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e desire to announce t,hat all those who have sent in orders for picturos to bo enlarjred may now obtain them by calling at our office. We would like for all to eall for their pictures at the earliest possible dato. SALk.1I VILL1GE. Miss Hgnes Pfeifle has resumed bei duties in School District No. 1. aftel her holiday vacation. Mr. Burton Hooper and wife, 'laude Murry and .Ir. Hannifred uaited with the Congregational church lastSunday Mr. Webster Lañe and vvife entertained a number of their friends Wednesday night. SVIKJI TOwK, Mr. William Bussey and family have moved to Ypsilanti. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Lovelacc visited relatives in Canada last week, Mrs. Kate McCormick returned to Ann Arbor Saturday after a two weeks' visit at J. L McCormick's. The Reading Circle of the Laphan Epworth League mot with Miss Clara McCorinick lastThursday ovening. Dr. Allen conducted quarterly meeting- at the north M. E. church Sunclay murning. WEBvrEil, The hiLfhways are again becoming quite passable, and many aro hoping tor snow. The Webster Farmer's Club was held last Ssturday at James W. Wiotr'8 place. i A good sociable time was induigiu by all present, and hei pi ui things offerea. Mr. Wing gave a report of the State Grange meeliug held at Lansing in December. Geo. Merrill was elected presideut of the Club lor the year, 1897. I he next meeting of the Literary Circle is at Mr. Leslie's Saturday evening of this week. Every one read your papers and come. At the church meeting last Sanday the old ofHcers vvere re-elected. Reuben Queal is about lo start soon for Florida. Some of our townsmen are shipping their lambs at 5c. The town troasurer says there are a good many deliuquents. .Jay R. vicColl has returned to Kdoxviüe, Tenn. The ladies of the Webster Congregationa.i churcQ will give an old faahioned New Englaad supper at the resi dence of W. K iioyden on Wednesday evening, Jan. 20 A general invitation is extended to all. ENE1IV. Mrs. Fred. Braun is convalescent after a few weeks' siekness. Eighty dollars and eighty cents were raisiid at the douation tor llav. Cuffin, 011 Friüay eveuirit;' ot last week. The young people improvo the oppoi-tunitios lor skating ou the briCKarcl pond. The M. E. Sunday School olected the.]1 otiioers for tüe ensuin year on auiiUay last, with Tüad K. Leiand as supei-iutöndent. DIXBOUO. (Received too late tol last wook.) Mijs Matie Galpron is home froin AUriüu lor vacauou. Mm. Aliie Austin of Salem visited h =r sister-, Sin. MiUDití Siljaughuiss last week. .Prof. A. II. Govert returned to his sotiool work at rfchoolcralt last week. üe has uot entirely recoverea hia Blieugtü fioin liis iöcent iUness. Mr. William Sbuart aud wile, of Detroit, have üeeu spenUiiiy ihe last two weeKs with his pareiits here. Airs. Sarah Judsou, of Easton, who jus üueu vioitiiiy relauives m tuis viciflt returnod home ruuaday. Miss Lillian Brown, of Detroit, is visitmy Aiiss Beruein ülderi tuis week Jülni Weiaemyre and wlfe of W1111muiv spent sjunua. witn iriend nere. Mouday, January -1, bom to Re.v. Moure auu Wlle, a Uaugüier. Mr. Liniid Hiacocti is ou ihe sk-k liat. ülivor' Unxae.v, of ionia was scen outSU'BbtS ont; Ua. tttdt weuk. Tlie Farmers' Vigilant Associaüon of tuwnsliips Ann Arbor, Superior and Salem met a Uixboro last b'riday and elecited the followlDg offluera: Pres., ■Yuu. Braun; Viue Pres., Ed. Gtier; Secy., T. iJ. Galpui ; Treas, JoUn liuOke. SCIO. (Eecelved too lato tor last week's Issue). Last Fridtiy eveiiiuif a p.tny given b.v Miss Al Ik Pt)8ter and Mr. . Krcd. F. rr ai their borne ia Sulo. Vhontlifiv ucsis wei-e present. Am hrouyh the houi'sef Morpheuo's reign he light fiini astil' too was tri)ped to he eiiohaiiting sti'ains of tlie Koyers' Orchcstni. Auaon those present were 'iss Emma Kluis, of Ann Arbor, Mis Vlma Lyon, of Ypstlantl, Mr. Pred, Jorson and Dr J. Wili Ludden, of Deïoit.


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