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BarntoMr. I. 3. Quarry and u-ife. .lanuarv 11. a girl. H is said that Wra. M. torsyj he will sail for Europo snnn. (ioi ;i program of the Mid-Wiuter circus as a souvenir. W. l-'eule and Berthu SiSnlte werc married Tueday evening. Tin ïu'x; I. O. . F. dance occurs oa the evening of January 28. Kaeiilty concert at. 8 o'clOfk at tbc School of Music tfais evening. The Rebekahs inetalled ffleera at their regular meeting last night, Rov. J. M. Gelaten gpeaks at V. M. CA. rnomg nextSunday afternoon. The installation of the officers of tlio local Loyal Guarda occurstbis cvenins 'l'ho nfanl child of Mr. ami Mrs. T. t!. Mays died yesterday inornin"-. The funeral of Michael Alber. of SaHno, was heJd Tuesday morning at 11 o'cloek. Thcjy. M. C. A. held tlieir regular ïnoDiuly business Tuesday Pat riek McKornan lia moved iiis olticQ intff D. Cramer's block on W. lluron-st. Turkey supper ;it f'liurcli ol diiist i'i'iiu evening, trom ü to 8 o'clock. Tickets, 15c. Ttic infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schleielier died Monday ereniDjf. Knncral ivas held yesterday. Uach & Butler have opencd up their stock ol lots, on Collesre TTill." and liave made onc sale ilivady. Oscar8org has sold his property on Main-8t. to Arthur Browu. Transfer through Bach ana Butler aprency. h'raBCis .lobnson, of Ypsilanti, bas l'fien appointcd tothe xsition of assistRnl eloak room helper. atLansing'. The Sirasonie block has been rei-liiisteneii and from now on will be known as tbc "Savings Bank block." Arthur Brown hae sold his house at 39 WUlard-st. to Caroline Sorg. 'l'ransfer througb Bach and Butler agencr. Tomorrow evening, J. ]■;. i!e] will g-ive a lectura in the EpworÜj League course at the M. E. ohareh on " Tiüp Through Mexico." li'a Leiand, son of Supervisor Lelacd, of lOmory. ha been appointed messenger boy in the House of Representativos at Lansing. A decree of divorce was gran tod Monday, in the case of Chas. Hoot vs. Elizabeth A. Iloot. in the case of Goo. Slaton, et. al. vs Maria Slayton the bill was dismisaed. L'rosccuting Attorncy K'irk luis es. tablished bis office with Arthur Brown, corner Fourth Ave. and Ann-st., where he will probabjy remain until hls oiliee in the Court House is ready. Tüe two local masotiic lodije.s aro planning to give a grand masonic ball ia the noar future. Committoes froui e-ach lodgo havo already beouappoiuted to maUo all uecessary arraugoraente. The State Farmers instituto will bc bold in tb is couuty at Chclsea, January 0 and 51. The institutos that are bc-ur held iu the difforeat parts of the sratf aro inetin? with mich suocess. Master Freddie Daly, the boy .-.oprano. will sing two solos at Sunday's : sorvii-o of the i'oung Merj's Sunday. Eveninr Club nf the f'ongreiraüonal ! church. It is rumorod that. the Weslyan Culld of the M. E. Churoh will soon ' reooive a böuntifnl gift of l".000 to be ! used in pivinir an annual course of lectures. Dr. W. I!. Siiiuli lml occof those large, tüermonutors stolen trom his I porch last Thursday night. The doctor hoard a noise on his poroto at about midnight and went out just !n timo to see thtrtheif disappearintr in the darknos. Ernest L. i'hasc. formerly of 1 his city. was genteneed' to Jackson for Ufe la-: Tuesday, by Judfje Chapia, of Detroit. The crime for which he was I sentenced was an attempt to murder his wife. Chase is a son of Dr. ('liase. of reeoipt-book fariie. The funeral of Cari Prochnow a, i minenl. and prof)erons farmer occurred I yesterday at the home of the deceased i In Xorthfield. His death was cansed from the effects of a paralylic strolce. j He was 74 years old and leaves iivesons and one daughter, all residente of ' Northfield. Mf.. l'rod Kiting-, while sitting in hor carriage in front of the Hay and Todd building, last Tuesday was carelessly drivcn into by some farmer with ; a load of wood. Mrf. Kiting was quite severely bruised frons the fall, though not eerionsly Injured. Tlip carriage u-as badly smashcd. Geo. Hazelvood, of this city, has made application for the positign of the superintendency of the University hospital. The othcr applieants are Messrs. Strong-, of Detroit: H. G. Prettyman, : Quipoy Turner, and A. C. Clark of this j city. The i-egents will make the ap- pointment at their next meeting. Last Sunday evening tho ChrLstian Endearor Sooioty of the Prcsbyterian ; cluirch ièstaUfid the following ïiowly i elected oilieers: Pree., John B. McCreory: Ist Vico Pres., Ida M. Finley: ! 2d VIce Pres., Willis Gelston; Cor. : Sec, ït-alxïlle TrumouR; Ree. Sec.' Margis Allen: Treas., M. A. Wood. N.J. Wilcutt, Noble Grand of , seningo Lodge, I. O. O. F., lias made I the followin? appointments: j tor, .). C. Fischer: vrardeo, Geo. C. Clark; R. 8., Royal .ienncy: L. S., Chas. Alber: inside suardian, .ïoseph I Martin : outside guardián, Geo. Quintal: R. 8. 