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Hortgage Sale. Whereas, default lias been made In il, paymmi oí the monoy securod byacertali nmrtgage executed hy Alexandei W l 1 ,' , il ton and May Hale Hamllton hls wifc tï, of thi! City of Aun Albor, Countyof Sffi nawand State oí MiHnsan, to Mrs i ' Genung (njw „deceased) of 'cteitatb! Stateoi New Ifork, as mortgagec i,, s ,, ,,'. thepayment of the aum of nel thónwin ÍÍÍÍ flttydoUara and Interesi thereon, dated th fonrtoenth day of August onethowindelini hundrod and nlnfity-three, and recórdodon theelBhteenth day „f August A mi ' theoffleeof the sald Register of Deeds 5 thetwenty-seventhday of Novemh?A V c&fea8Sed-oñWJorLS Interest, and aisothe tnrthersnmof twentyflTedolIars as ai, ultornoy feu. stipu ■ ti-d for in said mortgage, ;,n aíprovidi-d y ■!„ and nosult or proceedings at law S&tím bees togtltuted to recover the débt sL?u ?S by saldmortgajf.opany part thoro f vl V, by the powi-r of sale contalned in sald moïtl gage qas boeome operativo KÍí2Ei5?ít.r?' ttotlee is hereby slventhat roary a. D. IHlTat ten óWkln thcíorenn ofthatday. foreclose sald morteagé (UiHMtle ( take place at the Kast front door pftlieOourt House In the city of Am lArboi insaul County. suld Court IU,use b" ing he place forboldina tlie Circuit Court for sVid ed to sald mortgage, or so mucb thor..,.r -,s sball be necessary to satisfy the amount duconsald mortgage, aud legal costs and charges of sald sule, and the attornev f et : a aboveset forth. that is to say; Hl 1 t l,ose ccr tain pleces or pareéis of land sitúate and beins n the City of Ann Arljor in tlie couiUy of Washtenaw and State of Michigan ana d. sfnlx'd as follows, to wit: Beiñs u one tliirdlntorestlnthe ota numbb" io % to Twent m inclusive in Block six (6)7"otsonë 1) to sfxteen (IB) inclusive except lot Hve " ) d Blofk ?even(7); lots one (1) to Twelve fia Inclusive excebt lot Si.x .6) in Block () lots one(l) two (2), Four (4). and Five (5) In Block ten (10); lots one (DtoTwenty-threeS) tachi oAfteU th6 Cit f A" AroS. Dated the seconddayof üjcember A. D. 1896 „ r, TMR9- JCLIA B. SCOV[LLE, ' Zina P. Kinq Assignee of Mortgage. Attorney forsaid assignee. (57) Cotnnilssioners' Nortee OTATE OF MICHIGAN QCoünty of Washtenaw f iThu u,"derssned havlng been appointed by the Probate Court forsaid County! OommSsioners to receive, examine and adjust al] .. ?'.?} fn?eín?Sáiof.l1 Pprsons aprainst the estáte of Daniel N. Smitli, late of said County üeceased, herouy give notlce that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for Crédito to present thier claims agamst the eslate of said deceased and that . they wlll meet at, the regldencn of IJamel E. ismith, deceased. in the Townsluu of &alem,ln said County, on the 15th day of March andón the 14th day of June nexL at ten o clock a. m. ofeach of said days ló receivo, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, December 14tli im. John Munn, Husen Alsbro, Conimissioncrs, xq


Old News
Ann Arbor Register