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Cuban Resolutions

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Wnsü.igton Ja i. S.- The senate disposed ni raucl: routine business at the mttsíM o' tUe Bpssion to-day. The pinions aa to Ciaba íind for and against the Loiid bilí wero exceptionally heavy. Senator Mills, member of the. comaittee on foreign relations, brought forward a new phase of the Cuban question by offeriiiR the following joint resolution: "Resolved, By the senate and house of. representatives, that the expedieney of recognizing the independenoe of a foreign irovernment belongs to congreso and wh.;n congress shall go determine the executóve shall act in harmony witli tLc leglslatlve department of the govcrumenl. "Resolved, That the independence of I !.r Rep-.iblic of Cuba ought to be and is hereby recognized, and the sum of ?10,"00 is hereby appropriated for salary and expenses of a minister to that governmeiu whenever such minister shall be appointed by the President." The ;;enate agreed to adjourn until Monday, and aecordingly Senator Mills aid he would address the senate lloiilay on his resohnions. Senator Sherman sought to secur the pastage of a bilí directing the serretary of agrioulture to cstablish a. uniform standard of grain and all classes of cereals. to be known as the United otates standard, but there Wa sl-.arp objeetion. Senator Hale thought it sonferred sweeping nowers on the seereíary of agriculture. ♦ - FOK MODERAT!. IIITV. IVooIrn Wanofaclureix l'roscnt 'f liet Ideaa of a Tarlff. Washington, Jan. S. - The first speaker upon the schedule of woolen rnamifacturera thls morning was S. N. D. Nortli af Boston. Böcretary oL the National Wool Manufacturen' Association. The assoriation counseleil ïnoderation in fixing rates, requesting moderati proteetion, whicu would enabld [hem to reopen rhsir milis, but not exipssivc duties, and a promise oí permanence. The raonths precedins tn tarltt revisión of 1894 and the two jear Subsequent Included the most disastrov.s period to American woolen manaf.ctuiers. Th bulk of the woolen and worsted machlnery had been wholly or parlialiy idle. At present tiiere wa more maehiuery in operation than lmv iug the slimmer, but the general conditlon o: the manufacturer was bad. Otker cauees besldea iho tariff contributei ;o buaineaa paralysls, but the prospect of a hiiiinesí brought no promise of mpiovement to this inéustrj'. N ril(ií. llíiilrodd Inmune llill. Washington, Jan. 8. - Senator Morgan Introduced Ín tho senate this moming stihatitutc Pacific rallway funding bilí. The bilí is to créate a board of trastees of the Central and Union Pacific roads. :nd nrovides for funding thr hondert ilebts thereof by the issue of tliirty-year 3 'per cent bonds by the goveriiment. to be exchanged for th flrst mortgage bonds of thc roads and the government bonds iasued to aid in the roads' construction. The bilí wa referrfxi ío the Pacific roads commilte. J Pateta Uíssissippi. ' Washington, Jan. 8.- The sub-committee of the senate committee on coinmerce appointeii to investígate the crevasse in the Mississippi River at Pass Outre reported a reeolutlon to thf full committee aprropiiating $250,000 Lr ilie repair of the break.


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