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Early Settlers

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Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller, of Berlín, Have Resided in this County Nearly Half a Century. For More than Thirty=five Years they did not Know what t was to be Sick, but Early in '91 Mrs. Miller was Suddenly Stricken and Sufïered tor Months Before a Cure was l-ífected -Read Her Story. .'■;.;m the Democrat, Grand Kapids, Midi. ln 1 1 ,i outsklrM of tue linie town oí' Berlin, Ottawa Counry. Mich., there stand; a cozy cottage: it is (lio home of Petei Millei-, who witli wifc, Mariette, mttlefi therc urty-threí years ago. Fortune eoaple witli childrén, but notwithstanding this their hWe been, with i Dly onc exception, i ne I f, brightdáy. n. ilth, prosperity mei hoppiness had been flair lol till IWI. when thi wift was stricken with typhoiil f.'vfi-. wtis tüen fifty,.„1,, yeur úlü iml the husbttnd thoushl oer ::.-. The crisii passeü, how,,v,.,- nui{ Mr Uilier xa spared, bul her 1. Her nystem :is i ,., her misfortune, m :d in the muscles and for fonr lony yeara she was tortw-ed wltli all the excruciatltag pains thai only n sulfererfrom this terrible malady uiows. Then saddenly there carne a change. lu the remarkably hort space of two mouths the disense was entirely eradicated from her system, and Mrs. Miller was again ii healüiy, 'happy woman, and to-day s oneoi the Uveliest old ladies in the town of Berlin. The story of her cnre reads like fictioa. Her case attraeted sueh widespread atten,ion thaj a Demoerat reporter was sent over tn Berlin to interview her ;iik1 get the story direct from herself. Arriving at Berlín yesterday morning, tlie reporter made enquiñes at the country store about Mrs. Miller. storekeeper. A. E. McCulloch, lowered his glasses and, looking over the upper portion of the rims, said, "yop mean írs Miller, who was sick so long and was enred by using William' Pink Pilis?" Tlie reporter aeknowledged that Büe was the lady wanted, and the merehant pointed throueh a small grove and across severa] green meadows and said, '■ there, that Jittle white house vonder is Peter MillerV' Thanking the storekeeper lor ins miormation the newspaper man started throuph the 'rove and across the dewy meadows to the Miller homostead. As he approarhed the front yard he was struck with the air ot neatHess that seemed to prevail all around the cottage. The front yard was neatly laid out in flower beds, and Mrs. Miller was in net of trimming a rosebush when she was interrupted by the reporter. A gpotiess tvhite sunbonnet shaded the old ■ lady a ïountenanee whioh, beaming with the franknen so chararteristic of our pioneers, looked liko a benediction. When told the object of the inquisitivo man 's visit, shc laughed heartily and said, "Oh, yes, come m and I will teil you all about it." Ererything inside just glittered. The old cook-stbve stood smiling in the corner undcr his glossy, black coat and suggested the delivery of many a substantial meal, while the shining white milk pans on a bench near by told of gallons of foaming sweet milk and pure cream. Therc was a tone of comfort from everything in sight and each thinc in itself bespoke exactest oare. 11 Yes, Í do niy own housework," she said, "and havo for ñearly a year without assistance." Tlicn shc began the tory ot her life, whioh is here givn in her own words : "I was only twenty-twn ywira old," she said. "when i'eter and I seuled here. At that time there were only two white families in Grand Rapids and mie store. When we wanted to go shopping in them day tho Indians used to row us across the river, for there was no bridge aeroisGraud Riverthen. Wo were the lirst white sêitlera around henand I guess I know nraily everybody in Kent and Ottawa Counties. We oleared this place right out of the woods, and duriag all our experienee we scarcely ever had occasion to cali a doctor. As for me 1 nerer bclicved much in doctors anywav and ii VU after a good deal of objection' on my part that Peter called one when 1 iu sick fivo years ago. 1 oannot teil you what I suflered after that sickness. For two years I had to bc assisted in and out of bed, and it was imponible for me to raise my foot a step from the floor. I had glvèn up all Uopes of ever recovering, for you see 1 am Ketting old. e day I read in The Demficrat au account of a man in Chicago who had spent a fortune on the same disrase and had giren up, Irat as a last resort tried a box of Dr. WUliams' Pink Pilis for Pale People. Jlis cure was repurtod to have been ahnost mBtantaneom. 1 thought it would not cose much to try it and 1 told Peter about it. 1 Y nu shall have that medicine.' he said, and hitching up he started at once for Grand Eapids, and that very nigbt 1 took my iirst dose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis. Do you ! believc it ? Before the next morning I feit a change. It was the first time in four years that 1 oould say that I feit the least case pr i anything approaching comfort. My dehght ! rannot be imaitined, when three days lateithe shooting pains had nearly ali gone. it ; was again a pleasure to live, and my husband was the liappiestman in Ottawa Oounty i when he saw me get right up and walk arouud the house as free and easy as I ever iliil !h i'orr. I oontinued the use of the pills í until I liad used six boxes, and I am glad to i say that slncc the day 1 finished the last one - nine months ago- 1 have not feit the least ; pain ot ioreness in my joints, and can do my vrork ust a ens and with as much comfun as 1 ever could in my life. "I cannot say too much for this remedy. I often wish 1 knew those who ire suffering now oa I was then; I would teil them wliat the Pink l'Uls did for me and I know they would help them. Why, these pills not only cured my rheumatism, but they built up my System agam. 1 was use a sKueton Wnen I began the use of those pills and you sec me now. I feel vcxed mietinies when [ think that reniedy was so close at hand aml I suffend so long without knowing it. I owe my life and alt that I now enjoy to Dr. Will'iains' Pink Pills and cannot say too imich for thpm. And I will gladly make affidavit to all I have said about thcm ïf iry." The old lady spoke with such earnestness as to carry conviction with cvery word she said, and to have doubted hor word would luiv leen equivalent to questionin? itself. 'f hc reporter expressed his great pleasure on learning of her reeovery and kindly thankiii" lier for so freely giving the story assured hor that it might be the means of saving many a sufferer like herself. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not looked upon as a patent medicine, but rather as a prescription. An analysis of their proporties Show that they contain, in a condensed iorm, all the clements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specifie for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, ciática, neuralgia, I rheumatism.nervousheadaehe, theaftereífecta ' of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, palé and sallow oomplcxions, and the tired feeling resultini; froin neryous prostration, all diseases resulting froin vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula. chronio erysipelas, etc. They aro algo :i specifie for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irre.sularitieN and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the Blow of health to pale and sallsw cheeks. ö They are for sale by all druegists, or may be had by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, .. Y., for 50c. per box, or six boxes for $2.50.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register