8., Theodoro Sweet; 1. s s .i n. wiicutt, The stockholdcrs of the Kathorine i Building company held :i meeting at the Farmers & Mechanica Bank and elceted tbc followinjï direictors: R. Kempf, C. E. Greene, O. M. .Martin, J. 'J . Jacobs, F. H. Beteer. The follow. ing offleers elf,eted: Pres. I!. Kempf: Vice Pres., .1. T. .Jacobs; Sec. I and Trcas.. F. B. Belser. Laet week an 'intaresting meeting of I the Daughtors ol the American 1 lution was held at the home of Mrs. James 15. Angelí. Several taatouoUve papers wet e ruad. The following officers were elected for the ensoing year: Regent, Mrs. .lames B. Angelí: Vice Regent, Mrs. James Babeöck; Sec, Mrs. Jonathan Richards: Treas., Miss Kli.abeth Dean : registrar, Mi Emma B. Bcwer; historian, Mrs. W. i. Doty. Ata recent meeting of the Ann Arbor Cantón, Patriarchs Militant, the ' lowing nominations for officers oi' tbr. third regiment were made: Col. Peter Besting, of Pontiac: Lieut-Col., J. J. Ferguson, of Ann Arbor; Major of i flrst Battalion. Geo. R. Kelly, oí' Ann j Arbor. The eantons at Lansing. tian and Ann Arbor are included 'in the third regimep.t. The olectiou is held at the fïrst moeting in April. Prof. Jas. A. Craig will address the ' S. C. A. at Newberry Hall noxt i day uiornLng at 9:15 on "The JJible and Assyriological Study." The. handling of this subject by so eminent an ' ologist, and at the same timo, one who I is a careful Blbllcal student, asaures au ; addre s of more thaii usual weightand-l valu'í. A cordial invitation isexteudcd ' to hC irwc-restcu. This is Prof. Craig's i flrst pahUu addjees since his recent studies abrmd and Lie has on hanrt an abandalice ol new material. In the Ypsilanti cemetery st.inds a monnmcnt of light granito erected by Mrs. Caroline Saunders to tho memory of her lato husband, which does great credit to hor head and heart. It is an obelisk twenty-fourfeet high and stands as írrarrofxil as a statue. Tho work is very Bne. Inquiry reveáis the -fact tbi this-work and lettering was done under iools driven by corupressed air now ai) ossentíal ihing in all line cut woi-k. This monument was furnished and placed by Mr. R. C. Barney of this city. The many friends in tuis city of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jennings. of Detroit, will be painod to learn of the doath. at 10:30 il m. last Thureday of thoüson Homer, aged flve ;ind half years. The ohild had roeent ly suffered f rom a severo attack of pneumonía but it was thought hc had passed the eritical pointand was gaining when hc suddea ly bo.came worso and died in a few hours, f rom heart failure. Funeral services were held at the home in Detroit at 2 p. ra. last Saturday. This, the Ios3 of thoir seeond child, is a great trial to Mr. and Mrs. Jennings. On next Monday evening and the Monday evening following. . Jiev. J. T. Slinderland will lectureinthe Unity Club coursc on "India." Xext :Ionday erening, January ■ !?■:. his subject will bo "A Tour Through the Great Cities of India." A week f rom next Monday eveniag, January 25, his subject will bo "Picturesque India: or viliage Life, .lungle Scones and Scènes in the Himalayas."' Mr. Sunderland brought home from India a largo number of fine pictures from wliich he has liad stercoptiean slideB manuf actured to illustrate his lectures. v. w. . a. notes. The programs are out for tho entertainment at High School Hall Friday evening, Jan. 15. Tne recitations are about equally dlvided between the i'hildren and tho ". W.C. A. girls. We think no one who had happened to be at the rooms some Wednosday, and heard "The Ruggleses"' practicing their nine manners, would care to miss ït on Friday ovenihg. From "Peter" and "Sarah, Mand" down to "Peory" and the little ones, they are a Brst-clasa anti-dote for the blues. Iton't think il is time to go homo when the lights are turneel low for the statue pose„ Tho prettiest jiart of the program h to iollow. The calcium lights will add to the efTetUivoness of these sludi?s ainou which wo notico, "TIebe," the Greek dancing girl, 'Xiobe,".the Thrco Graces, and Tbe Three Fatcf. Miss Clarken will furnish harp music for the accompaniment and will also give a solo earlier in the evening. The closing number will be a pantomiin "Koek of Ages" glven in costume by eleven little girls, wliile -Mr-. Darlingand Mrs. Berryman ging the hymn to tho harp musie. Admission ten cents. Time 8 o'clock. The questiun of another Bible class is before as. Prof. Color, of the Bible chair, is to be at tho rooms at 3:30 for the next two Sundays to talk on the necd , the helpfulness, and the best methodö of becoming familiar with the book which should be tho text-book, well used, of evcry Christian Association. This is a departure from omusual. Sunday meeting, but weoxp.-pf to iind it benciical. l'leaso send the girls that Bible that you don"t use Taoy need it at tho ! rooms more than you need it tucked away in the case among other books.


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