In f uil knowledge of what It ineans, then the perpetrator is one of the lowest and basest of her kind. To five a woman L26 a year; to expect her to dress like lady - always to wear decent gloves, for instance- and to turn her out to keep herself for eight weeks in nothing dhort of barbarity. Eight weeks at 25 shllllngs a week is L10; there is left the sum of L15 for drees and every other expense. And for the future no prospect at all. Poor governess! We must try when we get our national bureau if we cannot do Bomething for her.


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