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"a Dog's Life."

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"She leads that man a regular doj's life aud no nr:?take." This was Ui? verdict, audibly expressed and audibly approved, as an ill-assorted couple left the street car in company. She was an exaggerated specimen of the new woruan; he an exaniple of the old man - meelt, modest, evidently unde.' inexoravie discipline. They were quito : alone, and while he faithfully, as i carne a loyal 6ervitor, attended to the conveniences of his queenly companion, his services received no other recognition than an occasional impatient command, expressed ar implieci. A few days after the samo couple boarded the car at the same poi.nt and left it as before. This uine the woman had an object for her affectionate regard and her solicitous concern. It was a pet 4og, jacketed, beribhoned, petteci and even publiciy ki6sed while fondly gathered beneatb. the ampie win oL liis affectionate mistress. But chc Uusband, he of the meek a3pect and the wistful, pathetic eye, sat aaide, lens observad, more grudgingly recogniaed, of even smaller relative importan ce than before. No, it was a mlstalce--the commentor of the previous da y was in error. His was not the dog' s life.- Good Houeekeeping.


Old News
Ann Arbor Register