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Sheriff' Se. Notíoeteherobv jrivon tbai by vU-tuc of a writ of lien facías issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court fo the Gpunty of Washtenaw and Stat,, o Michigan, in a suit commenced byattac imentin favor of Noah W. Cliwrer awl Edward Treadwoll, Oxeutora of thc will of Hiram Araold, dcfeased agamstthe goeds, ehattelsVd LaU8l sol in V nPh WllSey and AlviQ Wilsoy in saicl County, which writ was disafd rnandtdelivfrfd tü the Vertir ór did on tho 18th day of July, A. I) 1894 levyuponand take all the right. tule and interest of the said Joseph Wilsev m and to the real estalo hereinafierdL cnbed andalso that hyvirtue of an alias vvntof fieri facía, iudoutof and under the seal of the Circuit Uourt for the Count.v of Washtenaw and State o Michigan m favor of Xoah W. Cheever surviviuíí oxecutor(1f tho will of Hiranl V t r agalnst the -oods chattels and real estáte of Joseph Wüey and Alvin Wilsoy in said County to me directed and delivered, I did on the th day of December. A. D. 1S90 lew .pon and take all the right, title and n íf 1?.$ Jai(1 ?& Wüsey in ..- -v, n.c luuuwing aescnbed real estáte, that is to say : All of the following described land situated ui the Township of Pittsfield, in Washtenaw Couaty and State o Michigan, viz: haínpT1} (50) Hcresof the ea8t half (hl) of the south-east quarter (S. iWjof aection No. seven (7) in TowntfcPin- t,hree,,(?J 80uth' i Range No. six (fa) east. All of whicu I shlll expose for sale at public auction or vendue to the highest bidder at the east front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor in said County of Washtenaw, that being the place of holding the Óirouit Court forsaid CounI' n,lurday the30th Jy of January, A. D. 1897, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. ttt r, JUDSON ÍVOAH W. CHEEVER, Sheriff. Plaintiffs' Attorney. Dated, December lOth, A. D. 1896. (53) Weakness of Men Quickly, Thorouglily, Forevcr Cured 2mV by a new perfected sclentiflo f ISy Ty}L_ method that cannot f all un.J iJffla tessthecaselsbeyond human pgnciB You ieel lmproved ths SL OT W rS' af 'ee a benefl t every flpjC yj V day, soon know yourself a fítofSX T. 'ïrffr T,ng amon? men In body, jWJffif )lvcgM'nlnd and heart. Dralns and IgMMuCdllA losses endsd. Every obstacle ISPJUbVv UH to haPP3r married life re-M1 moved. Nrve force, wm, cnergy, when falllng or lost, ar restored by thi treatment. AU weat portion ot the body eniarged and strengthened. Wrlte for our book, with ex. planatlons and proofs. Sent aealed, rreo. Over 2,000 ref erences. ERIE MEDICAL CO., I6ufnMgan.sï: sj. ,.u„. REVIVO 7 Üík RESTORES VITALITY. sti)ay.ff'fJJÉWell Man IShDay.'h Qf Me. THE GREAT ,'ïOth ïay. o luces the above reaults in 30 daya. It art a erfullj and quickly. Cures wben all otkors fil huik men will regain thoir lost maotaood. and old ea will recover their youthful vwor by using 'CKVIVO. It quickly and Riiroly restores Nervoui ■ss. Lost Vitality, Impoteucy. NiRlitly EmiMiona, .net Power, FaiUnii Memory, Vïattini: Disease and 11 effects of self abuse or excei-Kand indiicretion. Inch uniite ono for frudy ouinees or marriajfe. It 't only cures bv startihe at the seat of dispase, but -acreat nervo fonlc aurt hlonrt bulldpr. bringg back tbe pmk Blow f. iale olieeke vid re :oring the firc of yonth. It w&rdl ofl Jnsanity nd Consumrlion. Irisc en bavinu ther. It cai: . pocket. By mal], ' 1.00 per rut :, i.. oi e;x lor 5.5.00, with a pol ivo 'ritten (rm .-uire t curo o refund he money. t'i. ir tree, Ad Tress OYAL ."EDiCíí; 13 Wvw St., CHICAGO. I1 For sale by Eberbaoh Drug and Chemical Co., Ann Arbor. Mich. 6 BIG FOUR" Solid Vestibcled Trains Between Cincinnati, Toledo and Detroit KAST TIME RX 'KLLENT EQl'IPMEVT. i HE SCHKOULE. !:O0am ö.lSpm Lv Gin'ti Ar. 6:4.) am 6:00 nm 8:86 am 3:.Vpm Ar.ToledoLvll:4öpm 11:35 am 5:4ñpm(!:15am ArDetroitLv 9:40 pm 9:15 am Throucli Ooncbesand Wasnei 1'arlorCars on Hay Trains. Thjouph Coaches and Via.g ner Sleeping Cars on Night trains. As G ïod as our New York Line ! As Good as our Chicago Lines ! As Good as our St. Louis Line Buy your tickets throuRh via "Big Four. For full Information cali on agents or ajJdress a K. O. .TlecSnilck, l. B. MarMm. Pass. Traffic Mgr. Gcn'l Pass. & Tkt. Agt See the Point? THE INVENTION -OP THE- ipth CENTURY. A PENCIL that can be sharpened without a knife, without soiling the fingers - without trouble. The BLAISDELL PAPER PENCIL is the finest thing of the kind to be found. Ask Your Stationer for Them. WM RílD. Local Manager PITTSBI KUtl PLATE OTAS GO. Dapott124 tó 128 Urnid Si. W., ÖITR01T, MICH. Do you koow that 1late Ulass will add W) ier rent totheappearanceof youtpropertv, and ooly & trille to ita coKtl Vo other oneVeatüre is m ituyortaut . Wheu :u want of Olass get our priecs.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register