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IVew ílap ol Waslitouaii Coiiuty. A new and complete map of Washtenaw County has just been published The work was prepared by Melzar M. Dickson, of Marshalltcuvn, Iowa, and Chas. II. Spencer, of Arm Arbor. Mr. Dickson was a former student in the Jniversity and has since been engaged n mappublishing in Iowa. Mr. Spencer is a graduat, of the University While his studies he was asbistanï of the City of Ann Arbcr. T!o las spent some time as assisant U. S. IJngineer on government work at Saulte Ste .Marie. Tho prpparation of this map was begun some moaths ago and overy part of the county was visited by the compilers, the supervisors in each township in the work. ISTo pains was sparee! to make the map complete and reliable. it shows all incorporated towna, villages, and post-offices, railroads, streets, and highwa.ys, schools, churches, cemeteries, aud streams: as well as the locationof every farm in the county, Tho owners name is on each farm, also the mimberof acres and locatlon of re-sidence. The principal bieycle i-oads through the county are colored f rom one town to the other. The map i.s gottcn out in an entireiy new fonn tor county ïnaps. It is printed on thin toug-h paper and folaed within Hexible covers of convenient size for the pocket. It tbus takes up littlo room. It is aecompanlod by a list of county ollicers, ctnsus tables, directory of resident farmers who own the land they oocupy, togethei' with their post-office addresses. The populationof the county both foreitrnand nativo bom is given according to the latest official census. Altogether this map and directory is o, very oroditable issue and we bespeak lor ít a lai-are sale throughout the county. The price is only 75 cents. Read the combined price of The Register and the map on tho page four of this paper. 46tf i Type an aicv Vv,ne a tlie .1 -t u'itrk-liotli are round at the K-uHter OMe, 3OK. Ilur-- St. C. L. McGuire, LAWYER, Front Office Ovit Thq Farmers and Mechanica Bank, Aun A.rbor, Michigan, Notary Public ín Office. PUR 25 CENÍ COLUMN. ANTE. WANï'HD-CopyiiiK on Hio typewrlter. iK'atly and promptly Jime at !ow rato. Emma Lteflicv, Register OfhYe, ; E Huron strr;t. Óltf W A N '' '- O-Ordcrs for all kinds of ladles fl wraps and dressmaking Ktvcn prompt Rjggjih.y Bl"'IK J J1""-"" Ave.. WANTFD-FA I TIlVri-MI-X OH WOMEX r o travel for rosponslhlc BtablUled house In MlchlRan. 8alaTy80aidexneneM l'ositliin permanent. iSeferenoe Enelaso self-addreseed stamped euvelope, The Nationul. Star InsiiriiniT Hldg.. Clilcagci. FOB BALK. Ï"1OK AUÍTaT A KAUC.AIN a iiimroom l nsr wllli atlxlivod lot, roruor of l'ountam aml Hummlt siruol., Auu Arbor largo baru. shed aucj shop houw contalui batji, bpt and eold soft water, also city water and a nover falllng weilof pure íprluwrtfr. Plae garden Por prlce aüS érms apply om ti„. premlses. ffltf l- ' ' '■. il.!.:- ti lilii,,, . „x ry-ivtt f" wrio.!!milowMiK 4i,.w ,,.a,„n a u house nj i. r-.-. ,■!, „„ w,i, „„f, ;, „ anc imbur.; (.f,..,„ . , ,i ,..,. ., h u ,, ,„' „ ,,,,., ■':' ' 1 Jl&y i T.l vt , UiM -,r:M„. Mini, 45,, ijHJll SAl,K-:iinllea wet of city ou Jtx. . r terroiiU. op afires good farm land ospet-JRnqiMiJ4 ï rvnn on ttioprom'fpfe Sff


Old News
Ann Arbor Register